Four Little Words

My husband has the privilege to work for a really neat company.  (Neat doesn’t really do them justice, but if you could hear the warmth in my voice when I say that, you’d better understand.)  They do a lot of things exceptionally well in my book, including the ways they use their time and resources.

They’ve always been big supporters of the local and regional homeless shelters and supply them with meat every week.  Two weeks ago, under the organization of their fabrication floor manager, they took their efforts up a notch in order to connect with this community of people in a more personal way.

The employees at the plant teamed up with the regional homeless shelter and safe house and hosted a family fun day.  They cooked out and fed everyone, as well as rented out the zoo and mini-golf park for a day of fun.  How cool is that?! 

The employees served in every capacity and got to just hang out and love on these people for an afternoon.  It was one of those events where they came back (perhaps) more impacted than those they went to serve.

Packing plants can be dark places.  It’s an industry with no “easy” jobs, a decent amount of turnover and the employee base can be made up of a rougher crowd of folks.  This place is different; these people are doing their best to shine the light of Jesus inside the plant and out.

Wrex was telling me about a manager there named Roy.  Roy holds Bible studies AT the plant and is really invested in the company, but especially his employees.  In the past year, he’s led 10 people into a personal relationship with the Lord.  He’s a mover and a shaker and he inspires people to be better and love harder and live more righteously and to change the world around them for His glory.

As Wrex was telling me about the event and about him, my heart was overcome with emotion.  Through tears, I said, “I’ve always wanted to be one of THOSE people…”  Haven’t you?  What joy there is in doing the work of the Lord and making an impact on this generation and generations to come!

Before I could even finish my sentence proclaiming that I wasn’t, Sawyer immediately interjected with, “But you are, momma.” 

As a doer myself, I often wonder if I’m doing enough.  I have dreams and desires regarding the Kingdom of God and issues that pull at every ounce of my being.  I see and hear of needs that I so desperately want to be a part of finding a solution for.

Sometimes it feels like needs are so much more pronounced and visible in bigger cities so it makes it easier to meet them there.  That’s not always the case in small town America…though I know some of those same needs exist here, too.

And it’s not just responding to need.  A Bible teacher once talked to us about responding to need vs. responding to the Holy Spirit.  We could exhaust ourselves financially, emotionally, physically, etc. if we simply set out to meet every need we ever encountered; need knows no end!  But when we respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit (give where He says to give, go where He says to go, etc,) we can better impact the world in His name, for His glory.

Sawyer’s sweet little interjection caught me completely off guard and in that moment, the Lord used her to get my attention.  He spoke directly to my heart and told me there was always more room for good done in His name in this ole world…but He showed me that the person I was saying I wanted to be…I AM to my husband and kids. 

And isn’t that where it has to start?  In your heart and then your own home??  If I don’t love my husband or children well, how on earth can I love a friend, much less a stranger?  If I don’t have a marriage that emulates what the word says a marriage should look like, how on earth can anyone take any other ministry I have seriously?  If I can’t teach my children about the Father heart of God and the righteousness He desires from them, how on earth can I be effective elsewhere?

It was a good reminder that right now, this IS my primary ministry.  Yes, there are things we’re called to do regardless of our position in life…care for the orphan, widow and alien…share the Good News…be kind and loving and joyful and gracious and merciful, etc.  It’s great to dream big, Kingdom sized dreams…but don’t grow weary of doing good in your own home.  You are impacting more people than you realize – for better or for worse – I guarantee it.  Make sure it’s for the better.

It was so nice to be “seen” tonight by someone I love and trust and adore.

It was nice to have the lies of the enemy squelched just as they passed my ears, before they fully wreaked havoc on my head and my heart.

It was nice to be able to receive such awesome revelation in a moment when I needed it most.

It was nice to be ministered to from my own ministry. 

“But you are, momma…”

Four simple words that have inspired me to keep fighting the good fight.   She saw those things in me, because she’s been on the receiving end of what I’ve given away.  She’s been inspired.  She’s been encouraged to do better.  She’s been the recipient of an unconditional love.

I’m thankful for the hubby’s job and company and even more grateful to have my job and ministry be one and the same.  The ministry that is Wrex and Sawyer and Wryder and Sayble will, indeed, transform generations to come.  Lord, help me to do this and do it well.

Worth 1,000 Words: Summer Fun

We have been flat out having fun this summer!  Daddy’s sales have been short and we’ve been enjoying the days of our youth…

Here’s a little of what we’ve been up to!

We’ve done a little swimming…

IMG_3818IMG_3813IMG_3811IMG_3809IMG_3821IMG_3824and a little playing at the Children’s Museum…

IMG_3843IMG_3846IMG_3848IMG_3849IMG_3850IMG_3851IMG_3852IMG_3855IMG_3863We rode some rides at Cody Park…

IMG_4533IMG_4519IMG_4517-1IMG_4513IMG_4510.JPGIMG_4507.JPG-1and rode a dinosaur!

IMG_4488.JPGIMG_4496.JPGIMG_4495.JPGWe’ve hung out with the neighbors…

IMG_1842IMG_1840IMG_1841IMG_5588IMG_2694IMG_3799IMG_3890and mowed around the house…

IMG_3866IMG_3870and snuggled cute sisters…IMG_3832IMG_3878IMG_4432and had lunch with cute dates…IMG_3882Tomorrow, we’re headed to see the Oklahoma cousins for a few days and then head back home to start our “summer vacation” when we get daddy to ourselves for two weeks!  YAY!

A Decade of Love

Several years ago, I did a study on covenant.  To say it changed my life and the way I understood the Lord and His word is a COMPLETE understatement.  It. was. AMAZING and completely fascinating.  (It’s honestly, one of my favorite things to talk about EVER so if you have questions, let’s chat!)

Back in Biblical times, people would “cut a covenant” as a way of making a binding, holy, irrevocable contract.  To cut a covenant, they would perform a covenant ceremony which you can read about (in the most succinct version I could find) here.

The closest thing we have in our day is marriage and the wedding ceremony.  When we choose to marry our mate, we are choosing to create a blood covenant with them…an irrevocable, holy and binding agreement.  We now share such a close relationship with each other that all we have or possess in this life is available to each upon demand.

Everything that is good that I have, you now have.  You will benefit from my organization and my efficiency…my cooking and cleaning abilities…my heart for the widow and the orphan…my bold loyalty to those that I love and my fierce protectiveness of my family.

Everything that is good that you have, I now have.  I will benefit from your patience and grace…your spirit of servant leadership…your easy exhortations and your adventurous nature.

Everything that is not so good – every weakness and every hardship – that I have, you now have.  You and I will have to work through my spirit of abandonment and my ability to withdraw for fear of being hurt…my constant state of worry…my temper that can flare and my inability to understand (or work) anything that requires an engineer’s mind – yes, even the stinkin’ waterhose.

Everything that is not so good – every weakness and every hardship that you have, I now have.  You and I will have to work through your inability to keep track of time and the way you can never effectively end a casual conversation so we (or whoever you’re talking to) can move on to something different….your wanton workaholic tendencies…your inability to put things away or keep the garage clean.

Every tool or ability I possess, you now possess.  You are now an administrative whiz!  You can juggle a plethora of tasks simultaneously and write, give and critique the spoken word with pleasure and authority.  You can poof hair and change diapers and decorate on a dime.

Every tool or ability you possess, I now possess.  I can now fix anything and everything…no really, anything and everything.  I am proficient in plumbing, electricity, carpentry, welding.  I can break horses and fit a steer and use the grill.  I have incredible marksmanship and am as strong as an ox!

When we walk down the street, people should wonder if they’re seeing you or me.  There should be no division in our beliefs or thoughts or ideas or desires or possessions or the way we view the world.  We should be a solid unit of ONE because of the Lord’s ability to  supernaturally commingle our lives.  I’m identified as you and you are identified as me.

I am now a Phipps.  I carry your name as a sign that I am in a covenant relationship with you.  I no longer operate under my own authority, but yours.  I take into account your opinion and your desires and I make every decision as this new unit of one.  I am now you, and you are now me.  I take on your personality and character and reputation and essence and authority.  I care for you just as I care for myself because of our unity.

From two to five
Comanche, Texas 2015

Ten years ago today we stood in this very spot, under that old pecan tree, and declared our undying love and commitment to each other.  You have less hair, I have more body mass and together, we have three outlandishly beautiful children to show for it.

As much as I’d like to say that I did, I didn’t truly understand the weight and the beautiful severity of the vows I took on that day 10 years ago.  I’m still learning what it truly means to be a wife and covenant partner.  I’m still learning to die to myself and to live for the Lord and for our marriage and for our children – who, by the way, are the most perfect product of our love I could ever imagine. 

But I’m getting it…and I’m vowing to make the next 10 years even better than the first…is that even possible?!

I am so thankful that you chose me.  Our dating days weren’t perfect and our story could’ve ended in several different ways on several different days…praise HIM that this was the “ending” He had in mind and that we were obedient to that.

In all my days or wildest dreams, I couldn’t have dreamt up a better husband or partner or lover or teammate.  You are the best man I know.  I still can’t believe I get to wake up next to you every morning…

Loving you has been the easiest, most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.  Thanks for making my life, Wrex Phipps.  Being your wife and the mother of your kids is an honor and a privilege; my soul is satisfied.

Worth 1,000 Words: Texas Trip

Our trip to Texas was, plain and simple, a lot of fun!  Prepare yourself for picture overload……

The kids LOVE this place in Perryton.  Travis and Kasey took us last time we were in town and the kids have been dying to go back!  Pizza and bounce castles – how do ya beat that??


The big kid liked it, too!
The big kid liked it, too!

Sayble got (conveniently) hungry in the town of Wichita Falls, Texas so while I fed her, daddy took the kids to explore the falls.

Cuties on the bridge
Cuties on the bridge
Love this one
Love this one


Flush faced and sweaty
Flush faced and sweaty

Traveling with a baby calls for a few *ahem* more stops than normal, so the kids got to get a lot of good park play in…which was good for them, too!

Not sure if this is a beaver or chipmunk or prairie dog but that girl is sure cute!
Not sure if this is a beaver or chipmunk or prairie dog but that girl is sure cute!
Driving the John Deere, of course
Driving the John Deere, of course
Love that face!
Love that face!
Slide time!
Slide time!
SO cute!
SO cute!
She liked the purple one, of course!
She liked the purple one, of course!
Big stuff
Big stuff
Go faster!
Go faster!

We got to see quite a bit of family while we were gone – always a plus!

The kids and their great great aunt Sandy...
The kids and their great great aunt Sandy…
Sneaking some snuggles
Sneaking some snuggles
With their great grandma Cherry
With their great grandma Cherry
Sweet moment
Sweet moment
Cousin Camryn and baby Sayble
Cousin Camryn and baby Sayble
Sweet Iraydi getting in on the action!
Sweet Iraydi getting in on the action!
A few of the cousins together...
A few of the cousins together…
Playing with Aunt Malaina
Playing with Aunt Malaina
Sweet Tyler
Sweet Tyler
The boys hugging goodbye
The boys hugging goodbye
Look at these cuties!
Look at these cuties!
Nehemiah and Wryder taming dinosaurs
Nehemiah and Wryder taming dinosaurs
Too much cute
Too much cute
The kids with Uncle Nate
The kids with Uncle Nate
Amber getting some snuggles in
Amber getting some snuggles in
With Gramps
With Gramps

And then, of course, there was wedding fun!

With the bride and groom...
With the bride and groom…
Dancing with Uncle Dustin
Dancing with Uncle Dustin
Late night dancing with the bride and friends
Late night dancing with the bride and friends

Wryder’s already ready to again!  Our conversation at breakfast the other morning went like this:

WD: Sissy at sale barn with daddy.
Me: She is! She’s gonna have fun today…what should we do fun?
WD: Go (to) Texas!

Can ya blame him!?

One of Those Weeks

It’s been one of those weeks.

Nothing horrid.  Nothing to cry about.  Nothing to shake your fist at the Lord about.  Nothing remotely as bad as the majority of the world probably deals with.  Just one of those weeks were some things have just felt off and we’ve had a lot going on and Wryder’s in another “testing the boundaries phase” and we’ve been at the mercy of a couple of people who weren’t people of their word and that?!  Oh, that’s a tough pill to swallow for me.

Despite all of that, these little guys make my world SO worthwhile.  They bring us such joy…unimaginable joy!  Watching them play or seeing their smiles or hearing their sweet voices just ignite my heart with such love…

These are just a few of my favorite pics of our week!

I love momma's dish towel, apparently!
I love momma’s dish towel, apparently!
Popsicles on the porch
Popsicles on the porch
Holding daddy's hand
Holding daddy’s hand
Park time!
Park time!
Love this sweet girl!
Love this sweet girl!
Trying to be like sissy
Trying to be like sissy
I see you!
I see you!
Get it, girl!
Get it, girl!
Cowgirling it in her shorts...
Cowgirling it in her shorts…
Riding our newest gift, "Stubbs"
Riding our newest gift, “Stubbs”
Handsome boy with a tractor in his mouth...
Handsome boy with a tractor in his mouth…
Baby feet - who doesn't love baby feet?!
Baby feet – who doesn’t love baby feet?!
Watchin' a little baseball with Mr. Zach
Watchin’ a little baseball with Mr. Zach
She's got the life
She’s got the life
Getting some love from Miss Jen and Miss P
Getting some love from Miss Jen and Miss P
Giving Booey a ride around the property
Giving Booey a ride around the property

These guys just have a way of redeeming all that’s wrong in the world…my world, at least…


Just Waiting – With Some REALLY Excellent People

Today is Sayble’s due date!  I suppose I have a few more hours of wishful thinking that she may join us outside of the womb, but I’m thinking today is probably not the day.

Three of us Phipps cousins were all due within two weeks of each other, me being due first (ahem) and they have all had their babies as of today.  I can now say I’m FOR SURE next!  🙂

I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve such amazing, loving, encouraging, Godly women in my life, but they have just showered me in prayers and messages of encouragement the past few days.

When I thought I was sliding down the slippery slope of “I can’t do this!  I don’t want her to come out,” my sweet sister says, “You will be fine!  You’re a pro at this!”  My sister in the faith said, “I pray that your body begins to relax knowing that you were MADE to have this baby, CREATED to have her.  Your body and heart will sync up beautifully!”  I’m trying to live THERE.

A sweet friend was praying over my labor and upcoming induction and unprompted she said, “I was thinking earlier today that God has always been faithful especially regarding the birth of your babies and He will do it again!  I just feel so confident in His plan for Sayble, too!”  Wow.  Who does that?!

My two (beautiful and uber-classy) aunts, the moms of both cousins who have now met there sweet little babes, have checked on me oh-so dutifully and both reached out to me today to encourage me and cheer me on!   I can assure I’ve done nothing to receive such favor!

I’ve had friends send me scriptures and blog posts.  Even my nail lady got in on the action and had researched labor-inducing pressure points for my feet when I went in yesterday to get my pedicure.  Our mail lady stopped by today to see me one last time before baby was born and set up a time to bring us a meal and meet miss Sayble.

I tell ya, the Lord has blessed us with some of the most loving and generous people…  I have just been in awe of His love for us because of the love of His people.

And so, we wait some more.  I’m doing my last big house cleaning today and tomorrow we’re gonna run a few errands and have some fun with the kids.  Sunday has already been reserved as a day of NOTHING…and I’m really looking forward to it.  Unless…

Unless…she decides to grace us with her presence before induction.  I’d be ok with that, too.  🙂

Pray for me if you think about it…for a safe, healthy, complication-free, easy, fast, natural birth!  That’s not too much to ask for, is it?!  I kinda giggled as I wrote that but I distinctly heard the Lord say, “Not for me…”

Let it be so.

Wryder Roo is Two!

Happy birthday, Wryder Roo!  You’re two!  TWO!  Even though when we ask you these days, you tell us you’re six…ahem.

The birthday boy!
The birthday boy!

You are all boy – from the tip of your head to the bottoms of your feet.  They stink.  Really, they do.  You have the stinkiest, sweatiest feet of anyone I know and I think it’s adorable.  I must be your mother, huh?  It just reminds me of just how all boy you really are.


Anything that makes noise or has wheels or involves mud or rocks or sticks or jumping off of something – you are all about it!  You are very dexterous like your daddy and almost always have something in your hand.  You love to put rocks in your “pot-tet” or carry around a stick or throw dirt…we’re still working on that one, aren’t we?

Farm boy
Farm boy

You love ANYTHING tractor (especially the green ones).  Thankfully, the guys across the road are going to be planting alfalfa soon and have had to do a lot ground work in preparation for that.  You’ve stood on the porch and watched them for hours already…you just wait til they start swathing and baling – I might never get you inside!

Watching intently as the neighbors work ground
Watching intently as the neighbors work ground

You LOVE to eat.  Even just the mention of the word snack or supper gets you to drop what you’re holding and run to your seat in the kitchen.  We haven’t found too many things you won’t eat…in fact, I’m not sure I can think of a single one.  You are definitely your “father’s son” (as Sawyer says) and you love meat and potatoes…and any sweet that gets put in front of you.

A birthday treat from our waitress yesterday...
A birthday treat from our waitress yesterday…

You seem to love the ladies, ahem, which we’re ok with.  Daddy does a great job (and will continue to, no doubt) show you how to treat a woman according to Christ.  Your extroversion serves you well in this department…as does your general charm and the ease at which you throw around your “I wuv yous.”  Just do us a favor and be kind to ALL the girls, not just the young, tall, dark haired ones, ok??

With Gillian, one of his faves
With Gillian, one of his faves

Despite all that masculinity you have coursing through your veins, you are so good at showing love…

You love your family fiercely, which I adore.  Your sissy is your best friend and daddy ranks a close second.  I suppose I’m not really ever gone enough to test your allegiance, but I’m ok with that.  😉

Lunchtime hugs
Lunchtime hugs

Every time I hear your little voice say, “Momma hug.  Momma kiss,”  I just melt.  I shall give you all the hugs and kisses you shall ever want…and probably quite a few you’d not.

Oh, I love him so...
Oh, I love him so…

Your laugh and zeal are SO contagious!  You are easily excited by the things in your world that are so important to you…tractors and baby calves and monkeys and Booey and sissy and Bandit the cat and going to town and cowboy hats and birthdays and semi trucks and cookies…and it makes us excited, too!

On the run!
On the run!

You’re an emotional little guy.  Change, especially abrupt change, is hard for you.  We have to take our time to tell things “bye” or prepare for whatever comes next.  I suppose you get that from your type A, anal retentive mother.  Ahem.

You’re very persistent when it comes to…just about everything.  We’ve discovered that the “just ignore him and he will stop asking/repeating/whining” thing doesn’t really work with you.  It works best to nip it in the bud and attempt to move on.  I have no doubts that this will serve you well in some (or many) arenas in your adult life one day.


Your whole existence has been a big change for me!  You and Sawyer aren’t just a ton alike and that’s taken some getting used to.  (See above paragraph regarding change.  Ahem.)  I feel like I’m finally getting in my boy groove…and it. is. good.  You have added an element to our family that I didn’t even know was missing and man-oh-man, it has been so rewarding and fun…for all of us.  We are better because of you, it’s true!

Ride a little pony...
Ride a little pony…

On your second birthday, we bless you in the name of Jesus!  We bless your hands – that they would do the work of the Lord.  We bless your feet – that they would carry you far from mischief.  We speak to your future and call it blessed and we pray that the deep persistence that abides in you will be used to stand firm for the Lord as you further His kingdom.  We pray that as you hunger and thirst in life, that your greatest ones will be for more of Him and His word and His presence.  We bless you with a life that nurtures your boyish heart; one of adventure and excitement as you follow the Lord!

We love you so much, handsome!  The Lord redeemed “tax day” when you were born!

Worth 1,000 Words: Easter in Nebraska

In our Sunday best!
In our Sunday best!
Trying to get a good pic of 2, 2 year olds is challenging...
Trying to get a good pic of 2, 2 year olds is challenging…
We tried hard though!
We tried hard though!
With the grands...
With the grands…
Reading books with Goo Goo
Reading books with Goo Goo
My sweeties...
My sweeties…
The Easter bunny came for a visit!
The Easter bunny came for a visit!
So funny!
So funny!
Wryder was ready to tear open that Easter basket!
Wryder was ready to tear open that Easter basket!
Breckyn was all about the chocolate...
Breckyn was all about the chocolate…
His face is SO cute in this one!  Eggs are exciting!
His face is SO cute in this one! Eggs are exciting!
The Easter bunny was a big helper...
The Easter bunny was a big helper…
Hunting the harder ones
Hunting the harder ones
Telling the Easter bunny bye...
Telling the Easter bunny bye…
Bunny hugs
Bunny hugs
Root beer float time!
Root beer float time!
And cousin bath time!
And cousin bath time!
Snuggling the Goo Goo
Snuggling the Goo Goo
Cute girls with Uncle Warner!
Cute girls with Uncle Warner!
Posing with PaPa and RaRa
Posing with PaPa and RaRa

WD’s JD Party

Our sweet little Wryder loves tractors.  They are, hands down, his favorite thing right now.  He loves to watch them work ground all around us or look at pictures of them on the internet or play with his or ask Mr. Rick for rides…  With his second birthday coming up, we knew a tractor party he should have!

He prefers green tractors 😉
Wrex cut these tractors out of foam for me and I painted them up
I love the little John Deere boy...reminds me of WD
I love the little John Deere boy…reminds me of WD
It was yellow and green everywhere!
It was yellow and green everywhere!
He got such a bang out of the plates and napkins – so glad I bought them!
The party scape...
The party scape…

We had some of his favorite things to eat, including:

  • harrowed hamburgers
  • sickle mower sweet potato fries
  • garden tractor veggie tray
  • four stroke fruit
  • compact corn on the cob
  • duel fuel lemonade
The dessert table - always the best part!
The dessert table – always the best part!
That cake...
That cake…
My fave, hands down
My fave, hands down
Sawyer, Breckyn and Wryder
Sawyer, Breckyn and Wryder
He's a little blurry with excitement!
He’s a little blurry with excitement!
He LOVED the cake, too!
He LOVED the cake, too!
Especially eating it :)
Especially eating it 🙂

He got some great gifts including a barn that folds up with the animals inside that he can take to the sale barn…

What's in here?
What’s in here?
This got lots of play time this weekend...
This got lots of play time this weekend…

Some baby ducks, now named Jack and Danny…


and his favorite gift, a “boy cow” hat!

He loved it!
He loved it!
Look at that smile!
Look at that smile!
SOOOOO handsome!
SOOOOO handsome!

I can’t believe this little guy is almost two!  It feels like his first two years went faster than they did with Sawyer.  Hard to believe she’s gonna be five.  Yes, five.

We’re all still trying to regain some rest after such a fun weekend with the fam and the kids are definitely going through grandparent detox.  Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean…  😉

Maybe So

One of the many things that attracted me to my sweet hubby was his love for family and kids.  That’s pretty darn attractive, let me tell ya.

With our sweet friend Jadia

I’m not just a huge kid person myself.  I mean, I LOVE mine…and I like other well behaved, disciplined, polite children *ahem*…but he innately loves kiddos!

With Baby Breckyn and Sawyer
With Baby Breckyn and Sawyer

I distinctly remember a visit we had from some family friends about a month or so before Sawyer was born.  We were still in Denver at the time and they were talking to him about working so much.  They made a comment that that would probably change soon once this sweet little girl was wrapped around his finger.

He was kinda sheepish about the whole ordeal.  I wouldn’t say he was trying to deny the fact that she would be wrapped around his finger…maybe he knew…

But maybe he didn’t quite know just how deep a daddy’s love for his little girl would really run.

Fast forward a month to her birth and he was so in love.

Baby Sawyer, a few days old
Baby Sawyer, a few days old…and one proud daddy

She slept with him the first night becaus her body temp was a little down and they wanted someone to snuggle her.  I was exhausted and could barely take care of myself so he took over.  Pretty sure that sealed the deal.

Fast forward nine more months and  we were living on faith and our savings account as he searched for another career that allowed him more time with his family.  I’ve got one amazing man…

May I just say, the words of our friends have come true, too?  She’s definitely wrapped around his finger…in a good way, too. 

There is no one she trusts more than her daddy.  He is such a pillar of unwavering everything!  He’s even tempered, he’s consistent, he’s faithful, he’s gracious, he’s merciful, he’s a man of his word…and he’s just plain fun.

I know how well and fully he loves me and I see how well he loves our children, too.  He works so hard to go above and beyond to provide for us.  He makes us a priority.  He never treats us like we’re a burden.  He teaches us and leads us.  He gets us into adventurous mischief.  He prays for us and over us.  He takes time to do and talk about the things that are important to us.  Like pink sorting sticks…

There’s a guy at the sale barn that uses a pink sorting paddle and Sawyer has had her eye on it for quite some time.  She’s mentioned it to me before and yesterday was no different.  Wrex saw her talking and pointing and I told him she wanted a pink sorting paddle like Mr. Kyle.  He smiled and kinda giggled and I didn’t think much else about it.

We loaded up and went home and daddy finished buying cows and come home a little after supper.  He called me outside to show me something…which usually involves feathers or fur *ahem*…but not this time.

He had gone to the vet clinic to grab some meds for some calves and he picked up a little something else…a pink sorting stick.  I will forever have his face tattooed in my mind’s eye; it was another one of those sheepish looks that was oh so sweet.  He knew it wasn’t anything she NEEDED.  We have a green paddle and a couple of sorting sticks.  He knew it wasn’t for a holiday or birthday…he just knew he loved his little girl and that the smile on her face would be well worth the potential “spoilage.”

He was right.

She was ECSTATIC.  Wanted to sleep with it, even.  She shoved her last two bites of supper in her mouth, threw on her boots and was headed to the barn.

Can ya tells she likes pink?
Can ya tells she likes pink?

She helped him “work calves” with it last night…

Showing the goats
Showing the goats
They approved
They approved
Moving calves
Moving calves
This girl is good!
This girl is good!
Got 'em in!
Got ’em in!

…and a few goats, too.

Brother had to help, of course
Brother had to help, of course
Calling it a night
Calling it a night

I don’t know what it was about that silly stick that got me so teary…but it did.  Still am.

Maybe because I wasn’t expecting it myself.

Maybe because my parents would’ve done the same thing.

Maybe because it was so unlike his frugal character.

Maybe just because it showed oh so much love.

Maybe so…