Random Rambles

Up until I had kids, I much preferred “fall backward” over “spring forward.”  I mean, who wants to lose an hour of sleep?!  Well, with kids, spring forward works waaaaaaay better around here.  Since that happened a few weeks ago, Sawyer has been sleeping until 8 and Wryder until 9.  Wrex and I have been trying to at least be IN bed by 9 every night so I’ve been getting AT LEAST 10 hours of sleep at night.  It’s.  Been.  Glorious.

This Tuesday, Sawyer and daddy had teeth cleanings in North Platte that we had originally scheduled for 10 am.  His sale got cancelled so the dentist graciously allowed us to move our appointments until the afternoon…for the sleep factor, ya know?

We slept in, ate breakfast, got around and got to town in time for Wrexy to eat at his favorite Chinese food buffet.  🙂  Sawyer saw this sign in the bathroom and was just incredulous at its meaning…or what SHE thought it meant.

What the heck?!
What the heck?!

She said, “Pssh.  Mom?  What does that sign even mean?  Who would go to bed in the bathroom?”  Hysterical.  Love that girl…


She and daddy were both cavity free and got new toothbrushes and lots of compliments.  The dentist just thinks Wrex has the most wonderful teeth.  Sigh.  I’m sure I’m just a wee bit jealous.  Prior to his first visit six months ago, he hadn’t even been to a dentist in 12 years.  YEARS, people.  He still only had one cavity.  One.  And I know how much pop he drinks and how often he brushes.  He’s a dental marvel…  He told me last night that he’s pretty sure he had the same toothbrush all four years in college.  I almost threw up…for lots of reasons.

Sawyer getting her cleaning
Sawyer getting her cleaning


We’re head to Nebraska for Easter weekend so we’re going to do our little family Easter celebration this weekend.  Yesterday morning, we took some time to color and decorate some eggs.  This was Wryder’s first time and it went pretty much like I expected it to.  😉

Gosh, she's gorgeous...
Gosh, she’s gorgeous…
Gettin' a little help from daddy
Gettin’ a little help from daddy
Sister's an egg dying pro!
Sister’s an egg dying pro!
Wryder just needs a little more finesse ;)
Wryder just needs a little more finesse 😉
Double dipping
Double dipping

After we got them dyed, we decorated them with stickers and hair and pipe cleaners…

Daddy getting in on the action
Daddy getting in on the action
He really liked our morning project!
He really liked our morning project!

A lot of his turned out like this:


but that’s ok!

Our little egg creatures...
Our little egg creatures…


Sawyer helped me sort some M&M’s yesterday morning.  We’re working on stuff for Wryder’s birthday and I needed yellow, green and brown only.  She was FAST!   I was quite impressed with her sorting skills…

IMG_2656Wryder did his part by eating anything that sister snuck him or we dropped on the floor.


I got some new Jams in the mail this week – some unexpected!  I decided it was time to take the time to do mine again.  (We did Sawyer’s Monday).  I love ALL of these – so cute!

Adorable, yes?!
Adorable, yes?!


A few years ago, one of Sawyer’s sale barn buddies gave her a two dollar bill and a 50 cent piece for Christmas.  I LOVED the sentimentality behind this gift because it was something my grandparents and uncles were always prone to do for us.  In fact, there was a number of years that I was positive a 50 cent piece had my Uncle Danny’s picture on it and I referred to them as Uncle Dannys and I would use ONLY Uncle Dannys to buy my school lunches.

Last night, Wrexy brought home a set for Wryder from this same gentleman.

Too cool....
Too cool….

It’s a sweet, sweet thing when people show love to your kids…


It’s Fun Friday and we’ve got some innocent mischief to get into!  I pray you enjoy your weekend – it’s supposed to be a pretty one!

Sissy, Bubba and Sacrificial Love

One of the prayers Wrex and I are constantly speaking over our kiddos is that they will always love each other and be one of each others’ best friends.  Right now, that’s a pretty easy thing for them.

Wryder was so lost last week when sister was sick.  She didn’t feel like playing and we wouldn’t let him close enough to hardly hug or kiss her and he was definitely missing his “sissy.”

Every week when it’s time to drop her off for Cubbies, he’s usually ok for about five minutes or so and then the constant questioning of, “Momma, Sissy?”  begins.  He absolutely can not wait for 7:45 to roll around so that he can go with us to pick her up.

Last night was no different.  He even asked daddy to move her carseat next to his so they could sit right next to each other.  Melt.  My.  Heart.

During the day yesterday, we ran into Ogallala to run a few errands and let the kids hang out at the sale barn with daddy for a little bit.  They had a ball, of course.  Once it was time to head home, we had two vehicles and Wrex offered for one of them to ride with him (in hopes *ahem* they’d both take naps on the way home without the other to distract them).  Well, obviously they both wanted to ride.  How do ya pick???

We decided to let Sawyer go with daddy and as he went to get her out of her seat, brother started crying.  After a second or two of thought, she piped up and said, “Daddy, I’ll stay with momma so that Wryder can go with you.  I think he’d really like that.”

I was a puddle.  I was so proud of her sweet sacrifice.  There is no bigger daddy’s girl on the planet than this girl.  She even picked out a “ranchy” outfit this morning and put bidding cards in her pocket before we ever walked out the door so she could be like him.  It was a REALLY big deal for her to choose Wryder to have that privilege over herself…

We told her how proud we were of her and then daddy loaded up Wryder while I pulled ahead to get some fuel.  The boys drove by us and stopped to wave…and sweet Sawyer just lost it.  She was crying so hard.

I think there were a lot of factors; she’s still not 100%, she was tired and I think her decision probably hurt a little.  Isn’t that how it is with sacrifices?  They’re not usually painless.  Learning to die to self in order to give to something else is a process and it’s not easy.

Dating someone?  Gotta learn to die to yourself in some areas.  Marry someone?  You really gotta learn to die to yourself.  Have kiddos?  You really, REALLY have to learn to die to yourself.  And oh, it’s a good thing…it really is…but it’s not easy.

I opened her back door and hugged on her and talked to her about sacrificial love and she just kept saying, “I love Bubba so much!   I just love him so much!”

I love their hearts for each other and we do our darnedest to foster that relationship.  Just yesterday, I came across this post and saved it to my phone…

IMG_2636Today renewed that vigor.  Here’s to raising future best friends and leaving a legacy of relationship and family with them…

To my bubba – I love you dearly, too!  We’ve had our share of ups and downs but I tend to only remember the ups.  You’re a keeper!

And to my siblings I got when I married my Wrexy – you guys have my heart.  I love you oodles!  I couldn’t have picked better ones myself…

I Can See the Light

I’m not sure I’ve ever been so glad that it’s Friday…bearing that Friday means the weekend will be completely opposite of the past week.  It’s been one of those.  Dooooooooo-zeeeeee.

I have no doubt that pregnancy hormones have exacerbated things.  I can also freely admit that my little handful of grievances and issues pale in comparison to 90% of the rest of the world’s problems and heart aches.  BUT, it’s still just been a tough week.

Parenting is not for the feint of heart.  Relationships aren’t for the feint of heart.  Life is not for the feint of heart.

in the midst of the ick, I’m attempting to be grateful…

I’m thankful for…

…a sweet husband who will sit and talk through parenting issues with you, brainstorm solutions, solidify our team with his words and his vows and his prayers, and then hug the stuffing out of you until you can’t breathe (because of your burgeoning belly).

…for friends who will pray with you and for you and encourage you and support you.

…for people who consistently show me how I don’t want to be when I grow up.

…for sweet little girls and boys who love their mommy no matter how much of a failure she feels like she is.

…for opportunities to show grace and to be a woman of my word, because I’ve been on the receiving end of the opposite of that…and it ain’t pretty.

…for the promise that His mercies are new every morning.

…for the fact that I don’t have to be tomorrow who I am today.

…for the way I can groan in the Spirit and He hears my cries and gently leads me on.

…for the way weekends with my teammate bring renewal for me.

I have much more to be grateful for than I have to complain about – that is not lost on me, for sure – but here’s to hoping (still) for a better strings of days…

Worth 1,000 Words: What We’ve Been Up To

I was a little absent last week, though I can’t REALLY think of anything out of the ordinary we did – doctor check ups, grocery shopping, Cubbies…just the norm.

There was a little TV watching…mainly so I could watch them cuddle.

Aren't they sweet!?
Aren’t they sweet!?

Wryder got stuck in the chair one time.  Then, after all the attention and hubbub, he got “stuck” a dozen or so more times.

He likes attention, that one!
He likes attention, that one!

I’ve apparently entered THAT phase of pregnancy.  You know, the one you just don’t really get cold anymore because you have so much blood and baby pumping through your body?  I guess Wrex was a little chilly on the way home Wednesday night and had a good giggle about his pickup settings.

The temp outside...
The temp outside…
The temp I put the pickup on...
The temp I put the pickup on…

We did a little chicken gazing.  I could watch those ladies all day!

Pretty girls...
Pretty girls…

Wryder is ALL about driving these days.  After almost every meal these days, he’ll pick up his empty plate and use it as a steering wheel.  When we were outside, he used the knob to the jack on the trailer hitch as a little tiny one.  It. Was. Adorable.

Love my little farm boy!
Love my little farm boy!

The kids got some belated valentines from Gramps!


Wryder LOVES food.  One of his favorites, though…

What's inside?
What’s inside?
Black beans!
Black beans!

This weekend has been a REALLY good one!  The weather kind of forced us inside to work on some projects we’ve been wanting to get done but haven’t taken the time to do…and a few relaxing deeds, too!

We got baby Sayble’s layette done, as well as our taxes – hallelujah!  Those can seem so daunting sometimes but Wrex and I worked all morning and got them done AND get a refund – always a plus!

We let the kids pick out a movie and had a fun supper in the living room…IMG_2322and Wrexy and I had a Bourne marathon!  YAY!  I’ve been wanting to do this for forever because I often fall asleep or get sidetracked while I attempt to watch ANY movie, but especially ones that aren’t so brainless.  🙂

We had a little outside snow play…

Don't ya just love their hats?
Don’t ya just love their hats?

and a lot of other silly shenanigans!

Step 1
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3

Tomorrow, we’re back to the daily grind.  Thankful for this snowy cold…

Random Rambles

Oh, goodness.  We had SUCH a good weekend.  (I feel like I’ve been saying things like that a lot lately…but it’s true.  We are so blessed to have a happy, healthy family and some gorgeous weather to boot…)

I showed you the DIY project I did on Saturday but that’s not all we got done!  Wrexy worked in the barn and got two rooms ready to raise baby chicks.  We have quite a few hens that like to sit on eggs so he added some lights and wire and nest boxes to get those girls a going!   The man loves all kinds of livestock but I really think he might be happiest in the chicken house…

Putting up wire
Putting up wire


Speaking of the chickens, we hatched out some black Old English bantams and ended up with about six roosters.  I don’t know what you know about Old English, but they’re feisty, cocky little things.  The little guys we have love to crow and walk around with their chests puffed out…and they like to attack people.  *Ahem*

Cocky little things...
Cocky little things…

They’re tiny and can’t really do much damage, but they’re definitely annoying……..and they scare Wryder to death!  He has been victim to their taunting more times than I can count.  We’ve given him permission to defend himself but he just freezes and cries until one of us comes to the rescue.

This weekend was no exception.  They had him cornered outside the barn door and he was crying and get stared down.  Sawyer came to the rescue with her baby stroller and cleaned house.  🙂

Later, Wrex and I were talking about what we needed to do with them and Sawyer said, “We need to give those naughty roosters away!  I think we need to send them to Iraq so they can get dead.”

It seems as though every naughty/evil/mean thing hails from Iraq in her mind after we talked to her several months ago about praying for our people there.  It’s not a funny situation but to hear her solution definitely was.  We had a good laugh about that one!


Saturday afternoon, the wind died down and we took the opportunity to burn tumbleweeds.  Those things are rampant around here and we hauled and burned for well over an hour.

After we were done, we took advantage of our few little burning embers and roasted marshmallows – good use of fire, yes?  This was Wryder’s first time having a warm, gooey mallow and they were a hit!


He stole two cold ones out of the tin while I was getting things ready, ate two warm ones and then stole one from a chicken that Sawyer had been trying to feed.  *Ahem*

All smiles!
All smiles!

He also had his first corn on the cob that he got to hold himself.  He was equally impressed!


We made a quick trip to Denver on Sunday for a birthday party for a really special friend of Sawyer’s.  We ate lunch with Uncle Warner beforehand – always a good time.

Uncle Warner and a happy niece and nephew!
Uncle Warner and a happy niece and nephew!

The birthday party was a Frozen theme and Sawyer had a ball, of course!  She came home with a bag full of goodies, one of which was a little bag of marshmallows, pretzels and raisins with a tag that said, “Do you want to build a snowman?”

She ate it on the way home last night and said, “Hmmmm.  That tasted kind of funny.  I’ve never had an Olaf before.”

She was serious as a heart attack and we about drove off the road laughing so hard!


We had a good, productive trip!  We found a brand new bassinet on Craigslist for $25, got Wrexy measured for a tux for a wedding he’s in this summer, loaded up on a few diapers, wipes and a few thrift store goodies, ate some Red Mango for an afternoon snack and took a trip around the Orchard in the little train.

Waving to the crowds
Waving to the crowds

Wryder loved the train, especially every time the whistle blew.  He’d look at me with this little surprised face – so cute!

What was that?!
What was that?!


A sweet little dog named Booey got to spend the night with Sawyer Friday night – one of her favorite things.


She even got her own animal to sleep with.  🙂


We did a few more little things in Sayble’s room that I’ll have to show you some pictures of…we snapped a few pics of the kids for a little Valentine’s card for the grandparents…washed a pound and a half of dirt off of each kid…and just enjoyed our time together.  This week is shaping up to be just as pretty…can’t wait to enjoy it, too!


Denver Days

Wrexy’s boss and good friend came up from Texas for the National Western Stock Show in Denver and he kindly brought us some meat from the plant, so we headed west to snag that and let the kids see some stock.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous!  I’m positive I’ve never experienced anything near 60 degrees any other year we’ve been there, but we did this time.  It was nice to see lots of old friends…and see how many people actually paid $50 to park right next to the yards.  Freaks.  Me.  Out.

Uncle Trav and Sawyer
Uncle Trav and Sawyer
Wryder and Aunt Kasey
Wryder and Aunt Kasey
Checkin' out the petting zoo
Checkin’ out the petting zoo
Who doesn't love a pot bellied pig?
Who doesn’t love a pot bellied pig?
Sawyer thought this little donkey was pretty cute...
Sawyer thought this little donkey was pretty cute…
There were a LOT of goats
There were a LOT of goats
Wryder the spud farmer
Wryder the spud farmer
Sawyer LOVED the milk cow.  She now thinks we need one...
Sawyer LOVED the milk cow. She now thinks we need one…
We figured out Wryder needs to attend a farm show, rather than stock show.  He was all about the tractors, surprise, surprise.
We figured out Wryder needs to attend a farm show, rather than stock show. He was all about the tractors, surprise, surprise.

The Chair

I posted this picture last night because, well, it was funny but also because he just looked so darn cute sitting there with his feet up and his BUCKET of ice cream.

Adorbs, yes?
Adorbs, yes?

I had gotten up to get some water and I came back and took in the full view and I just couldn’t help myself…

Wrexy bought this chair for me (us) after Christmas.  We got it on sale at Menards and it is really comfy.  The later weeks and months of pregnancy can be a little uncomfortable and he thought it would be nice for me to a have nice place to sit when I get the chance.  Trust me, I know; I’ve got a good one.

The first week or so, we were both so careful not to sit in it all the time; we always wanted the other one to have the option to have it first.  Now, it’s a mad dash into the living room after the kids go to bed and chores are done – ha!  I told him we should’ve bought two…

The kids have loved it and I have too. The chair has already brought lots of snuggle time and lots of rocking…lots of praying together and over each other…a place to read lots of books and watch a lot of football.  It’s been a little refuge when someone got hurt or just needed a little bit of a time out with mom or dad.  The chair has been where the kids have felt Sayble kick for the first time and where I’ve taken refuge after a day of taking care of my family.  It’s been a place where Sawyer has cuddled with Wryder while she helped him learn the words in his picture books and where he has rocked it as far back as he could without knocking it over.  Ahem.

It took us weeks to agree to make the purchase but we’re really quite glad that we did.  It’s become more than a place to sit; it’s a little haven of memories and closeness and time together…and you know I love that.

Everything’s Better Together

My sweet husband called about two yesterday afternoon and asked me to get a little overnight bag together for everyone.  We don’t have the cable and the college championship game was going to be on ESPN and he wanted to make sure we got to watch it, so he reserved us a hotel room in Nebraska.  He thought we could go swimming, watch the game…just make a fun little night away.  Seriously, how sweet is THAT?!

So off we went!  The kids were pumped, as was I.  At supper, Sawyer mentioned her stomach was hurting but she seemed ok, so we didn’t think a whole lot about it.

Then we got to the hotel and found out that the pool was empty due to renovations…even though I heard W ask on the phone if they had pool and all they said was, “Yes.”  The only other hotel in town with a pool was undergoing renovations as well, so we had to stay put.  Our little sweeties had great attitudes so we just tried to have some fun in the hotel room.

Let's "watch" the game!
Let’s “watch” the game!
This is more like it...
This is more like it…
Cooling off in the fridge after some rambunctiousness...
Cooling off in the fridge after some rambunctiousness…

The game was fun to watch…even though I was rooting for the Ducks!  (Are you surprised they lost?!  HAHA  After my weekend, I was not.  😉  )

We finally got everyone to bed and sweet Sawyer woke up about one…throwing up.  I guess her tummy really was hurting…  We were up with her until about four and then back up at seven.  She’s feeling better now, praise the Lord.  We’re all just a little tired.

I felt so bad for Wrexy because it felt like our little excursion was a bust.  He’s such a hard-working, selfless husband and dad…I just wanted it to be perfect for him and he wanted it to be perfect for us.  And it was…because we were TOGETHER.

Random Rambles

This weekend was filled with a lot of sorry football.  Sigh.  I get so excited for the playoffs – especially when we’re a part of them – and I attempt to really relish the last couple of games before we say goodbye for 6 months…

I was just sorely disappointed this weekend.  Four times over.  The Patriots won (not a fan), the Seahawks won (not a fan).  The Cowboys lost and our Broncos forgot to show up for the game.  Sad, sad days.

My little football fan made the weekend better just by being her.  I love her enthusiasm; it’s contagious!

The best part of the game, hands down...
The best part of the game, hands down…
Sayble rooting on the Bronco's, compliments of the husband's stellar photography.  :)
Sayble rooting on the Bronco’s, compliments of the husband’s stellar photography. 🙂

Alas, there will be more football games to watch and I haven’t really thought about it again until I started this blog post.  Must mean there are more important things in life…can you believe it?  😉


I’m loving the Bible study I told you about earlier last week.  I love dissecting a simple Scripture and allowing the Lord to have His way through His word.

Yesterday’s verse just got me!  I know I’ve read it several times before and I know it’s one of a series of verses on our refrigerator, but yesterday it hit me like a ton of bricks.  (Abridged version below).  Ahem.

Proverbs 3:7-8 says:

Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Then you will have healing for your body
and strength for your bones.

Healing for your body……..  I want that!  We all have our own health/body issues and the Lord is telling us how to heal them…fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

Health issues really scare me.  (There, I said it).  I have a heart arrhythmia that’s deemed non-dangerous but when it acts up (especially for hours or days on end) it can send me into a tailspin.

A lot of it the responsibility I feel in being a mother.  I’m home all day with my kids.  I have the responsibility to BE ALIVE to care for them.  So when my heart acts up or my blood sugar gets low and wonky or I feel weird or off or just not 100%, fear creeps in so fast, unfortunately.

In all of my fear, I get so often wrapped up in keeping myself alive.

If I just don’t move…

If I just lie down…

If I concentrate really hard…

If I prep Sawyer on how to get help if I need it…

If I make sure and be near a hospital…

If I make sure and have Wrex come right home from work…

If I have a backup plan…

If I, If I, If I…

It’s all on ME!  THAT is relying on my own wisdom, as if I could truly keep myself alive if I wanted to.

And He gives His people wisdom, no doubt!  I know there are common sense things I should/shouldn’t do to prevent death or an accident, but I know I so often tend to hold whatever I’m fearful of REALLY close to home and attempt to control it as best I can.  Sometimes, it works.  Scared of driving on bad roads?  Don’t go out.  But I have to learn that if it’s the Lord’s will to spare us or take us,  He will spare us or take us regardless.  I have to learn that He really is trustworthy…He hasn’t failed me yet.

Instead, fear the Lord…revere Him, honor Him, respect Him, stand in awe of Him…then you will have healing for your body.

Man, I need that.  I NEED that.


The kids have loved the kitchen set we got them for Christmas.

Adorable, right?
Adorable, right?
The other piece
The other piece
Let's cook!
Let’s cook!

We’ve gathered a lot of “food” over the past few years it seems.  One of their favorite things to do as of late is have feasts!

That's a lot of food!
That’s a lot of food!

Sawyer pulled out all the stops and hosted a feast for her and brother and some of her favorite friends.  It takes a little time to put together and clean up but it’s sure fun to gnaw on wooden cucumbers with furry guests…


We pulled out the construction paper this morning and made these with the kiddos.

Baby Moses
Baby Moses

For some reason, Wryder did NOT like having his hands traced (though it’s one of Sawyer’s favorite things in the world….go figure) and cried through the majority of the lesson.  Here’s to hoping SOMETHING soaked in…


Hubby is on his way home, the kids are napping and I’m enjoying a few moments of quiet with some coconut coffee while listening to the dryer whir as I watch little tiny snowflakes fall.
Here’s to an equally peaceful afternoon for you…

I Wrote Again – Is It Gonna Snow?

This poor thing has been neglected!  I wish I had some deep, revelatory reason as to why…but I don’t.  The Lord didn’t tell me to take a break…I didn’t take a sabbatical to make sure I was spending x amount of hours not on the computer and with the fam…I haven’t been suffering from writer’s block and there certainly hasn’t been a lack of happenings to talk about…I’ve just been absent.  Shame on me!

Alas, I’m back!  So let’s catch up!


We had a fabulous Christmas break!  My husband’s job affords him quite a few days off, so we had daddy around (all to ourselves, mind you) for two weeks!  YIPPEE!  We ate well, slept well, played lots of games, watched some fun shows, cuddled a lot, talked a lot – took full advantage of our time with him.

We were all dreadfully sad a little sad to see him go Monday morning but we all survived!


I have been in MAJOR nesting mode.  My poor husband.

The past two days, I’ve decluttered/deep cleaned our ENTIRE house!  Six bags of trash and six bags of give away later, I’m feeling good!  (Except for my feet, lower back and hip – but hey, it was worth it!)  Now if it will all just say this way until baby comes……..


Speaking of baby….we’re having a GIRL!  Sawyer called it from the beginning and she was right again…and quite proud of herself.  🙂

Yay for Sayble Jean Phipps!
Yay for Sayble Jean Phipps!

Sayble Jean Phipps is due May 1st and doesn’t seem to be near as active in utero has her siblings.  🙂

We are over the moon about having another sweet little princess.  I’ve already ordered a few *ahem* hair bows.  The selection of girly, frilly, adorable clothing, footwear and head wear is astounding.  I’m already thinking I made need to order a new debit card so I won’t have the new number memorized like I do this one.  Ay yi yi…


We got to see a lot of family over Christmas break.  We got together with all of Wrex’s family over Thanksgiving and snuck in some family pictures!  How cute is this set of grandkids?  I mean, I know I’m a little partial, but come on!

RaRa and the grand-girls...
RaRa and the grand-girls…
All the grands!
All the grands!

We met up with my family halfway in Kansas and spent the weekend together – soooo thankful for the time together!  Sawyer was so excited to have another cousin to play with, hold hands with Gramps and swim at the motel pool, of course.

Cooking a feast!
Cooking a feast!


Other happenings (in no particular order, thank you pregnancy brain)…

  • I had four teeth pulled.  Not my favorite experience, especially pregnant, but I survived…
  • We had a little New Year’s Eve party with Sawyer.  We let her stay up until nine and then we watched last year’s ball drop on Youtube…
Fun fun!
Fun fun!
  • I made Sawyer a set of Disney princess felt ornaments for the tree in her room.  I LOVE how they turned out.  I see more of these in my future…
Can you name them all?
Can you name them all?
  • We got to witness two beautiful unions in the past month.  Sawyer and Wryder danced their little hearts out AND met Santa at the first wedding – how cool is that?
Sittin' with Santa...
Sittin’ with Santa
  • I thought I was getting a stand mixer for Christmas and I got a handgun instead!  (MUCH better, in my opinion!)  We’ve been so busy and it’s been so cold, I’ve only shot ten rounds through it, but I’m excited to get more familiar with it and take my concealed to carry class…


I’m sure there’s more to tell but that’s a good start, yes?