WD’s JD Party

Our sweet little Wryder loves tractors.  They are, hands down, his favorite thing right now.  He loves to watch them work ground all around us or look at pictures of them on the internet or play with his or ask Mr. Rick for rides…  With his second birthday coming up, we knew a tractor party he should have!

He prefers green tractors 😉
Wrex cut these tractors out of foam for me and I painted them up
I love the little John Deere boy...reminds me of WD
I love the little John Deere boy…reminds me of WD
It was yellow and green everywhere!
It was yellow and green everywhere!
He got such a bang out of the plates and napkins – so glad I bought them!
The party scape...
The party scape…

We had some of his favorite things to eat, including:

  • harrowed hamburgers
  • sickle mower sweet potato fries
  • garden tractor veggie tray
  • four stroke fruit
  • compact corn on the cob
  • duel fuel lemonade
The dessert table - always the best part!
The dessert table – always the best part!
That cake...
That cake…
My fave, hands down
My fave, hands down
Sawyer, Breckyn and Wryder
Sawyer, Breckyn and Wryder
He's a little blurry with excitement!
He’s a little blurry with excitement!
He LOVED the cake, too!
He LOVED the cake, too!
Especially eating it :)
Especially eating it 🙂

He got some great gifts including a barn that folds up with the animals inside that he can take to the sale barn…

What's in here?
What’s in here?
This got lots of play time this weekend...
This got lots of play time this weekend…

Some baby ducks, now named Jack and Danny…


and his favorite gift, a “boy cow” hat!

He loved it!
He loved it!
Look at that smile!
Look at that smile!
SOOOOO handsome!
SOOOOO handsome!

I can’t believe this little guy is almost two!  It feels like his first two years went faster than they did with Sawyer.  Hard to believe she’s gonna be five.  Yes, five.

We’re all still trying to regain some rest after such a fun weekend with the fam and the kids are definitely going through grandparent detox.  Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean…  😉