The Phipps Kids, Au Naturel

The wheat fields surrounding our house look so pretty and lush right now.  (We’ve been fortunate to have about an inch of moisture and are praying for more.)  There’s an area of really long grass that butts up to the field to the north so I took advantage of yesterday’s beautiful weather and shot a few pics of the kids.  I want to call them “au naturel” because this is how I see them in my mind’s eye…Sawyer with her wild curls, Wryder and is his inquisitive eyes…play clothes and dirt smudges…nothing contrite or over fussed…just my kids. I am so grateful that I get to spend my days with them…

Sweet smile
Sweet smile
Look at those lashes!
Look at those lashes!
She chose this pose and I LOVE IT!
She chose this pose and I LOVE IT!
My handsome man!
My handsome man!
And again...
And again…
Sweet babies...
Sweet babies…
Love this one!
Love this one!
REALLY love this one!
REALLY love this one!

Oh Momma

Thank you, Lord, for entrusting these sweet little miracles to me.  YOU made me a momma and for that, I’m forever grateful…

1005454_10153977624515335_8883916747809035262_nThank you, handsome, for choosing me so long ago (and every day since) to be your wife and the mother of your children.  I absolutely love our life.

1654012_10153819463995335_549618634_nThank you, sweet munchkins, for letting me smother you in kisses and dote on you and show you off – I’m so very proud of you, ya know?!  Thank you for sharing your days with me and for teaching me so much about the Lord; I could never have imagined His great love for us until I had you.  10303768_10154101456920335_6227872456541654444_n

Just being a mother is the best gift I could receive today, though you have showered me with so much more.  It’s an honorable, notable job which I am privileged to hold.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mommas out there!

…to those of you who’ve prayed to join the ranks, I stand with you in prayer that the Lord would open your womb…and soon!

…to those mommas who have lost little loves far too soon, my heart aches for you, especially today.  I pray the Lord showers your day with extra helpings of grace.  More so, I pray that you have an intimate relationship with Him so that you may be reunited with those sweeties one day…

…to those of you who are struggling in relationship with your mother, my heart aches for you, too.  Relationships are messy and satan comes to kill, steal and destroy them.  I’m praying for humility, renewal and forgiveness for both sides…

…and to the special moms, sisters, grandmas, great-grands, aunts and cousins in my life, both of blood and spirit, who have mothered me, mentored me and loved me, I pray that you are remembered near, far and forever for your loving sacrifices.  You have my heart…

Slumber Party Surprise

Sawyer loves to lay in bed and talk.  I’ll go to tuck her in and snuggle in beside her…she’ll roll my way and say, “Let’s talk about something.”  Most often, I oblige and we’ll chat for a few minutes before prayers and sleep.  I so enjoy getting to hear what’s on her little heart and mind and I pray this is something she never tires of.

For a while now, she’s wanted me to stay and sleep with her and I’ve been promising a slumber party for a while, so last night we did just that!

Oh yes!
Oh yes!

I reminded daddy that it was slumber party night while he was still at the sale barn and told him to get excited.  He did just that!

"Woot woot" = how cute is he?!
“Woot woot” = how cute is he?!

She couldn’t wait for him to get home so he could help us set the tent up in the living room.  I was just thinking we’d camp out in somebody’s bed but I have to admit, the tent was a lot more fun!

Where’s the living room floor?!

Wryder had a lot of fun, too.  He made it until about 6:53 and then the crib was calling his name.

Get excited!
Get excited!

We made a fun supper, complete with a sleeping bag sandwich and we had lots of treats on hand for our ‘midnight’ snack.

Cute, yes?!
Meet Freddie and Fergula...names compliments of Sawyer.
Meet Freddie and Fergula…names compliments of Sawyer.

We did our make-up (which then resulted in an impromptu bath)…

Love those lips!
Love those lips!
Doing good work!
Doing good work!
A bath?  Why??
A bath? Why??

Played some Old Maid and Go Fish…

Holding all those cards is hard for little hands!
Holding all those cards is hard for little hands!
Daddy ended up with the maid and she thought that was funny!
Daddy ended up with the maid and she thought that was funny!

Watched an Umizoomi we hadn’t seen…

with Pink Teddy, of course...
with Pink Teddy, of course…

Played flashlights…

She loved this!
She loved this!

and then called it a night!

This was cheap and easy entertainment and we all loved it!  The tent is still holding strong in the living room and there is lots of playing still going on.  Naptime will be glorious today…

Somebunny Turned ONE!

Our sweet little Wryder turned one last week and we celebrated his birthday with family while we were in Nebraska this weekend.  Wrexy’s parents allowed us to raid their home (thank you!) and all of the great-grands made it in, along with Uncle Waco, to celebrate with us!

This was one of the smaller little parties I’ve thrown but, by far, one of my most favorite!

I designed this invitation and then went from there…

WDBdaybunnyinvite2I love lots of color and different patterns and textures and I was really pleased with how everything came together.


We took the little bunny from his invitation, blew it up and then cut it out of foam board.

DSCF1610DSCF1612I knew I already had a lot of bunting going on but I knew I wanted a series of 13 pictures that showed him every month from birth to one year.  I knew Robin had this little tree in the corner of the dining room, so I printed the pictures and then hung them on the tree…

DSCF1614DSCF1615My friend Stephanie (fantastic name, yes?!) makes delicious and beautiful cakes!  How cute are these?!  She went above and beyond my little instructions…girl after my own heart!


DSCF1642DSCF1645DSCF1649DSCF1650I also made “carrots” (candy coated pretzels) in “dirt” (crushed Oreos).

DSCF1636For thank-you’s, we got each couple a photo book of Wryder’s first year – they were a hit!

DSCF1635We drank fun soda (Bunny Beer) and ate…

  • Hoppin’ Ham Sammies
  • Funny Bunny Fries
  • Garden Greens
  • Fuzzy Fruit Skewers
  • Cottontail Carrots and Ranch

DSCF1655DSCF1651DSCF1652The little guy had as much fun as we did!

DSCF1640DSCF1656He got lots of fun boy toys…

DSCF1676DSCF1669DSCF1681His little cake was a hit, too!  Remarkably, he ate like such a gentleman!

DSCF1685DSCF1687DSCF1692DSCF1695DSCF1696It was a wonderfully exhausting weekend celebrating our sweet baby boy!  Now, great-grandma is home with us for a week…more posts full of fun to come!

Full Weekend, Full Heart

What a fun weekend we’ve had!  I know it’s only Sunday, but Friday and Saturday were full full full…

On Friday evening, Sawyer and I got to attend Anley’s Royal Tea Party to celebrate her (Anley’s ) 5th birthday!

Sawyer and Anley, the birthday princess!
Sawyer and Anley, the birthday princess!

She picked out a fancy dress and we dolled her up with a little pink eye shadow and some barrel curls.  She looked ADORABLE, if I do say so myself.

Isn't she a beauty?!
Isn’t she a beauty?!

We had real, hot tea with cream and sugar and dined on sweet and savory little treats.

DSCF1305 DSCF1295 DSCF1292These girls had so much fun and looked fabulous, to boot!

DSCF1320 DSCF1322We got home late that night and then Saturday, we braved the snow to head to Denver for a quick little trip.  We had a few errands to run and a few people we wanted to love on – it was lovely!

We ate a yummy lunch and then headed to the thrift store to grab some pants for WD.  He was down to one pair of jeans that fit his growing self, so we snagged four more…and a couple pairs of shoes…and a sweet little dress for Sawyer…and a few more things.  Ahem.

Then, we dropped into Target to grab some baby snacks for Wryder and stumbled upon a diaper sale…be still my heart.  They had eight of the mega boxes of Pampers Swaddlers, size 5 diapers on sale for $26.  The boxes with 60 diapers were $25.  These with 104 are normally $41.  So, we did what any thrifty parent would do…we bought every box.  SCORE!

We got to see our sweet Stukas friends for a few fleeting minutes.  When we were eating lunch, we asked Sawyer what one thing she’d really like to do while we were in town and she said, “Play with Vaeh and they.”  (Vaeh is the youngest Stukas girl).  How sweet is that?!  Of all the things she could pick…adorable.

Then, we headed to the adopted fam’s house for a family birthday party for two of their main men.   It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good to see all of them!  There is just something about being there that I just love; it’s “home” in a sense.  To be in a place where you are loved unconditionally and cared for and encouraged and hugged on…and a place where you can trust your kids with everyone in the house because they all truly do have their best interests at heart (and common sense)…is just a comforting, lovely thing.  Makes me not want to leave……and to cry when I do…

Sawyer go to love on sweet baby Eva, the other highlight of our trip!  She offered to trade Aunt Dessa straight across the board – Wryder for Eva – but it didn’t work.  🙂

Sweet girls...
Sweet girls…

She spent the rest of the evening play with the big girls, who were so incredibly kind to her.  Wryder did so well for getting no naps for the day.  He was beyond tired but just kept clapping and squealing – he liked being there, too.

We walked in the door about midnight last night so we’re taking it pretty easy today.  Laundry, coffee and snuggling are on the agenda and not much else…besides stacking up all of those diapers…

The Lucky One

Happy St. Patty’s Day from two of the cutest little leprechauns I know!


I feel so “lucky” to be their momma.  During our naptime prayers, I thanked the Lord for the desire that He placed in my heart to stay at home full-time with my  kiddos…and I thanked Him for allowing me to be a momma.  Even on the hardest of days (and today has NOT been easy), I wouldn’t trade this “job” for anything else on the planet.

I’m the lucky one…even though I’m not wearing green.

Worth 1,000 Words: Grandparent Birthday Weekend

We spent the weekend with the grandparents in Nebraska.  We all had a lot of fun and are attempting to recuperate today.  Unfortunately, the kiddos are both quite ill but the weather is cooperating nicely for a stay-inside-and-snuggle-all-day day.  Here are a few pics from our weekend!

I’ve had my eye on this shirt at Old Navy for a while but never bit the bullet and bought it.  Well, Tuesday I went into the Goodwill in North Platte and there it was, brand new in a 5T.  Love.

Funny faces are the best faces…

Sawyer wanted to pick out an ice cream cake for the birthday folks and she chose this beauty.  Uncle Waco helped her put the candles in and then we sang…and devoured it.

It’s quite colorful!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!

Sawyer reminds me soooo much of Wrex – an incredibly good thing.  She’s a great problem solver and gives everything a good try without giving up.  She loves to use tools and build and help, so she helped PaPa put his new work stool together…in a tutu, of course.

You must always be dressed for the occasion...
You must always be dressed for the occasion…

Wryder got to open an early birthday present.  He got a Duck Dynasty shirt and a toy tractor – what could be better?!

Work hard, nap hard
Work hard, nap hard

Sawyer and RaRa went on an afternoon adventure and found all kinds of fun things!

She stayed warm!

Wryder got to hang out with Uncle Waco and play with this balloon.  He wanted to pop it with his teeth soooo bad!

So sweet…

Sawyer got to practice shooting the toy gun, which she loved.  Daddy brought home his competition BB gun so we can start teaching some gun safety and usage come spring.

Everyone shoots in their underwear, right?!

This little guy was exhausted between all of the snuggles and playing and the time change.  We had to leave church and nap in the car.


We had to get a cute picture with the birthday grandparents!  Sawyer is quite the photo poser these days…

She looks like an angel…

On the way home, we made good use of the 77 degree weather and stopped at the park.  Wryder loved riding these horses…or chipmunks…whatever they were…

Handsome man!
This one’s a horse…
Checkin' out his big belly.  ;)
Checkin’ out his big belly. 😉

We’ll head that way again for Wryder’s first birthday!  Where has the year gone?!

How in the World Did We Get Here: Part 4

To catch you up to speed…Wrex stepped out in faith and quit his job and got a new one that required a move and the search for a new home and community.   That lands us outside of Holyoke, Colorado…….

As we drove into town, there was the cute little vet clinic sitting off to the south, so Wrex went in to get the needle. While he was in there, he visited with the staff and asked them about houses for sale/rent in town.  The vet tech told him about a house outside of town that sat on seven acres and had a few outbuildings.  Well, obviously that piqued our attention, though we weren’t sure we’d even be able to afford it (or want to), but we got the guy’s number, called him and he agreed to meet us that evening, after we met with the realtor in town to look at a few house inside the city limits.

The town of Holyoke itself had nothing we were interested in and we had mentioned that we were going to look at this place outside of town.  The realtor seemed pretty skeptical of the whole situation, because she thought that something out in the country with acreage for the price he was asking would 1.) already be gone or 2.) must have some major problems.

We were kinda bummed and cautious but went to check the place out for ourselves.  The minute we got there, I was already sort of in love, as was Sawyer.  The gentleman selling the house was incredibly kind and Sawyer immediately wanted him to tote her around, which he willingly did.

The house was a cute, typical old farm house.  It had four bedrooms and one bathroom with  a lot of improvements – new stucco, windows, water well, pressure tank, septic system and furnace.  There was a mudroom (a necessity for rural living), small basement (have I mentioned I hate tornadoes??), a detached garage, two barns and a chicken house (that might’ve sealed the deal).  Nothing incredibly fancy but it had all of the things we were looking for:

1.) it was far from civilization.  We didn’t really live IN town when we were in Brighton, but close enough for our taste.  We had both grown up seeing the value of rural life and had always hoped to raise our family in that setting.  Wrex and his family had lived in town for a while growing up and they all so desperately wanted to be back in the country.  After six years of saving and scouting and waiting on the Lord, they finally got the opportunity to build a home outside of town.  When they moved in, they heard coyotes howling in the night and he and his sister proclaimed, “We’re finally home!”  (How cute is that?!)

2.) it had room to roam.  We wanted a place where the kids could go out and play uninhibited; a place where they could learn about nature and crops and animals while eating dirt and not worrying about HOA’s and road traffic and high crime.

3.) it had buildings and pens for livestock.  We have huge hearts for production agriculture and regardless of what the mainstream public believes, it is the backbone of this nation.  There are many valuable lessons to be learned in caring for a creature and we wanted our kids to be able to experience that firsthand.

4.) it was well within our price range.  We didn’t have plans to buy a house for fear of living under the slavery of debt.  Maybe that’s why we hadn’t even really considered anything on an acreage, as they’re often not affordable for a one-income family.  This one was.

It was everything our little hearts desired, but that we had never even asked the Lord for during this process.  He just knew…and He likes to give good gifts to His kids…should we jump?!  The guy had several people that had already looked and several more coming, so felt a sense of urgency (on several different levels) but we couldn’t make a decision just then.

We left the property feeling more confused than ever.  We really liked the place but were so unprepared to buy anything, so we left; we just packed up and went back to Texas with our heads spinning.  We spent a week in prayer and on the phone and seeking counsel and getting pre-approved for a loan.  I remember sitting in bed one night just holding onto the details of this situation (have I mentioned I struggle with control and wanting solutions to problems quick-quick-quick?!) and feeling so tired and stressed and I just said, “Lord, you are gonna have to do this; it is beyond my capacity.  If this is the place, you want us to live, then you’re gonna have to take care of it.”

After continuously thinking that this place just seemed to good to be true, the Lord firmly showed us that HE is good and true and that He loved us and that He chose this place for us.  What else did we need?!

That sealed the deal for us.  We called the home owner and asked if we could come look one last time.  We drove up and looked again and we signed a contract over a home-cooked lunch with our new neighbor and his wife!  They even allowed us to move in earlier than the official signing date so that we could begin painting and making improvements.

Our home is nothing fancy but we love it!  It’s comfy and peaceful…

We love that we can raise our kids out in the middle of nowhere and teach them about livestock and farming and a slower pace of life.

We love that we have totally made the home ours, in every little fun, innovative and quirky way possible.

We love that we have made such good friends with the sellers.  They are our most trusted friends and neighbors in the area, hands down, and our lives have interwoven in beautiful ways.

On the practical side, we love that we didn’t break the bank and could sell it today for more than we paid.

We love that we bought it on a 15 year note at 2.5% interest and we pay less for our mortgage than any rental around.

We love that for as old as it is (we’re talking almost 100 years, people!) that it’s incredibly energy efficient and comfortable.

We love that it still has lots of promise and possibilities for changes and growth…just like our family.

The Lord took our obedience to Him and just blew our lives wide open.  He has answered so many of the desires of our hearts through this process.  Our family needed more time together and this job has definitely given us that.  Our relationships with each other and our relationships with the Lord are stronger because we have time to learn about, and be with, Him together.  We have a home that we love that was gifted to us by Him, that we pray we use for His glory.  Now that we are on the other side, I have a husband who can speak to the sin of workaholic-ism and to the blessing of finding the right priorities and balance between family and careers.

The night we moved in, the Lord really brought me full circle in the whole process in an incredibly sweet way.  We had been in Denver getting more of our things and we pulled into our new home about 10 o’clock that night.  I had gotten Sawyer out of her car seat and we were all standing on the sidewalk stretching when we heard the howl of several coyotes in the distance.  Wrex and I just looked at each other and said, “We’re finally home!”

We are indeed….