Everything’s Better Together

My sweet husband called about two yesterday afternoon and asked me to get a little overnight bag together for everyone.  We don’t have the cable and the college championship game was going to be on ESPN and he wanted to make sure we got to watch it, so he reserved us a hotel room in Nebraska.  He thought we could go swimming, watch the game…just make a fun little night away.  Seriously, how sweet is THAT?!

So off we went!  The kids were pumped, as was I.  At supper, Sawyer mentioned her stomach was hurting but she seemed ok, so we didn’t think a whole lot about it.

Then we got to the hotel and found out that the pool was empty due to renovations…even though I heard W ask on the phone if they had pool and all they said was, “Yes.”  The only other hotel in town with a pool was undergoing renovations as well, so we had to stay put.  Our little sweeties had great attitudes so we just tried to have some fun in the hotel room.

Let's "watch" the game!
Let’s “watch” the game!
This is more like it...
This is more like it…
Cooling off in the fridge after some rambunctiousness...
Cooling off in the fridge after some rambunctiousness…

The game was fun to watch…even though I was rooting for the Ducks!  (Are you surprised they lost?!  HAHA  After my weekend, I was not.  😉  )

We finally got everyone to bed and sweet Sawyer woke up about one…throwing up.  I guess her tummy really was hurting…  We were up with her until about four and then back up at seven.  She’s feeling better now, praise the Lord.  We’re all just a little tired.

I felt so bad for Wrexy because it felt like our little excursion was a bust.  He’s such a hard-working, selfless husband and dad…I just wanted it to be perfect for him and he wanted it to be perfect for us.  And it was…because we were TOGETHER.