Happy 4th Birthday, Sawyer

Happy birthday, sweet Sawyer!!

IMG_2902My phone just dinged reminding me it was your birthday…as if I needed a reminder.  You are in my heart and on my mind every minute of every day.  At age four, I see you in your princess dress and cowboy boots waving your little hand off to the truck drivers as they pass…I smell the scent of my body spray (that you helped yourself to the last time you were in the bathroom) mixed with your coconut Barbie detangler…I feel your sweet, soft hands on my arms or around my neck and the matted fuzz of pink teddy since he’s always near by…I hear your voice singing “Let it Go” and praise and worship without skipping a beat…

You’re the neatest kid I know!  You’re a little bit of an introvert like your momma, but when you’re with someone you love and trust – you are on!  I feel so blessed to be able to know you the way I do…

IMG_4596I do believe you have the sweetest, most sensitive spirit on the planet!  The way you care for me and daddy absolutely melts my heart.  I love the way you leave water by my bed when you get up in the mornings and you sneak out, so I can have “a little more sleep.”


You care for my heart just as good as your daddy does.  So many nights I have prayed with you before bed and begged the Lord to forgive me where I’ve fallen short and to help make me a better mother and you are always so quick to tell me I’m “the bestest mom in the world.”

You’re so forgiving – you get that from your daddy.  You don’t have a grudging or vengeful bone in your body.  I can recall several occasions where you’ve gone to bed and hours later called us back upstairs because you felt bad about something or were afraid you hurt our feelings somehow or felt the need to apologize about something.

You care for and protect your baby like his second momma.  And?  He adores you, sweet one.  He wants to be just like you, I know it!  Daddy and I love to see you hold his hand and help him down stairs and feed him his snacks.  He’s a lucky boy to have a sister as wonderful as you.

IMG_4565I love your creative mind!  You absolutely blow me away when it comes to imagination and resourcefulness!  I love to watch you sort through the trash in daddy’s pickup to find something to block the sun or gather his old pop cups to make a vending machine in your play kitchen or the way you tape a box to the back of your pedal car to make a trailer to haul trash in.  Seriously, who does that?!


Your memory astounds me; it is truly a gift!  You remember names and places and things we’ve done better than I do.  When you tell a story, it’s specific and succinct and accurate.  I love that you can get us to Denver (or get us home) almost better than I can!

I love the way the world is drawn to you.  You’re like this cute, curly-haired magnet that just sucks people in!  I’m sure I’m a bit biased, but I’m also a keen observer and I don’t see this with other people as much as I see it with you; everywhere we go, people want to come make conversation with you or say hi to you or give you gifts.  You have the ability to affect the world for Christ just by being YOU…people see Jesus radiating out of your sweet little face, it’s true.

You have the heart of a worshiper; a little David.  Some of my favorite times with you are when we just sing to the Lord as long and as loud as we can.  I love when I hear you singing in the other room, expressing your love to Him the way you know best.  Sugar, He loves to hear you sing…

I love that you love all things girlie; the bigger the bow, the fluffier the ruffles and the sparklier the shoes, the better!  But you also know how to work and you definitely aren’t afraid to get dirty.  That will serve you well…

You have made the past four years the best four years of my life, no doubt.  On your fourth birthday, I bless you in the name of Jesus!  I bless you in your coming in and going out; your lying down and your waking.  I speak to your future and I pronounce it blessed!  I bless you with rich relationships with people who point you to Christ.  I bless you with good health and a long life.  I bless you with humility and forgiveness and grace and mercy that is as endless as you give it now.  I bless you with obedience, that you would follow the Lord all the days of your life.  I bless the work of your hands, that all you would set them to would prosper and bring glory to the Lord.  I bless you with a continued love for the word of God and I bless you with His abiding presence in every way, in every day.

YOU are who I want to be like when I grow up…and you? You can stop growing up any time you’d like…

1630 See Saw Lane

My sweet Sawyer turns four next Tuesday.  Don’t even ask me how that’s possible.  We’ve been so busy this summer that August (and her birthday) completely snuck on me.

We’ve been wanting to get her a real playhouse for about year now.  She has a little plastic one in the barn that she plays with all the time, but we were wanting to get one that she and brother could both play in and one that would survive outside.

Growing up, my grandparents ALWAYS had a little place for us to play outside.  If there was a shed or garage on the property, my sweet Mema (Alene) never used it for herself – it was for us kids!  I can’t tell you how many mudpies and dirty cups of coffee we served at her house but it was a lot.  I sure wish she was around to play with my kiddos.  I have no doubt that she would think they hung they moon and them feel the same about her. 

We knew we could build one, but our time is kind of precious right now.  By the time Wrexy gets home from work, spends some time with the kids, eats supper and helps with bedtime, that doesn’t leave a lot of build-a-miniature-house time.  We’ve been keeping an eye on Craigslist, this one popped up, we liked it, drove to Denver and hauled it home!

1630 See Saw Lane
1630 See Saw Lane

It’s in really good shape and I love the siding and how everything’s trimmed out.  All of the windows have screens, we just need to put in windows before winter.  The inside was unfinished, so Wrexy hooked up our spray gun and painted it all an antique white.  Then, we went to town making it homey.

DSCF2272DSCF2274DSCF2301The only things we bought new for this project was the rug (it’s completely vinyl/plastic so it can be washed with a water hose), some hooks to hang utensils and the flower on the door; everything else we just repurposed.

I covered these cans in cute paper and then affixed them to the wall for her to store utensils and things in.

DSCF2273We’ve had this old bank sorter for a while and I had originally wanted it to organize homeschool worksheets, but it just wasn’t the right size.  We turned it on it’s end and made into a little shelf for dishes.

DSCF2275For curtains, I wanted something that wasn’t going to get absolutely filthy and have to be washed a lot.  I decided to use some vinyl tablecloth fabric I had, that way we could just wipe them down if needed.  We made faux cornices by wrapping a board with said fabric and voila!

DSCF2277And how cute are those mustached dog prints?!  They’re my favorite!


DSCF2299Wrex mad a drop down table so that when she wasn’t serving a meal ;), she could fold it up and have a little more room on this side of the house.  (It’s deceivingly small).

DSCF2286We wanted to put a little chandelier over the dining table.  I used embroidery hoops and wire to make a form (well, actually, Wrex did) and then I hung these old marquee letters from each hoop.  I think it’s adorable!

DSCF2280DSCF2295We got some little records hot with an iron and folded them up to make little pocket shelves that she could store her linens in. DSCF2281We hung bunting on the east and west windows because it seemed too cluttered to add another “curtain.”

DSCF2285All in all, I was completely pleased with how it turned out, I just keep reminding myself that 1) it’s a PLAYhouse 2) it’s outside 3) it IS gonna get dirty!

DSCF2301DSCF2300Sawyer got to see the finished product this morning and her response made my day!  She loved it!DSCF2288It wasn’t even 8:00 and she was already cooking breakfast for visitors!DSCF2292DSCF2305I have a feeling that there will be lots of memories made at 1630 See Saw Lane…DSCF2307Happy birthday week, sweet girl!

85 Years Young

This handsome cowboy turned 85 on Friday!

WD Phipps
WD Phipps

The family got together this weekend to celebrate him and I had the distinct honor of supplying a little decor.  I was inspired by a roll of newspaper print paper I picked up at a garage sale for a buck, so we went with a black and white “theme” of sorts.

I used the newsprint paper as a table covering and then set it with black and white ware.  DSCF2223We used old records as chargers, I painted the silverware to match (remember that?!) and we found these black and white dishes at the good ole Dollar Tree.

DSCF2211I filled old soda bottles with baby’s breath, green hydrangeas and some black and white feathery balls.


DSCF2222We made paper fans for each guest, which came in quite handy during set up!

DSCF2218DSCF2219I used an old record as the “guest book” for the party.  We used a paint pen and everyone left the birthday boy some good wishes!

DSCF2213DSCF2214DSCF2215By far, our favorite piece of party decor was the picture timeline we put together.

DSCF2216aGrandma had previously given us some pictures of Grandad growing up.  We enlarged them and had them printed, in black and white, of course. We then wrapped them around foam and made faux canvasses.

DSCF2210They turned out AMAZING (if I do say so myself!) and served as the thank you gifts for the party goers, as well.

Everyone was a trooper and wore black and white.  We had the guest of honor wear red so he stood out on his special day!

The birthday crew
The birthday crew

It was such a fun night to honor a very worthy recipient.

I think he liked it!  ;)
I think he liked it! 😉
WD and WD
WD and WD
Four generations of Phipps men
Four generations of Phipps men

Happy birthday, Grandad!  We love you so much and are so proud of the legacy you have left (and are leaving) this family.  You are one of the world’s true cowboys; a genuine stockman who knows the reward that comes from the work of your hands.  Thank you for instilling the importance and love of production agriculture into your family.  Thank you for serving our country (and looking good while doing it – just ask Grandma)!  Thank you for raising some of the finest people I know and for loving the same woman for 59 years.  You are a treasure.  We can’t wait to party at number 90!



Random Rambles

It’s overcast and cool out; my soul is begging for fall!  This has been such a mild summer and I have very little tan left on my arms and legs…might as well call it and hide them under sweaters and jeans, right?!  Come on, fall…


Wryder’s namesake and great-grandpa is turning 85 this year and I have the distinct honor of providing decor for the grand event!  I’ve got about 10 projects half done and quite a few *ahem* that I have yet to embark upon.  For some reason, this overcast weather makes me uber-productive, so I’m hoping to take advantage of that today.  I’ve already got these bad boys in the dishwasher…

A few spoons
A few spoons

Stay tuned for a DIY this week!  Maybe that will REALLY make me get it done this week…


Our church cleaned out their library and had tables of free books for us to peruse this past Sunday.  For bibliophiles, it was hard not to take them all, but we decided upon these:

Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories
Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories

These are the sweetest little stories that discuss character and wise choices and how the Lord would prefer us to live.  They’ve been a fun edition to our daily readings and we highly recommend them if you can get your hands on a set!


I missed my kiddos terribly while I was at jury duty last week so we’ve tried to make up for lost play time with LOTS of playtime.  I must say, I have the cutest playmates of anyone around.

My little party planner
My little party planner

This girl throws quite the party and this little guest sure makes them fun!


It warms my heart how well they get along.  I’m sure those feelings for each other might change and evolve as the years go on but I hope they only intensify amorously.  It’s so cute to see them interact together and greet each other in the morning and give random hugs and pull each other close to sit…


I wish I could say this attentive shot was during our family devotions…but I was letting them watch “Let it Go.”  *ahem*  Maybe I should start theatrically singing all of our Bible lessons…


I don’t know about your kids, but Sawyer is a lover of rocks!  Every parking lot/driveway/restaurant/farm/house/business/ we visit, she finds at least one to add to her “collection.”  Wrex was cleaning out his pickup last night and found a stash under her seat.  He brought them in and she put them in a little baggie and showed them to us and said, “These are so I can remember all the places I’ve been.”

It was completely cute and completely heart melting.  We talked to her about how incredibly Biblical that was.  Over and over in the Old Testament, stones are placed at significant places of significant happenings so that when people saw them, they would remember what transpired there…they would remember the faithfulness of God and what He did.

That’s sort of what this blog is; a giant rock of remembrance for me and my family.  He has done so much for us and I don’t want them to forget where all of this good comes from.

I don’t think I’ll be forgetting her and her rocks anytime soon.


If you’re not familiar with Angie Smith, you should be!  She has quite the story, the best red hair, an adorable self-deprecation and I swear she’s my sister from another mister…or something.  Her latest book, Chasing God, is on sale today for $0.99 (Kindle edition) at Amazon.  I haven’t read it yet but if it’s anything like her others, it will be worth the buck.  Bought and downloaded!  


All right, I better hop to it!  The coffee cup is empty, the play tent is set up and the natives are growing restless; time to camp and then create!  Enjoy this cozy day!



Worth 1,000 Words: Petting Zoo

We had the privilege of assisting a ministry with a petting zoo this week!  (I know…we had NOTHING else going on, why not?!)  Apparently, it’s common knowledge that the Phipps’ always have a small menagerie of animals around and, of course, we jumped at the opportunity!  We love kids…we love livestock…we love doing things that the whole family can participate in – it was a win win!

We had a ton of fun talking to the kids about they animals and THEY had a ball petting them, feeding them and begging to take them home.  Here are a few pics from the evening…

Rabbits and cats and lots of chickens!
Rabbits and cats and lots of birds!
Of COURSE we had to take Naked!
Of COURSE we had to take Naked!
The kids LOVED these little chickens - they're so gentle!
The kids LOVED these little chickens – they’re so gentle!
MeMo the rabbit his debut and even let a little boy carry him around sans injury!
MeMo the rabbit his debut and even let a little boy carry him around sans injury!
There were bottle goats and a bottle calf...
There were bottle goats and a bottle calf…
Jet and Spot
Jet and Spot
We COULDN'T leave Ozark at home!
We COULDN’T leave Ozark at home!
And there was plenty of feed for everything!
There was plenty of feed for everything!
These guys have made their home in the barn...
These guys have made their home in the barn…

And the kids loved them so much (as did we), our cousin Courtney gave us two more!  There were two excited littles around here this morning!

Sawyer and Ref
Sawyer and Ref
I think he likes her...
I think he likes her…
Wryder checking out Bandit
Wryder checking out Bandit
Yes, he MUST touch it's mouth...
Yes, he MUST touch it’s mouth…
Sweet kitties!
Sweet kitties!

Thank you to the Royal Family Kids Camp for allowing us to be a part of your week and thank you to Courtney for our sweet new additions!

On the Road Again

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!  Long time, no write, yes?!  We’ve been a weeeeee bit on the go…

July is one of my favorite months because my hubby gets a little vacation thanks to the sale barns closing down for Independence Day and harvest and county fairs.  YIPPEE!  This year, we headed south to visit the plant in Texas and then see the fam in Oklahoma and Kansas.

Before we left, sweet Sawyer helped daddy get the car ready to go.  She helped change the oil and loved laying under the car.  (Safety note: the Ford is tall enough to change the oil without being jacked up so there was no risk of it falling on them.  Just wanted you to know before you started sending hate mail… 😉 )

Daddy's little helper
Daddy’s little helper
Cute cute
Cute cute

We went to the sale with daddy on Monday – his only one for the week – and then headed south to Texas where his plant is headquartered.  We got to stay with his boss/our good friend, Travis.  It was so good to see him and spend some time with his INCREDIBLY sweet girlfriend, Kasey.  She is the epitome of a hospitable, Texas lady and we were greeted with hugs, a steak dinner and fun gifts for the kids – what could be better?!

Opening her gift
Opening her gift
With Kasey and Travis - the kids almost look like they could be their's, yes!?
With Kasey and Travis – the kids almost look like they could be theirs, yes!?
Sawyer and Sky
Sawyer and Sky

Wrex spent Tuesday meeting with folks at the plant and then we loaded up and headed to Oklahoma to spend some time with the fam and meet those precious nephews of ours.

Sawyer and Breckyn had soooooooooooo much fun together!  They were both absolutely exhausted come nap and bedtime every day.

Sweet girls
Sweet girls

There was a lot of popsicle eating…

They're better with sweet cousins!
They’re better with sweet cousins!

and porch swinging…

The girls with Goo Goo
The girls with Goo Goo
RaRa and 3 of the grands
RaRa and 3 of the grands

and swimming…

Matching suits from Aunt Tootsie!
Matching suits from Aunt Tootsie!
Swim time!
Swim time!

and book reading…

The girls with RaRa
The girls with RaRa

and dog playing…

Sweet Booey
Sweet Booey
My turn!
My turn!
Booey in the cave
Booey in the cave

and cuddling…

Wryder and Goo Goo
Wryder and Goo Goo
Breckyn and Uncle Wrex
Breckyn and Uncle Wrex

and tea parties…

Apple juice and mini banana breads!
Apple juice and mini banana breads!
Let's eat!
Let’s eat!
Sweet Brecky
Sweet Brecky

and car driving…

Woo hoo!
Woo hoo!
Sharin' stories
Sharin’ stories
Distracted driver
Distracted driver

and general playing/running around/kid-fun chaos!  It was so fun to watch them all interact with each other…wish we all lived closer…

On Thursday, we got to meet our sweet nephews for the first time!  Oh. My. GOODNESS!  They are so sweet and cute and cuddly! We got to spend time holding them both and comparing their little personalities.

Proud Uncle
Proud Uncle with Brenhem
Proud Auntie with Berwick
Proud Auntie with Berwick

We were so hopeful that they would come home while we were there, but they both needed a few extra days in the hospital.  On July 11th, after 105 days in the NICU, they got to come home!!  I know it was a sweet, sweet homecoming; truly, they are miracles.

Headed HOME!
Headed HOME!

We hung out with more family and watched fireworks for the 4th.  I bought the girls some glow stick accessories to wear and they had a ball dancing around, entertaining us.

Putting on a show
Putting on a show
We glow!
We glow!

Saturday, we celebrated Breckyn’s 2nd birthday with an ice cream party!  Her momma had a fun idea for balloon ice cream decor – it turned out super cute!

Ice cream!
Ice cream!
Adorable, yes?!
Adorable, yes?!
From the door
From the door
Anxiously awaiting the party
Anxiously awaiting the party
Love this girl
Love this girl
Uncle Wrexy being squirrely
Uncle Wrexy being squirrely
Wryder didn't much care for the hats
Wryder didn’t much care for the hats
Gorgeous girls!
Gorgeous girls!

On Sunday, it was time to say goodbye.  🙁

One more twin pic
One more twin pic

We packed up and headed back north…with an extra car mate.  Booey the dog is in Colorado to live out the rest of her days!  Sawyer was so excited (as were we).  Booey is the sweetest little dog and doesn’t mind the constant pestering of children; she is truly an answer to prayer!

Enjoying the ride
Enjoying the ride

We stopped and spent some time in Kansas with Uncle Waco and Aunt Amber.  Sawyer got Uncle Waco to help her make her fancy necklace from Aunt Tootsie and Uncle Blake.

Cute as a button!
Cute as a button!

Someone slept with Sawyer all night…

How precious is that?!
How precious is that?!

We spent a little time at the farm with Amber’s family and then it was time to head north again, as daddy had a sale on Tuesday.  We finally got home on Tuesday evening and then headed to Denver Wednesday morning for an impromptu work day/mini vacation.  We stayed at a hotel and ran a bunch of errands we can’t do anywhere around here.

The kids swam and I shopped and we checked out the local Krispy Kreme.  Sawyer and Wryder had their first donuts that Tuesday so we went and saw how they were made.

Is she a doll or what?!
Is she a doll or what?!

They rode the train with daddy through the Orchard – a big hit!

Choo Choo!
Choo Choo!

We got home Thursday night and I spent eight hours on Friday unloading the car, unpacking bags and doing laundry.

It was soooooo good to get away for a bit and spend some time with some of our favorite people on the planet.  We laughed and ate and worked and talked and reminisced and enjoyed each other…give me a few more days to recoop and then I say let’s do it again!

Everywhere a Chick Chick

You might’ve seen this picture on Facebook this morning…

IMG_4772I ordered this shirt for little miss and it came in yesterday – perfect timing!  She giggled about it all afternoon because the chicken “looked silly with it’s hat and purse.”  🙂  She got to wear it to town today to pick up a very special delivery!

IMG_4774IMG_4776IMG_4775Baby chicks!

We ordered 100 red leg hens and they all arrived safe and sound.  We have about 70 layers right now but they’re all about egged out, so it was time to renew the herd?  Clutch?  What is a group of chickens called?  A brood or a peep, thank you, Google.

Sawyer handled every chick as she helped daddy count them all and help them get their first drinks of water.

DSCF2037DSCF2026DSCF2022They were absolutely smitten with her!  Every time she ventured into her space, they’d crowd around her and just stay.

DSCF2049DSCF2053DSCF2052Wryder thought they were AWESOME!  He’s gonna be a little chicken man, too, I’m thinking.

IMG_4787IMG_4779IMG_4777We had to have a few lessons on gentleness after he held one by the leg and waved it around, but he caught on quickly.  (Don’t tell PETA).

IMG_4786IMG_4784IMG_4783They’ll be laying eggs in seven to eight months.  Until then, I’m thinking I know some kids that will have some fun with them…a couple of adults, too; I could sit and watch them all day…DSCF2043DSCF2042DSCF2027See why Wryder just wanted to squeeze ’em?!

Happy Birthday, Sexy Wrexy!

You are the most handsome of all.

wwGracious words stream from your lips.   God himself has blessed you forever.
IMG_4700Put on your sword, O mighty warrior!

9523_305261375334_374581_nYou are so glorious, so majestic!

481422_10152367365195335_2039080868_nIn your majesty, ride out to victory,
defending truth, humility, and justice.
Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!

228497_7419745334_5339_nYour arrows are sharp, piercing your enemies’ hearts.
The nations fall beneath your feet.

PhippsDec2013 (20)BESTEDITPsalm 45…a word the Lord gave me regarding you many years ago.  I pray it over you still, especially on your birthday.

You are a tremendous man of God and the fact that I get to spend my life with you humbles me daily.  I don’t know of anyone more loyal, gentle, loving, kind, forgiving, selfless, gracious, merciful, hard-working, even tempered, servant-hearted, encouraging or capable than you.  You are the glue that holds our family together.  You keep us grounded and rooted in the Lord and lead us in the ways of righteousness.

I’ve known you for 13 of your 32 years and am so proud of the man that you were, are and are becoming.  On this birthday, I bless you with health and vigor – 32’s not that old!  I bless you with boldness to shine the light of Jesus in dark places; boldness to be ok with being so different than the rest of the world (it’s a great thing).  I bless you with obedience, that you would continue fulfilling the Lord’s call for you and I pray that you will see the fulfillment of His promises regarding you.  I bless you with a sound mind and strong hands to do the work of the Lord.  I bless our marriage, that it would fulfill you and honor you and bless you right back.  I bless your coming in and going out…with the presence of Jesus in all that you do.

I love you, sweet husband of mine.  Happiest of birthdays to you!

Random Rambles

This girl has my heart.

She's half Nebraskan...
She’s half Nebraskan…

She’s the best kid I could have ever imagined even asking the Lord for.

Love her curls...
Love her curls…

She’s a picture of grace and mercy and forgiveness – bountiful in each.

My suntan/sprinkler partner...
My suntan/sprinkler partner…

I really, really wish I were more like her.

Cute girl in a cute shirt!
Cute girl with a big pink bow!

Lord, help me to be the mommy she deserves.


Today was housecleaning Thursday combined with mowing Thursday.  Everything looks spic and span…and I’m beat.


Wryder has been slowly repaying Sawyer for all of the care she’s given him over the past year.


He’s got a long way to go but it is so much fun to see them play so much together!

Look at 'em go!
Look at ’em go!


Sawyer has figured out how to get in the crib with Wryder via various toys in the toy room.

Sweet sibs!
Sweet sibs!

Thankfully, he hasn’t managed to get out………yet.


In order to save a few dollars, I starch and press all of Wrexy’s dress shirts here at home.  After I’ve ironed them, I always stick little notes in the pockets.  Nothing too elaborate, but a little note of some sort to make him laugh or to let him know how special he is to me; it’s a simple way I can show some love.    Sawyer has recently gotten in on the action.  She’ll color and decorate the note paper and then write her message and tell me what it says so I can write it out to make sure daddy can understand it.  Wrex sent me this pic the other day…


That girl loves the sale barn…and that daddy loves that girl.


Our sweet neighbor and friend had a birthday today and I whipped up this cute door hanger for their baseball loving family.

Imagine there's a burlap bow and a jute rope hanger, will you?!
Imagine there’s a burlap bow and a jute rope hanger, will you?!

I had seen a version of this floating around Pinterest and I thought it was ADORABLE.  Turns out, it was an easy naptime project!


We popped into the local dollar store yesterday and in a basket of clearance items were some Disney princess stick on earrings for $0.40!  We bought ’em.

Can ya see 'em?!
Can ya see ’em?!

I remember my grandpa buying me stick on earrings when I was a little girl and I loved them!  My parents didn’t really have any major rules on getting ears pierced but I was scared to death to do it until about 6th grade.  Thankfully, I had those fashionable, sticky, sparkly shapes to get me through…


We’re headed to Denver tomorrow to celebrate the graduation of two young ladies who we’ve had the pleasure of doing life with.  To think I first met them when they were 7 and 8 makes me feel OLD.  Why can’t that danged clock slow down…

Happy weekend to you!

Our Humble Abode: Stairway

We are smack dab in the middle of an outside re-do, so I’m gonna keep this short and sweet so I can help lay some sod.  EEP!  Pray I don’t get too much dirt under my nails before the baby shower I have to get to this afternoon.  😉

The stairs in our old farmhouse are steep.  The last person that came to visit said, “I don’t think I’d call these stairs – I think I’d call them a ladder!”   I wish I had a picture before I painted the hand rail and the wall, but I’m sure you can imagine that lovely purpleish color that’s been in the bathroom and kids’ room, yes?!  The stairs in and of themselves weren’t horrible, just a little plain…and dangerous.


Not horrible, just nothing exciting...
Not horrible, just nothing exciting…

The first thing we needed was a gate of sorts.  With Sawyer’s room being upstairs, we did not want her falling down those steep stairs so we needed it be sturdier than a baby gate…and more aesthetically pleasing.

Wrex found a pallet that was narrower than normal and had slats that were really close together.  We added hinges and a lock and the gate was born!


Isn't the awesome?!
Isn’t the awesome?!
It lays flat against the wall when not in use...
It lays flat against the wall when not in use…

We then decided to give the stairs a little pizazz using fabric and wall paper paste.  Wrexy measured and cut all the rectangles and I “glued” them on to the stair faces.  I absolutely love how they turned out!

Don't you?!
Don’t you?!

I still hate those ugly black skid thingies, but alas, three years later and they’re still here.  I’m kind of itching to redo the faces again with different fabric.  We’ll see what I can get Wrexy talked into…after the sod gets laid.