The Chair

I posted this picture last night because, well, it was funny but also because he just looked so darn cute sitting there with his feet up and his BUCKET of ice cream.

Adorbs, yes?
Adorbs, yes?

I had gotten up to get some water and I came back and took in the full view and I just couldn’t help myself…

Wrexy bought this chair for me (us) after Christmas.  We got it on sale at Menards and it is really comfy.  The later weeks and months of pregnancy can be a little uncomfortable and he thought it would be nice for me to a have nice place to sit when I get the chance.  Trust me, I know; I’ve got a good one.

The first week or so, we were both so careful not to sit in it all the time; we always wanted the other one to have the option to have it first.  Now, it’s a mad dash into the living room after the kids go to bed and chores are done – ha!  I told him we should’ve bought two…

The kids have loved it and I have too. The chair has already brought lots of snuggle time and lots of rocking…lots of praying together and over each other…a place to read lots of books and watch a lot of football.  It’s been a little refuge when someone got hurt or just needed a little bit of a time out with mom or dad.  The chair has been where the kids have felt Sayble kick for the first time and where I’ve taken refuge after a day of taking care of my family.  It’s been a place where Sawyer has cuddled with Wryder while she helped him learn the words in his picture books and where he has rocked it as far back as he could without knocking it over.  Ahem.

It took us weeks to agree to make the purchase but we’re really quite glad that we did.  It’s become more than a place to sit; it’s a little haven of memories and closeness and time together…and you know I love that.