Worth 1,000 Words: Our Heart Day Weekend

The kiddos hit the mother load with the mail yesterday, making it an exceptionally fun Friday!  Miss Pam, our mail lady, brought them sticker valentines AND packages and cards from great-grandma, grandma and auntie!

Cookies and cards!
Cookies and cards!
Bears and dogs and crayons and tractors!
Bears and dogs and crayons and tractors!

We were just heading out the door for fun Friday shenanigans and we got inundated with surprises!

My gorgeous valentine girl...
My gorgeous valentine girl…
More heart hair!  :)
More heart hair! 🙂
Wryder wanted to sneak in there, too...
Wryder wanted to sneak in there, too…

The animals had to accompany us to lunch at Subway, of course.

He is SMITTEN with this bear!
He is SMITTEN with this bear!
She loves her puppy, too!
She loves her puppy, too!

We left them in the car for some playtime at the park.  Another gorgeous winter day around here…it was lovely!

They love this xylophone!
They love this xylophone!
Love this sweet pic of her!
Love this sweet pic of her!
On the go...
On the go…
More interested in showing me the airplane than posing.  ;)
More interested in showing me the airplane than posing. 😉
Ready to go!
Ready to go!

We ran a few errands, came home and took naps and then headed back outside to watch the tractor across the road work ground and eat some of the Valentine goodies we got in the mail.

Eating cookie with bear...
Eating cookie with bear…
Once the cookie was gone, he tried to eat the tin!
Once the cookie was gone, he tried to eat the tin!

Once the sun went down and the wind grew chilly, we headed inside to finish working on daddy’s valentine.

Very serious business...
Very serious business…
Bear even got a special seat...
Bear even got a special seat…

This morning, we celebrated with valentines to each other and a lovely breakfast!

Strawberry hearts, sugar/cinnamon love toast and scrambled eggs!
Strawberry hearts, sugar/cinnamon love toast and scrambled eggs!
Opening his gifts...
Opening his gifts…
He LOVED his "Ma-Mouse" socks!
He LOVED his “Ma-Mouse” socks!
Not sure how I'm gonna get them off of him...
Not sure how I’m gonna get them off of him…
Pretty flowers from my hubby...complete with hydrangeas - my fave!
Pretty flowers from my hubby…complete with hydrangeas – my fave!
Giant sucker!
Giant sucker!
Wryder dug right in!
Wryder dug right in!

Sawyer spent the morning gathering some of her most prized possessions to give to daddy for Valentine’s day.


It might look like a pile of junk to the untrained eye, but these are some of her favorite things that she keeps up in her room away from little hands.  I cried when I saw it all…it was what she had to give…and she gave it so willingly.

I love the hearts of these people I get to call mine.  It’s been the perfect day because we’ve been together…not sure what more I could ask for.

Daddy and the kids ran to town to pick up pizza – a special treat out here in the sticks…especially when you have to drive 60 miles roundtrip to get it!  We’re gonna watch a fun show, snuggle and stay out of that cold wind!

I pray you have felt as loved as I have today.  My heart is full!

Love is in the Air

It’s looking pretty pink around here!

IMG_2178The kids helped me decorate for Valentine’s day this week and I must say that it’s just so cheery and sweet around here.


I LOVE love…probably because I have the best husband on the face of the planet…and I LOVE Valentine’s day.  I’m not one of these cynical people that think it’s a Hallmark holiday and that you should love your spouse everday.  To that I say, well DUH.  But what’s the harm in specifically showing them that on a certain day?  There’s none.  Love away, friends…love away.


Sawyer took little Valentine’s to her Cubbies class on Wednesday.  She’s not big into sweets but she loves marshmallows!  She found some heart shaped marshmallows that she just had to have so we made little s’mores packets.

I need s'more friends like you!
I need s’more friends like you!

She ate her marshmallows on the way home and gave the cookies and chocolate to dad.


We tried out some heart hair yesterday and it’s sooooooo cute!

IMG_2185This was post-nap so you can see it held up quite well!

We took a section of hair and secured it in a ponytail.  Then we sent the whole ponytail back UP through the section of hair.  Divide the ponytail in half and twist the left section counter clockwise and the right section clockwise and you see a heart start to form.  Secure the bottom of the heart with a rubber band and voila!  Cute, easy Valentine hair!


We snapped some pics of the kids last Sunday in front of some pink and red Valentine bunting I made.  I made these two little cards to send out to the grandparents and aunts and uncles.  The kiss is my FAVE.

10983409_10155134150720335_5305744889248014921_n10983411_10155137585355335_1514229953902229381_nThey.  Are.  So.  CUTE.  (If I do say so myself…)


I’ve had the privilege of having this guy as my valentine for 13 years!  How blessed am I??

1525450_10154182681035335_3281791343321470065_nHe is, hands down, the best thing that has ever happened to me (next to Jesus), though he’s a gift straight from Him, I know.

1654012_10153819463995335_549618634_nHe loves me so unconditionally, so wholly…He is definitely the better half of this relationship, no doubt.  He points us straight to Jesus and exudes the fruit of the Spirit more than any person I’ve ever met.

Happy Valentine’s Day, honey!  YOU are why I love this day!  I pray I can love you just as well as you love me; I’ll die trying, that’s for sure.  I don’t even want to think about doing this life without you.  Smooch.  Smooch.  Smooch.


Happy heart day!

Random Rambles

Oh, goodness.  We had SUCH a good weekend.  (I feel like I’ve been saying things like that a lot lately…but it’s true.  We are so blessed to have a happy, healthy family and some gorgeous weather to boot…)

I showed you the DIY project I did on Saturday but that’s not all we got done!  Wrexy worked in the barn and got two rooms ready to raise baby chicks.  We have quite a few hens that like to sit on eggs so he added some lights and wire and nest boxes to get those girls a going!   The man loves all kinds of livestock but I really think he might be happiest in the chicken house…

Putting up wire
Putting up wire


Speaking of the chickens, we hatched out some black Old English bantams and ended up with about six roosters.  I don’t know what you know about Old English, but they’re feisty, cocky little things.  The little guys we have love to crow and walk around with their chests puffed out…and they like to attack people.  *Ahem*

Cocky little things...
Cocky little things…

They’re tiny and can’t really do much damage, but they’re definitely annoying……..and they scare Wryder to death!  He has been victim to their taunting more times than I can count.  We’ve given him permission to defend himself but he just freezes and cries until one of us comes to the rescue.

This weekend was no exception.  They had him cornered outside the barn door and he was crying and get stared down.  Sawyer came to the rescue with her baby stroller and cleaned house.  🙂

Later, Wrex and I were talking about what we needed to do with them and Sawyer said, “We need to give those naughty roosters away!  I think we need to send them to Iraq so they can get dead.”

It seems as though every naughty/evil/mean thing hails from Iraq in her mind after we talked to her several months ago about praying for our people there.  It’s not a funny situation but to hear her solution definitely was.  We had a good laugh about that one!


Saturday afternoon, the wind died down and we took the opportunity to burn tumbleweeds.  Those things are rampant around here and we hauled and burned for well over an hour.

After we were done, we took advantage of our few little burning embers and roasted marshmallows – good use of fire, yes?  This was Wryder’s first time having a warm, gooey mallow and they were a hit!


He stole two cold ones out of the tin while I was getting things ready, ate two warm ones and then stole one from a chicken that Sawyer had been trying to feed.  *Ahem*

All smiles!
All smiles!

He also had his first corn on the cob that he got to hold himself.  He was equally impressed!


We made a quick trip to Denver on Sunday for a birthday party for a really special friend of Sawyer’s.  We ate lunch with Uncle Warner beforehand – always a good time.

Uncle Warner and a happy niece and nephew!
Uncle Warner and a happy niece and nephew!

The birthday party was a Frozen theme and Sawyer had a ball, of course!  She came home with a bag full of goodies, one of which was a little bag of marshmallows, pretzels and raisins with a tag that said, “Do you want to build a snowman?”

She ate it on the way home last night and said, “Hmmmm.  That tasted kind of funny.  I’ve never had an Olaf before.”

She was serious as a heart attack and we about drove off the road laughing so hard!


We had a good, productive trip!  We found a brand new bassinet on Craigslist for $25, got Wrexy measured for a tux for a wedding he’s in this summer, loaded up on a few diapers, wipes and a few thrift store goodies, ate some Red Mango for an afternoon snack and took a trip around the Orchard in the little train.

Waving to the crowds
Waving to the crowds

Wryder loved the train, especially every time the whistle blew.  He’d look at me with this little surprised face – so cute!

What was that?!
What was that?!


A sweet little dog named Booey got to spend the night with Sawyer Friday night – one of her favorite things.


She even got her own animal to sleep with.  🙂


We did a few more little things in Sayble’s room that I’ll have to show you some pictures of…we snapped a few pics of the kids for a little Valentine’s card for the grandparents…washed a pound and a half of dirt off of each kid…and just enjoyed our time together.  This week is shaping up to be just as pretty…can’t wait to enjoy it, too!


DIY: Conversation Hearts

Today was another gorgeous day out on the Eastern plains of Colorado.  I think the family could just feel it, as we were all up earlier than normal and ready to be outside!

We stopped by the garage to do a little spray painting for Sayble’s room (told you I wasn’t quite done) and while we were there, I found some excess pieces of wood from the shelves Wrex made to hold her bunny baskets.  The project bug bit me and I had him cut them into squares for me while I grabbed some paint and made a heart template.

I decided to make them into conversation heart blocks – easy, peasy!

Step 1: Cut or find some square pieces of wood and make a heart template.

I grabbed a piece of cardstock, folded it in half, cut a half heart and then continued shaping it down until it fit the boards I was working with.

My heart
My heart

Step 2: Trace the heart on your boards.


Step 3: Paint your heart.

I really like painting barnwood because it’s usually so dry, the paint dries really quickly!

Red = love
Red = love

IMG_3722Step 4: Once dry, paint on your phrases.

I wanted these to look like the little (nasty) conversation hearts that you always received WAY too many of growing up.  I did “be mine, ” “love u,” and “hug me” though there are tons of other options – thank you, Google.

IMG_2143Step 5: Display and marvel at your handiwork.

IMG_2147IMG_2148IMG_2149A sweet, simple project for V day!



I’m Trying

A friend of mine from high school just lost her sweet four year old baby girl.  She had a bacterial infection that turned septic and is now in the arms of Jesus.

I found out last Friday night and was so shocked and dumb founded.  I was breezing through Facebook and I saw her post and thought it was going to say her daughter was having a birthday or was getting a new sibling or something…anything but that.

Having a sweet little four year old myself, it hit me pretty hard…as most things dealing with death or mommies and babies often do.  I sat weeping in my chair for a good ten minutes, crying out to the Lord on their behalf.  How incredibly, ridiculously unfair…

One of my biggest fears is to lose my babies…especially too soon.  How soon is too soon?  Would there EVER be a good enough amount of time that it would be ok for them to go?  No.  Not yet, Lord.  Not yet.

I often feel like I’ve led a decently charmed life.  I grew up in a home with two parents, even if their love and marriage wasn’t perfect. We never wanted for much and my parents did everything in their power to make sure that we were more than provided for.  They were never sick or seriously injured, nor was my brother or I; we didn’t face any catastrophic childhood diseases or lose a parent before we were married.  I wasn’t bullied, nor did I struggle in school with making friends or with academics or with extracurricular success.  I married a man that is so much more than I ever dreamed or imagined.  We’re out of debt, have 2.6 beautiful, healthy, happy children.  We don’t want for much and are blessed more than we even deserve.  We haven’t experienced a devastating loss or blow or catastrophe…

When you hear stories about kiddos dying or you turn on the news or venture out past your own front porch…you start to wonder…when is it gonna be my time?  When will I be the one holding the cards of doom?  When will it be my family that’s going through the agonizing pain of loss?  Because, isn’t it due me???

Do you ever feel that way? The defense system in me rises up to be prepared and to take all the steps necessary so THAT doesn’t happen…but that’s not even remotely possible.  How do we shield ourselves and our family from every kind of evil or every bacteria or virus or every freak accident or every decision of everyone around us?  We can’t.  We’d be exhausted.  We’d be spent.  We’d be dry and weary and empty.  Don’t ask me how I know…

These precious people I get to call my family are just far better than I ever imagined they’d be.  In my wildest of dreams, I couldn’t have designed a better group of people to share my days with; they are just something else…and the thought of losing any or all of them makes me physically ill.

I am continually dragging myself back to the foot of the cross, laying my family down again and again and again.  I KNOW He loves them more than I do (so hard to really grasp that, isn’t it??) and I have to trust that He will protect them better than I ever could…or believe that I could.  It’s a process.  And it’s going to continue to be a process for me.

Part of the “laying down” is going to have to involve more than just my family, more than just “my arrows.”  It’s a laying down of what I think my life should look like.  If I truly believe He is sovereign and good and that His ways are best, I have to choose to believe that whatever story gets written for me is good and best.  I’m not quite there yet, I’ll be honest. How in the world can losing your little girl be His best for someone??  For anyone??

I don’t want to find out.  And that’s the crazy part, isn’t it??  That His best might involve loss, yet we hold on so tightly because we don’t want to have to walk through the bouts of sometimes agonizing pain that are sure to come just to see the other side.  Is it worth it?  I don’t even think I want to know… 

And not that His best always includes THAT kind of loss…but there’s always a loss of something; something we have to lay down for our own good…for His best.  That’s part of following Christ, isn’t it?  We can’t keep holding onto the same old sinful things and expect life to be different.  To live your life you’ve got to lose it…

I ran across this post from a friend of a friend who has struggled through more than her fair share of loss in the past two years.  Her strength and resiliency and faith have moved me and astounded me more than I can put into words.  She wrote this on January 1st of this year; the timing of her writing and my reading was not lost on me.  Maybe it’s time for something new…

It was appropriately titled – Lay It Down.  (Full credit to Lindsey Dennis of vaporandmist.wordpress.com…my hyperlink button isn’t working)

My rights to how my family may form
My rights to watch a little baby grow up
My rights to what my life “should” look like

Lay it down
he says
Lay it down…
lose your life and you will find it.  – Matthew 10:39

It is often not until the expectations of your life come to a crashing halt
disappointment ensues
that you realize you had any expectations at all,
that you were holding on to your life.

It is the privilege, the blessing of the sufferers,
the disappointed
the broken hearted
to learn to lay it down-
to wrestle in the laying down-
to know HIM in the laying down.

And the laying down gives us room –
Room to dream.
Room to breath.
Room to hope,
to hope in the one who is the author of hope
to hope that all will not be as expected,
it will be far greater
it will be true living
when we lay it down.

To know that he knows the way we take. -Job 23:10
He directs our steps. -Proverbs 16:9
And He knows, He Knows, He KNOWS…
The why of the blessing that has come in a form you never thought would be the way he would ask you to take…
The blessed to be a blessing.

We were blessed with two daughters in the past two years, but for a moment.
To be a blessing both now and to come.

And I’m laying down the “to come”
Because just as this year I anticipated a different path to joy our lives would take,
a baby in our arms, in our home…
I could never have written what unfolded.
It was and is broken and beautiful.
And still the grace that has been given in the broken pieces is finding a way to feed our souls,
To direct our steps
To be multiplied into the lives of others.

I want to plan this next year,
for the blessings I think best.

Lay it down
he says
I will give you ALL.

The blessing has been Him. ALL him. Always him.
We just sometimes can’t see it or want it to be different or think that the fullness of joy can’t really come from simply just His presence.

“No good thing does he withhold from him whose walk is blameless”
-Psalm 84:11

The goodness is Jesus, redemption, rescue, grace.
Jesus in the pain. Jesus in the joy.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

“I count all as loss compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”
-Philippians 3:8

That’s how good it is to know him.
I see it more in the loss,
in the laying down.

“And suffering produces endurance
and endurance produces character
and character produces hope.
And hope does not disappoint.
-Romans 8:3-5

The kind of hope that comes from the love of God
poured down
                       poured in
                                      poured through
                                                     poured out.

Lay it down.

It’s the only way to love, to hope, to joy…
the kind we really want,
the kind we really need.
the kind that will pour out blessing upon blessing,
not the material kind-
the eternal kind.
The blessings that matter.

Lay down your rights,
your dreams,
your hopes,
your expectations

To the one who Loves. Who is LOVE. Who pours Love out and in and through and around…
and covers us with his love in more ways then we could imagine. -Ephesians 3:20

And let him rebuild
with dreams far greater
hopes unexpected
JOY found in the most unlikely of places.

It comes in the suffering
the trials
the broken pieces
the mundane places

This is where we either lay it down, or clench our fists.
This is where we learn to hope or walk the bitter path.

It is a constant, daily, moment by moment surrender.

It is a life of laying down our lives… to the one who laid down his life for us.

It is a life where beauty is found in the surrender.

Oh Lord, let this be a year of laying it down.
Of counting all as loss compared to knowing you.
That I would know more deeply what the Psalmist says:
                                       “In your presence there is fullness of Joy.” -Psalm 16:11

It is you Jesus. Always you.
And tomorrow when I forget,
and I clench my fists and hold on to my dreams,
remind me to lay it down.
That YOU are where life is found.

I’m trying, Lord….

Random Ramblings

My word, the weather was B-E-A-UTIFUL today!  71 degrees in January, are you kidding me??!  It was gorgeous!

We went to work with Wrexy today.  Wryder went grocery shopping with me, Sawyer stayed at the barn with daddy and then we all met up again.

Learning from the best...
Learning from the best…

We watched cows sell for a little while and then the kids and I took advantage of the weather and hit the park.  The kiddos had a ball and were covered in sand from head to toe.

Riding a squirrel?  Chipmunk?  What IS that thing??
Riding a squirrel? Chipmunk? What IS that thing??
Wryder loved this yellow horse...
Wryder loved this yellow horse…
Going down together!
Going down together!


We got home, unloaded groceries and decided we STILL couldn’t drag ourselves indoors so we saddled up sweet Ozark and hit the road.

My evening view...
My evening view…

Old man looks really good these days.  We are so thankful for all of the days we’ve had with him and we’re praying for more…

After supper, they weren’t quite done riding horses so Sawyer volunteered.

Ride a little pony...
Ride a little pony…

It turned out to be more of a bucking bronc fest but it was good watching!


I posted this picture of Sawyer on Facebook a day or so ago…

Fancy nancy
Fancy nancy

I love this girl’s style!  She loves accessories and shoes and fancy dresses; she is all girl and I love it!

She went upstairs to grab some jammies tonight and brought down some beads for me to put on her, too.


Jewelry with pajamas?!  Of course!


With all of the nesting/cleaning/rearranging going on, Wrex and I decided that our room would officially be downstairs and the kids would each have a room upstairs.  I always feel like our room gets neglected – does that happen to anyone else??  It’s the place we sleep and get dressed and other than that, we don’t spend much time there and I feel like it shows.

We used a little paint, bought a new bedspread, made some paper flowers, rearranged the room and voila – “new” bedroom!  I’m really happy with how it turned out…DSCF2704DSCF2705DSCF2706Hoping to get lots of rest in there tonight.  I feel whooped!


It was just SUCH a good day.  A REAL good day.  And tomorrow…with 75 degrees as a high…I hope is even better.

The Chair

I posted this picture last night because, well, it was funny but also because he just looked so darn cute sitting there with his feet up and his BUCKET of ice cream.

Adorbs, yes?
Adorbs, yes?

I had gotten up to get some water and I came back and took in the full view and I just couldn’t help myself…

Wrexy bought this chair for me (us) after Christmas.  We got it on sale at Menards and it is really comfy.  The later weeks and months of pregnancy can be a little uncomfortable and he thought it would be nice for me to a have nice place to sit when I get the chance.  Trust me, I know; I’ve got a good one.

The first week or so, we were both so careful not to sit in it all the time; we always wanted the other one to have the option to have it first.  Now, it’s a mad dash into the living room after the kids go to bed and chores are done – ha!  I told him we should’ve bought two…

The kids have loved it and I have too. The chair has already brought lots of snuggle time and lots of rocking…lots of praying together and over each other…a place to read lots of books and watch a lot of football.  It’s been a little refuge when someone got hurt or just needed a little bit of a time out with mom or dad.  The chair has been where the kids have felt Sayble kick for the first time and where I’ve taken refuge after a day of taking care of my family.  It’s been a place where Sawyer has cuddled with Wryder while she helped him learn the words in his picture books and where he has rocked it as far back as he could without knocking it over.  Ahem.

It took us weeks to agree to make the purchase but we’re really quite glad that we did.  It’s become more than a place to sit; it’s a little haven of memories and closeness and time together…and you know I love that.

Saturday Mornings Are My Favorite

Saturday mornings are my favorite.

I love waking up to my warm, strong hubby and not having to hurry to get out of bed.  I love that he took the time to feel sweet Sayble (who is not NEAR as active as her siblings) and she responded by kicking him in the cheek.

I love hearing the kids playing and talking quietly in their rooms waiting for the ok to come downstairs…….or for us to rescue them from their crib.

I love watching them dance with daddy to “Like a Cowboy” or “God Made Girls” while I cook breakfast.

I love the conversations about all that happened on Friday while daddy was away at work.

I love the excitement to get warm clothes on to go help daddy with chores and the glee when they realize he doesn’t have to go to a sale today.

Seriously, Saturday morning joy is just PALPABLE!


My little football watching girl (praise God I have a partner to watch with!) informed daddy of all of the games going on this weekend and who we wanted to win (the Broncos, of course) and who we wanted to lose (the Patriots, of course).  We have to get to work the nursery tomorrow at church and she’s excited to don her Bronco gear, tattoos and all, and suggested we do the same.


Yesterday was Fun Friday and the kids had been so patient this week with all of the nesting going on around here that we decided to take a little road trip to Sterling.

Sawyer was, of course, sweet and happy and revved up to go.  Wryder…..not so much.  Night and day these two, I tell ya.

I wanted to snap a pic of them before we left because they’re just so stinkin’ cute and these were the best I got…

Happy and Grumpy
Happy and Grumpy
and again...
and again…

Once we got in the car, Wryder perked up a bit and by the time we got to the play place he was a happy camper!

Happy number 2
Happy number 2
On the piano slide
On the piano slide
As sweet as she is cute...
As sweet as she is cute…

After an hour and a half of playing and eating, we ventured off to Wal Mart to grab a few necessities (and clearance Christmas items) and the lady at the bakery gave the kids free cookies.  Day.  Made.


Today will be day of cupcake decorating, football watching, snuggling, playing, laughing and JOY.  Here’s to Saturday!


Random Rambles

It’s Wednesday…and it’s felt a bit like a Monday.  Sawyer had Cubbie bear for the week and I needed to print pictures for his adventure journal.  Lo and behold, of the seven ink cartridges in our printer, light magenta was out so it refused to print a thing!  Is it just me or does it sound like the printer needs to learn how to compromise a little??

I saved the pics to my flash drive and loaded everybody up so we could go print them in town.  As I was buckling Wryder in his car seat I realized I didn’t have my keys, even though I had just locked the house door.  No biggie, I’ll get the spare key.  Oh.  Wait.  The spare is on my keyring because I lost the original.  *ahem*

I called Wrex and he told me the best place to break into the house (which I shall not divulge here).  I got in and went to grab my keys which I knew were on the kitchen table…but they weren’t there now.  I looked EVERYWHERE.  Trashcan…toy room…mud room…car…called Wrex to see if he had them…confirmed with Sawyer they were on the table.  At this point, I knew Wryder must have been the culprit.

I finally told the Lord that I had no idea where else to look and I asked for His help – novel idea!  I went back inside and I felt like I was supposed to put a bag of tortilla chips back in the pantry that Wryder had drug out (seriously, what is this kid’s deal with corn chips today??) and as I did, I thought they might be in there!  I looked where we keep the chips and saw nothing.  Just as I was about to shut the door, I saw a little glint by a bag of potatoes – my keys!

He cares, even about my keys…


So, back to Cubbie.  He go to spend the week with us and I had one happy girl on my hands!

He's home!
He’s home!

Cubbie even got to travel to Denver with us for the weekend and we made a stop at Krispy Kreme’s so he and the kiddos could watch them make the doughnuts!

Frying some doughnuts!
Frying some doughnuts!
Are they cute or what?
Are they cute or what?

When we got home, we had three day old baby chicks that they had to check out!  Cubbie even got to hold a couple!

Cubbie and his chicks
Cubbie and his chicks
Sawyer's favorite - Marshmallow Gravy
Sawyer’s favorite chick – Marshmallow Gravy

These two had a lot of fun together.  I’m sure she’s not ready to let him go but it’s time for another adventure with one of her classmates.


Our time in Denver was so special.  We got to spend some good time with the bestie and her family – always a good time!  The kids love playing with Baby Eva.

Eva's cheese!
Eva’s cheese!
My faves!
My faves!

It’s so fun to watch my kids play with my bestie’s kids.  It’s one of those things you kind of dream about and then when you get to watch it come to fruition, it’s a sweet, sweet thing.

We got to spend some time with the bestie’s extended family…which is our extended family.  Sawyer’s Cubbie’s lesson this past week was about how the Lord gives us family that aren’t always blood, and that’s exactly what these people are.  We may not be flesh of their flesh, but we are definitely family of the heart and soul and spirit.

He has been so faithful to do this for us…for me.  When everyone is scattered across the country and some homes have been broken, He’s been so faithful to fill those gaps with some of the most important people in my life.  I’m forever grateful…

Friday night, we celebrated family birthdays with them and it was just such a warm, familiar time.  Sitting around the living room as the evening wore on, I just sat there observing the circle of people around me and thinking, “I want this.  I love this.  THIS is family.”

There’s trust and respect and genuine affection…there’s easy smiles and belly laughs and warmth…I just wanted to freeze that moment for all time.

The grandkids organized a talent show of sorts and about four people in, Sawyer wanted to get up and dance for everyone.  While this is something she would do at our house for Wrex and I, our little introvert wouldn’t do that everywhere.  I LOVED that she felt safe enough to do so there; it was so telling.

Seriously, it was a good night.


I’ve been reading in Isaiah lately (one of my FAVORITE FAVORITE books) and this morning’s passage was so beautiful.

It was from Isaiah 65 and He talks about the new heaven and the new earth.  It says, “The former things will not be remembered,  nor will they come to mind.”

“Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days,or an old man who does not live out his years;”

“They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them.”

I guess I had never read those verses before?? OR maybe they haven’t meant as much as they do these days. 

SOOOOOOOO often my heart longs for heaven.  Usually, it’s a selfish, please-rescue-us-from-the-madness-and-injustice-of-this-world kind of thing.  I’m not really ready to go without my family…I guess I’m just ready for Him to come and this new reign to begin.  And I think that’s a good place to keep my heart sometimes.  Not on this world…on Him and His heavenly kingdom…but it’s not always easy.

There will be a day…when all you’ve gone through…will be no more.  No more tears…no more suffering…no more heartache…no more bitterness…no more hurt…no more what ifs…no more…

Until then, I will attempt to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus…the author and finisher of my faith.


In case you missed it on Facebook this morning, my sweet boy was up to his usual food scavenging shenanigans.

I had just finished cleaning up from breakfast (in which he had two scrambled eggs with cheese, a piece of toast and a cup of milk) and sat down to help Sawyer with Cubbies when he came in munching on a taco shell.  What?!

I have no idea how he even got in the pantry, rummaged around and got one out of the box…or why he thought he was still hungry.

Regardless, how could you be mad at this sweet face?
