Our Humble Abode: Stairway

We are smack dab in the middle of an outside re-do, so I’m gonna keep this short and sweet so I can help lay some sod.  EEP!  Pray I don’t get too much dirt under my nails before the baby shower I have to get to this afternoon.  😉

The stairs in our old farmhouse are steep.  The last person that came to visit said, “I don’t think I’d call these stairs – I think I’d call them a ladder!”   I wish I had a picture before I painted the hand rail and the wall, but I’m sure you can imagine that lovely purpleish color that’s been in the bathroom and kids’ room, yes?!  The stairs in and of themselves weren’t horrible, just a little plain…and dangerous.


Not horrible, just nothing exciting...
Not horrible, just nothing exciting…

The first thing we needed was a gate of sorts.  With Sawyer’s room being upstairs, we did not want her falling down those steep stairs so we needed it be sturdier than a baby gate…and more aesthetically pleasing.

Wrex found a pallet that was narrower than normal and had slats that were really close together.  We added hinges and a lock and the gate was born!


Isn't the awesome?!
Isn’t the awesome?!
It lays flat against the wall when not in use...
It lays flat against the wall when not in use…

We then decided to give the stairs a little pizazz using fabric and wall paper paste.  Wrexy measured and cut all the rectangles and I “glued” them on to the stair faces.  I absolutely love how they turned out!

Don't you?!
Don’t you?!

I still hate those ugly black skid thingies, but alas, three years later and they’re still here.  I’m kind of itching to redo the faces again with different fabric.  We’ll see what I can get Wrexy talked into…after the sod gets laid.