Wryder Roo is Two!

Happy birthday, Wryder Roo!  You’re two!  TWO!  Even though when we ask you these days, you tell us you’re six…ahem.

The birthday boy!
The birthday boy!

You are all boy – from the tip of your head to the bottoms of your feet.  They stink.  Really, they do.  You have the stinkiest, sweatiest feet of anyone I know and I think it’s adorable.  I must be your mother, huh?  It just reminds me of just how all boy you really are.


Anything that makes noise or has wheels or involves mud or rocks or sticks or jumping off of something – you are all about it!  You are very dexterous like your daddy and almost always have something in your hand.  You love to put rocks in your “pot-tet” or carry around a stick or throw dirt…we’re still working on that one, aren’t we?

Farm boy
Farm boy

You love ANYTHING tractor (especially the green ones).  Thankfully, the guys across the road are going to be planting alfalfa soon and have had to do a lot ground work in preparation for that.  You’ve stood on the porch and watched them for hours already…you just wait til they start swathing and baling – I might never get you inside!

Watching intently as the neighbors work ground
Watching intently as the neighbors work ground

You LOVE to eat.  Even just the mention of the word snack or supper gets you to drop what you’re holding and run to your seat in the kitchen.  We haven’t found too many things you won’t eat…in fact, I’m not sure I can think of a single one.  You are definitely your “father’s son” (as Sawyer says) and you love meat and potatoes…and any sweet that gets put in front of you.

A birthday treat from our waitress yesterday...
A birthday treat from our waitress yesterday…

You seem to love the ladies, ahem, which we’re ok with.  Daddy does a great job (and will continue to, no doubt) show you how to treat a woman according to Christ.  Your extroversion serves you well in this department…as does your general charm and the ease at which you throw around your “I wuv yous.”  Just do us a favor and be kind to ALL the girls, not just the young, tall, dark haired ones, ok??

With Gillian, one of his faves
With Gillian, one of his faves

Despite all that masculinity you have coursing through your veins, you are so good at showing love…

You love your family fiercely, which I adore.  Your sissy is your best friend and daddy ranks a close second.  I suppose I’m not really ever gone enough to test your allegiance, but I’m ok with that.  😉

Lunchtime hugs
Lunchtime hugs

Every time I hear your little voice say, “Momma hug.  Momma kiss,”  I just melt.  I shall give you all the hugs and kisses you shall ever want…and probably quite a few you’d not.

Oh, I love him so...
Oh, I love him so…

Your laugh and zeal are SO contagious!  You are easily excited by the things in your world that are so important to you…tractors and baby calves and monkeys and Booey and sissy and Bandit the cat and going to town and cowboy hats and birthdays and semi trucks and cookies…and it makes us excited, too!

On the run!
On the run!

You’re an emotional little guy.  Change, especially abrupt change, is hard for you.  We have to take our time to tell things “bye” or prepare for whatever comes next.  I suppose you get that from your type A, anal retentive mother.  Ahem.

You’re very persistent when it comes to…just about everything.  We’ve discovered that the “just ignore him and he will stop asking/repeating/whining” thing doesn’t really work with you.  It works best to nip it in the bud and attempt to move on.  I have no doubts that this will serve you well in some (or many) arenas in your adult life one day.


Your whole existence has been a big change for me!  You and Sawyer aren’t just a ton alike and that’s taken some getting used to.  (See above paragraph regarding change.  Ahem.)  I feel like I’m finally getting in my boy groove…and it. is. good.  You have added an element to our family that I didn’t even know was missing and man-oh-man, it has been so rewarding and fun…for all of us.  We are better because of you, it’s true!

Ride a little pony...
Ride a little pony…

On your second birthday, we bless you in the name of Jesus!  We bless your hands – that they would do the work of the Lord.  We bless your feet – that they would carry you far from mischief.  We speak to your future and call it blessed and we pray that the deep persistence that abides in you will be used to stand firm for the Lord as you further His kingdom.  We pray that as you hunger and thirst in life, that your greatest ones will be for more of Him and His word and His presence.  We bless you with a life that nurtures your boyish heart; one of adventure and excitement as you follow the Lord!

We love you so much, handsome!  The Lord redeemed “tax day” when you were born!


I feel like I’m to the point that I am READY.

I’m ready to meet sweet Sayble.

I’m ready to labor and push and bring her outside of my body.

I’m ready to snuggle her and swaddle her and get to know her outside of the womb.

I was scared to death of the whole labor process with both Sawyer and Wryder and I don’t feel that way this time…and I pray I don’t pass that point of readiness.

I feel like I’m perched on the diving board and I’m READY to take that leap into the deep end…the house is cleaned and organized and bags are packed and the ‘big brother/big sister’ shirts are made and we have diapers and wipes and formula and bottles and the carseat is in the truck…but labor hasn’t commenced so I can’t take that leap just yet.

I don’t want the longer I wait to increase anxiety, because that happens sometimes doesn’t it?  When you feel SOOOO ready and you just wanna jump in feet first but you have to wait and then the enemy starts whispering fears into your ears…general anxiety sets in…and you’re a blubbering mess.  Don’t ask me how I know.

I would LOVE to go into labor on my own this time.  I haven’t had that luxury with either kid prior…apparently my womb is quite comfy.  😉  I keep telling the Lord that He knows the desires of my heart, but I trust that He’s knows best as well.  He has been so faithful this pregnancy, friends.

I had so many fears going into this one.  My heart so longs to be obedient to Him and I wasn’t certain that He was ok with us having a third one.  I was reminded that He views children as blessings…He wants us to fill our quivers!  We have the means and the ability to create more warriors for the Kingdom and He would bless this addition.  He is the giver of life so even despite our efforts, if Sayble wasn’t meant to be, she wouldn’t have been.  But she IS.

Her story has looked different than the other two, but no less full of His goodness and grace.  After watching momma’s go through tough pregnancies and walk beside some as they lost babies and after having a bout of pre-eclampsia the day I was induced with Wryder, I have been so scared that I wouldn’t make it with this one.  I didn’t want her to be born early and spend time in the NICU in a different city…I didn’t want to be scared to death and have my life threatened with pre-e…I didn’t know how I would carry her to term when I already felt so huge…

But?  We’ve made it…and none of that has come to pass.  He has showed me that He is trustworthy…again and again and again…  Lest we forget…

We go in for another checkup tomorrow…and until He’s ready for her to make her debut, we will wait expectantly for her arrival.  I will savor these kicks and stretches and countless bathroom breaks and never-ending house cleanings and day dreams about her sweet face and the last happenings as a family of four.

Pray for our family in this time…that we would wait well and that we would savor these days together…that labor would come in His time and that all would be safe and well and healthy…that we would honor Him with our story of Sayble’s life…all of our lives…He is most worthy.

WD’s JD Party

Our sweet little Wryder loves tractors.  They are, hands down, his favorite thing right now.  He loves to watch them work ground all around us or look at pictures of them on the internet or play with his or ask Mr. Rick for rides…  With his second birthday coming up, we knew a tractor party he should have!

He prefers green tractors 😉
Wrex cut these tractors out of foam for me and I painted them up
I love the little John Deere boy...reminds me of WD
I love the little John Deere boy…reminds me of WD
It was yellow and green everywhere!
It was yellow and green everywhere!
He got such a bang out of the plates and napkins – so glad I bought them!
The party scape...
The party scape…

We had some of his favorite things to eat, including:

  • harrowed hamburgers
  • sickle mower sweet potato fries
  • garden tractor veggie tray
  • four stroke fruit
  • compact corn on the cob
  • duel fuel lemonade
The dessert table - always the best part!
The dessert table – always the best part!
That cake...
That cake…
My fave, hands down
My fave, hands down
Sawyer, Breckyn and Wryder
Sawyer, Breckyn and Wryder
He's a little blurry with excitement!
He’s a little blurry with excitement!
He LOVED the cake, too!
He LOVED the cake, too!
Especially eating it :)
Especially eating it 🙂

He got some great gifts including a barn that folds up with the animals inside that he can take to the sale barn…

What's in here?
What’s in here?
This got lots of play time this weekend...
This got lots of play time this weekend…

Some baby ducks, now named Jack and Danny…


and his favorite gift, a “boy cow” hat!

He loved it!
He loved it!
Look at that smile!
Look at that smile!
SOOOOO handsome!
SOOOOO handsome!

I can’t believe this little guy is almost two!  It feels like his first two years went faster than they did with Sawyer.  Hard to believe she’s gonna be five.  Yes, five.

We’re all still trying to regain some rest after such a fun weekend with the fam and the kids are definitely going through grandparent detox.  Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean…  😉

Sissy, Bubba and Sacrificial Love

One of the prayers Wrex and I are constantly speaking over our kiddos is that they will always love each other and be one of each others’ best friends.  Right now, that’s a pretty easy thing for them.

Wryder was so lost last week when sister was sick.  She didn’t feel like playing and we wouldn’t let him close enough to hardly hug or kiss her and he was definitely missing his “sissy.”

Every week when it’s time to drop her off for Cubbies, he’s usually ok for about five minutes or so and then the constant questioning of, “Momma, Sissy?”  begins.  He absolutely can not wait for 7:45 to roll around so that he can go with us to pick her up.

Last night was no different.  He even asked daddy to move her carseat next to his so they could sit right next to each other.  Melt.  My.  Heart.

During the day yesterday, we ran into Ogallala to run a few errands and let the kids hang out at the sale barn with daddy for a little bit.  They had a ball, of course.  Once it was time to head home, we had two vehicles and Wrex offered for one of them to ride with him (in hopes *ahem* they’d both take naps on the way home without the other to distract them).  Well, obviously they both wanted to ride.  How do ya pick???

We decided to let Sawyer go with daddy and as he went to get her out of her seat, brother started crying.  After a second or two of thought, she piped up and said, “Daddy, I’ll stay with momma so that Wryder can go with you.  I think he’d really like that.”

I was a puddle.  I was so proud of her sweet sacrifice.  There is no bigger daddy’s girl on the planet than this girl.  She even picked out a “ranchy” outfit this morning and put bidding cards in her pocket before we ever walked out the door so she could be like him.  It was a REALLY big deal for her to choose Wryder to have that privilege over herself…

We told her how proud we were of her and then daddy loaded up Wryder while I pulled ahead to get some fuel.  The boys drove by us and stopped to wave…and sweet Sawyer just lost it.  She was crying so hard.

I think there were a lot of factors; she’s still not 100%, she was tired and I think her decision probably hurt a little.  Isn’t that how it is with sacrifices?  They’re not usually painless.  Learning to die to self in order to give to something else is a process and it’s not easy.

Dating someone?  Gotta learn to die to yourself in some areas.  Marry someone?  You really gotta learn to die to yourself.  Have kiddos?  You really, REALLY have to learn to die to yourself.  And oh, it’s a good thing…it really is…but it’s not easy.

I opened her back door and hugged on her and talked to her about sacrificial love and she just kept saying, “I love Bubba so much!   I just love him so much!”

I love their hearts for each other and we do our darnedest to foster that relationship.  Just yesterday, I came across this post and saved it to my phone…

IMG_2636Today renewed that vigor.  Here’s to raising future best friends and leaving a legacy of relationship and family with them…

To my bubba – I love you dearly, too!  We’ve had our share of ups and downs but I tend to only remember the ups.  You’re a keeper!

And to my siblings I got when I married my Wrexy – you guys have my heart.  I love you oodles!  I couldn’t have picked better ones myself…

Random Rambles

So, last Friday, I wrote this lovely post about how excited I was about the weekend.  Wrex and I were scheduled to go on a weekend babymoon and the kids were going to stay with some good friends of ours in Denver.  We were all OVER THE MOON excited!  Just as I hit post, my good friend from Denver called and one of her kiddos had gotten quite sick at school that day.  I felt so bad for them and didn’t want her to feel bad about not being able to keep the kids that I deleted my post.

After a lot of discussion and prayer, we decided that based upon our schedule the next 6 weeks and just the need for some items from the big city, that we’d turn it into a family-moon instead!

We ate well, swam at the hotel, shopped til I almost dropped and just had a fun time together.  It wasn’t quite the weekend I originally had in mind, but it was a good one regardless.  We were just blessed that we were able to go…

Swim time!
Swim time!
These kids are fish!
These kids are fish!
Eating lunch with Uncle Warner
Eating lunch with Uncle Warner
He gave Sawyer a dollar and she was fired up!!
He gave Sawyer a dollar and she was fired up!!
Wryder's side of the table at BWWs.  That boy is HANDSY!
Wryder’s side of the table at BWWs. That boy is HANDSY!
A portion of Wrexy's paycheck sitting in the mudroom...
A portion of Wrexy’s paycheck sitting in the mudroom…


Before we left, Sawyer had a bit of a cough and wasn’t 100% but she didn’t have fever and still had her spunk.  She seemed a little off on Sunday but we thought she might just be exhausted from all of the festivities like the rest of us.

Yesterday, she told me her mouth (throat) hurt.  She woke up crying in the night and my incredibly awesome hubby left me in bed and went to check on her.  Her throat was hurting pretty bad and she was a miserable mess.

He gave her some Tylenol and got her some juice and ate popsicles with her at 10:30 last night.  Honestly, you guys, he’s the dad we all wished we had.

She woke up this morning in BAD shape.  I had a baby checkup so I took her in with me; poor girl has a nasty case of strep.  We picked up some antibiotics, a lot of different fluids and “How to Train Your Dragon” on DVD.  Here’s to hoping she’s 100% soon…and that it steers clear of the rest of us!

Sweet girl still insisted on a green mustache and bows in her hair before we left.

Love her
Love her


Yesterday, we talked about St. Patrick and the REAL meaning/reason behind St. Patrick’s day.  I was telling the kids that he was a christian missionary in Ireland and I asked Sawyer if she knew what “christian” meant.  She said a christian was someone who had Jesus in their heart and she told me that she and I and daddy had Jesus in our hearts.

Little brother piped up saying, “Jesus me heart!  Jesus me heart!”  Mine about melted…


Speaking of Wryder, he has been absolutely ravenous lately!  The boy ate all weekend until I didn’t think he could stomach another bite.  Yesterday at supper, he ate half of a ribeye, a cup of applesauce, corn on the cob, sweet potato fries, two pickles and then BEGGED for a piece of cake!  The funny part?  There was no cake anywhere around…apparently he just had a craving?!

Today, he charmed his way around the doctor’s office and hospital and scored a fruit by the foot and two suckers.  Yes, that was while he was with daddy while mom was with Sawyer.  *ahem*

He got a mustache like sister!
He got a mustache like sister!
How could you NOT shower him with goodies?!
How could you NOT shower him with goodies?!


Tonight, we’re planning on taking it easy and doing a little rearranging in the baby room while the kids watch their movie.  All of that stuff in the mudroom photo above needs to fit in the nursery or nursery closet…wish us luck!  😉

Worth 1,000 Words: Our Weekend

This girl is getting GOOD at puzzles!

With her Paw Patrol trio
With her Paw Patrol trio

She takes her time and works, works, works to get them completely finished – proud of her!  Some friends of ours in Denver had given us a whole tote of kids puzzles with 25-100 pieces and she’s been plowing through them!

Both kids are still in love with their chicks!

Look, momma!
Look, momma!
Can you see him?
Can you see him?
A little gentler...
A little gentler…
Going for a ride!
Going for a ride!
The chic crew...
The chic crew…

They still love their grown up chickens, too!  We had ice cream for fun Friday snack and they shared with their favorite chicken, Naked.

That looks yummy...
That looks yummy…
Mind if I have a bite?
Mind if I have a bite?
Eating right off the spoon
Eating right off the spoon
She's a cute one!
She’s a cute one!

There was a lot of goat playing.  Wryder helped sister feed them on Friday.

Seriously, so cute...
Seriously, so cute…
Hold on tight!
Hold on tight!
Sawyer feeding Sven
Sawyer feeding Sven

She has done SO well and been so faithful to her chores!  After we mix the milk, she feeds them all by herself twice a day; we’re proud of her work ethic!

This weekend, she worked on breaking them to lead.  They think she’s their mom so they followed pretty willingly.

A girl and her goats
A girl and her goats
Olaf wasn't cooperating too well with Bubba...
Olaf wasn’t cooperating too well with Bubba…

Sawyer got to go to a friend’s Minnie Mouse birthday party!  She looked cute as a button!

She loves punch!
She loves punch!

The weather is supposed to be so nice all week!  This morning she said she had three things she’d like to do today…shoot her gun, burn tumbleweeds and roast marshmallows!  I love my little country girl!  I’m betting we’ll get those done!  I mean, c’mon, that sounds fun for EVERYONE!


My Monday

Yesterday was just one of those really, really good days.

I woke up to find that Sawyer had snuck downstairs with daddy and cleaned up the kitchen, living room and mudroom so that I could have an “easy morning.”  Seriously, this girl’s heart is so precious.  It was TRULY a blessing!  We worked so hard this weekend (and I might have overdone it a bit) and an easy morning was just what the doctor ordered.  I was so blessed!

Then, the kids got to stay with Miss Gillian, our sweet friend and neighbor, while I had an ultrasound and baby checkup.  Both went incredibly well!

Sayble has turned into a wild woman!  For a while, she was soooooo mellow in the womb.  *ahem*  That’s changed.  She moves almost all the time.  The other night, we were laying in bed and I had my tummy to Wrex’s back and he was almost bothered by how much she was moving – ha!   Trust me, honey, I feel it too.  😉

Sucker punching me on the right, showing her knees on the left...
Sucker punching me on the right, showing her knees on the left…

Our kids LOVE Miss Gillian (as do we)!  She brought games and puzzles AND crocheted them each a pair of slippers!  Seriously, who does that? 


She helped Sawyer feed the goats and let her have juice and marshmallows after lunch – ha!  No wonder they love her!  😉  She even stuck around an extra hour and a half so I could make a quick trip to Denver.

The bestie had her baby yesterday and I got to meet him when he was less than 12 hours old!

Sweet Oliver
Sweet Oliver

Isn’t he presh?!  He was so mellow and snuggly and pink and warm…made me even more ready to hold sweet Sayble!

Auntie and Oliver
Auntie and Oliver

See what I mean?  Really good day…

Big Day

Yesterday was a BIG day around here!  Daddy didn’t have his normal sale so we all loaded up and headed to North Platte to have a family fun day.  Wrexy sold some calves for good money and we needed to spend a few of those dollars at Menards to make some barn repairs AND my sweet hubby wanted to treat me to a pedicure.  How could I say no to that?!

I’ve been talking about wanting/needing one for quite some time…since, I don’t know…Wryder was born?!  Seriously, it’s been a while.  Sweet Sawyer has been in my camp, too.  She loves getting her nails painted (which I do for her twice a week) and she loves warm baths so the combination of the two was right up her alley!

I had been telling her that I didn’t have my first pedicure until I was 20.  Yes, 20!  She’s 4…I think we have time.  Plus, I didn’t think she was tall enough to reach the water.  Regardless, I told her she could get her nails painted but she couldn’t stop talking about this “peck-iture.”

We walked into the nail place and went to pick out some polish.  I turned to show her the purples but she wasn’t there.  I turned around and she was on the floor taking her shoes and socks off!  I looked up and they had a pink chair that looked like a bear specifically for little girls and she already had them filling it with water!  How could I hardly say no to that cuteness?

The bear chair....
The bear chair…

She was one happy camper, yall!  I don’t think she stopped smiling and giggling the WHOLE time!  She loved the hot towel on her feet and legs and loved to watch the water change colors…

Happy girl!
Happy girl!

She ended up getting dark green with silver sparkles and they even put fancy flowers on her big toes!

Sitting still
Sitting still
Getting pampered
Getting pampered

It was a fun little memory for us to share and her sweet delight was so worth it!

We took a spin on the little merry-go-round before we left…IMG_2351IMG_2355and then we called the clinic because brother’s eye seemed to be getting worse by the minute.  He woke up with it kinda crusty and then it decided to leak yellow and green mucus all day.  (Yum, I know).  By the time we were done with our pedi, it was swollen and red.

A little ooky
A little ooky

We took him in this morning and he sure enough has pink eye in BOTH eyes!  This is a first for all of us, for sure.  Poor little thing.  He doesn’t feel bad other than his eye so we got some drops and I put them wrestled him down and got them in.  Thankfully, daddy will be home for the next dose.

He’ll be contagion free in 24 hours – yay!  Little guy looks like a prize fighter right now…

Worth 1,000 Words: What We’ve Been Up To

I was a little absent last week, though I can’t REALLY think of anything out of the ordinary we did – doctor check ups, grocery shopping, Cubbies…just the norm.

There was a little TV watching…mainly so I could watch them cuddle.

Aren't they sweet!?
Aren’t they sweet!?

Wryder got stuck in the chair one time.  Then, after all the attention and hubbub, he got “stuck” a dozen or so more times.

He likes attention, that one!
He likes attention, that one!

I’ve apparently entered THAT phase of pregnancy.  You know, the one you just don’t really get cold anymore because you have so much blood and baby pumping through your body?  I guess Wrex was a little chilly on the way home Wednesday night and had a good giggle about his pickup settings.

The temp outside...
The temp outside…
The temp I put the pickup on...
The temp I put the pickup on…

We did a little chicken gazing.  I could watch those ladies all day!

Pretty girls...
Pretty girls…

Wryder is ALL about driving these days.  After almost every meal these days, he’ll pick up his empty plate and use it as a steering wheel.  When we were outside, he used the knob to the jack on the trailer hitch as a little tiny one.  It. Was. Adorable.

Love my little farm boy!
Love my little farm boy!

The kids got some belated valentines from Gramps!


Wryder LOVES food.  One of his favorites, though…

What's inside?
What’s inside?
Black beans!
Black beans!

This weekend has been a REALLY good one!  The weather kind of forced us inside to work on some projects we’ve been wanting to get done but haven’t taken the time to do…and a few relaxing deeds, too!

We got baby Sayble’s layette done, as well as our taxes – hallelujah!  Those can seem so daunting sometimes but Wrex and I worked all morning and got them done AND get a refund – always a plus!

We let the kids pick out a movie and had a fun supper in the living room…IMG_2322and Wrexy and I had a Bourne marathon!  YAY!  I’ve been wanting to do this for forever because I often fall asleep or get sidetracked while I attempt to watch ANY movie, but especially ones that aren’t so brainless.  🙂

We had a little outside snow play…

Don't ya just love their hats?
Don’t ya just love their hats?

and a lot of other silly shenanigans!

Step 1
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3

Tomorrow, we’re back to the daily grind.  Thankful for this snowy cold…

(Re)Cleaning the Garage

The neighbors gave Sawyer a pair of roller blades last year and here lately she’s been dying to strap them on and go for a skate.  Our garage has a concrete floor, the perfect place for her to do so…but we haven’t seen it in a while.  Anybody else have that problem?

On Thursdays, Wrexy doesn’t have to report to the sale barn until late afternoon/early evening so we’ve spent our morning cleaning out the garage…again.  Is it just us or is that a never ending project for everyone??

The garage is where we store, uh, everything.  Tools?  The garage.  Christmas decor?  The garage.  Tricycles and wagons and scooter and toy cars?  The garage.  Totes of kids’ clothes that we’re saving for the next baby(s)?  The garage.  Rakes and shovels and brooms?  The garage.  Decor and party supplies?  The garage.  Everything you might ever need to do any project ever?  The garage.

It’s nice to have a space to put all of those things but man it gets crowded in there.  Half the time, we’re in a hurry to clean up after a project…or we’re going to need the same equipment for a project in a few days…or we we need more totes to store the clothes the kids have outgrown or the clearance Christmas items we just bought…or the kids got really imaginative with a cardboard box and every little trinket they could find and made a mess a creative little play station.

And none of those are necessarily bad things but it ends up creating a big, jumbled mess that has to be resorted and reorganized and cleaned up again.

Isn’t that how life can be?  There are so many good things we can dip our fingers into, things we can fill our time with and some of them can be life giving, but after a while it’s just…a lot.  Just like we are constantly going back to the garage to declutter again, we have to do that with our time and priorities. What brings the most life to our family?  What is helping us grow in our relationships with the Lord?  What is benefiting us and what is stealing joy?  What are the things that we can lay down in order to have a little more peace or restoration?

Just like re-cleaning the garage, it’s not always a simple task (it took us a few hours and a lot of physical labor) and not everyone will agree with what works best for you, but YOU do.  Pray about it with your spouse and ask the Lord to show you what in your schedule needs weeded out, then make those changes.  I promise that what you give up in obedience will be replaced ten-fold with peace and joy and life!

Just be careful not to let all of that busyness sneak in again. It’s really good at that, ya know?  You’ll be back on your hands and knees scrubbing your calendar again before you know it…

We finished up a little after noon today and Sawyer got to strap on her skates and fly like the wind (read – have a death grip on my hand as I led her around in circles, ahem).  Regardless, she was a joyful little ball of energy!

We’re quite glad to have the cleaning part behind us.  Here’s to hoping it stays that way…