Saturday Mornings Are My Favorite

Saturday mornings are my favorite.

I love waking up to my warm, strong hubby and not having to hurry to get out of bed.  I love that he took the time to feel sweet Sayble (who is not NEAR as active as her siblings) and she responded by kicking him in the cheek.

I love hearing the kids playing and talking quietly in their rooms waiting for the ok to come downstairs…….or for us to rescue them from their crib.

I love watching them dance with daddy to “Like a Cowboy” or “God Made Girls” while I cook breakfast.

I love the conversations about all that happened on Friday while daddy was away at work.

I love the excitement to get warm clothes on to go help daddy with chores and the glee when they realize he doesn’t have to go to a sale today.

Seriously, Saturday morning joy is just PALPABLE!


My little football watching girl (praise God I have a partner to watch with!) informed daddy of all of the games going on this weekend and who we wanted to win (the Broncos, of course) and who we wanted to lose (the Patriots, of course).  We have to get to work the nursery tomorrow at church and she’s excited to don her Bronco gear, tattoos and all, and suggested we do the same.


Yesterday was Fun Friday and the kids had been so patient this week with all of the nesting going on around here that we decided to take a little road trip to Sterling.

Sawyer was, of course, sweet and happy and revved up to go.  Wryder…..not so much.  Night and day these two, I tell ya.

I wanted to snap a pic of them before we left because they’re just so stinkin’ cute and these were the best I got…

Happy and Grumpy
Happy and Grumpy
and again...
and again…

Once we got in the car, Wryder perked up a bit and by the time we got to the play place he was a happy camper!

Happy number 2
Happy number 2
On the piano slide
On the piano slide
As sweet as she is cute...
As sweet as she is cute…

After an hour and a half of playing and eating, we ventured off to Wal Mart to grab a few necessities (and clearance Christmas items) and the lady at the bakery gave the kids free cookies.  Day.  Made.


Today will be day of cupcake decorating, football watching, snuggling, playing, laughing and JOY.  Here’s to Saturday!