Thanksgiving 2013

My heart is full.  My proverbial gas tank maybe a little empty after such a wonderful weekend, but my heart is FULL.

We traveled out to Denver and spent the weekend with our adopted family – always a good time!  There’s never an inadequate amount of hugs or smiles or laughs or food…just time.   Would any amount ever be enough??  I think not…

That's a good-looking, gracious bunch...
That’s a good-looking, gracious bunch…

We stayed at the {beautiful, pregnant} bestie’s house.  It was so nice to spend some time with her and her hubby before their lives get even busier with baby.  She’s scheduled to arrive the 16th!!  EEP!

Gorgeous pic (taken my sister Stephanie Kelley)
Gorgeous pic (taken by sister Stephanie Kelley)

They have a piano in their foyer and Sawyer couldn’t get enough of it!  We’d set the timer for five or so minutes and she’d play her heart out.  She and Dessa sat down and played together one night before supper, which thought was especially wonderful.


Wryder was teething all weekend (hello, top teeth!) and wasn’t the happiest he’s ever been but he got to play in the laundry basket while we got ready for supper and I think he actually liked it!

Containment, people...containment!  ;)
Containment, people…containment! 😉

On Saturday, Wrex took the kids to run some errands down south and I got to go out and Christmas shop.  Alone.  I’m never alone!  I had Starbucks for breakfast and Red Mango for lunch and walked until my feet were about to fall off. It was nice to get in and out of places so quick and to have a little break, but I was ready to meet back up with the troops that afternoon.

Sunday morning, the lovely and oh-so-talented Stormie (I know you haven’t forgotten about her) took our family photos.  God bless her.  It’s not easy with two incredibly unphotogenic people, one toddler with a vicious smile and a 7 month old.  I can’t wait to see the finished images.

We spent the rest of Sunday with the lovely Stukas family.  They bless us more than words can say.  They have four gorgeous kiddos that are incredibly sweet, kind and well-behaved and we love that they love Sawyer as much as she loves them!  The Lord has interwoven our lives in a beautiful way and we are so so so so thankful for them.  I can’t fully describe what it’s like to have people in your life that you trust so fully and implicitly.  Wonder if they’d ever move to Holyoke….hmmmm….

How do we know so many beautiful people?!
How do we know so many beautiful people?!

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend.  So needed.  We grew so much during our time in Denver and we made some phenomenal friends that we miss being able to do daily life with.  We know that we know that we know that this is where the Lord called us and that makes missing them a little easier, but miss them we do.  Thankful for the time.  My heart is full.

Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum

This video is making it’s way across the web and may I just say – AH-MAY-ZING.  Those cats are talented!  Gifted!  Anointed!  It’s incredible.  Goosegump inducing awesomeness.  Watch it, would ya?

The lyrics of this old favorite caught me and flat jostled me upon hearing them; moved me in a way they never have before.

This little drummer boy is heading out to see the King; the King of Kings, in fact.  He sees those around him gathering up the finest gifts they can find for this new born babe.  But he?  He has no gift.  He has nothing to give that is worthy of this royalty.

I am a poor boy, too – pa rum pum pum pum

I have no gift to bring – pa rum pum pum pum

That’s fit to give the King – pa rum pum pum pum

I kind of chuckled because I feel his pain.  I get that – we are in the same boat, my drumming friend.  There is so much I want to do and so much I want to give and so much I want to give towards, but it’s hard right now.  In this season of ThanksGIVING, I want to open my hands wide and pour out blessing after blessing after blessing to honor Him but I find myself short.  What can I give?  What can I bestow that would honor the King in a way He deserves?  Even if I was a millionaire, what could I lavish Him with that would be worthy enough?  What could I heap upon Him that would beat in line with His heart?  

Shall I play for you – pa rum pum pum pum –

on my drum?

I played my drum for Him – pa rum pum pum pum

I played my best for Him – pa rum pum pum pum

In those moments, the Lord spoke to me and showed me how I can give gifts to Him using  what I do have; gifts that are worthy of a King, gifts that would still truly honor Him.

Speak kindly to your husband and your kids.  (This season of life can get crazy.  Boundary testing and sleep training and diaper changing and shoe tieing all on top of the holidays – don’t let it rule you.  These people are your biggest blessing; let your words make them know that.)

Be patient with them. (No one is going to do things exactly as you would do them.  Your  husband trusts this home to you and is willing to help when needed, so show him some grace.  Your kids are only little once.  They’re still learning how to do things and how not to do things.  Show them some grace.)

Enjoy them. (My second best gift to you is under your roof.  Take delight in them.  Their differences, their similarities, their quirks and their ticks.  Press into those hugs and be quick to make memories.)

Spend quality time with them. (Time is ticking by, isn’t it?  Let the dishes rot in the sink.  Let the floors be covered in crumbs.  Let the laundry go and resort to mismatched clothes.  Play more dress up.  Play more farm.  Play more games.  Read more books. Leave a legacy of the fear of the Lord, not a legacy of cleanliness.)

Spend quality time with Me. (Oh!  I have much to show and teach you.  About you.  About Me.  I long to be with you even more than you long to be with your family.  Hard to fathom, yes?  But it’s true.  Keep carving out chunks for me and I promise to keep meeting you like I did today, too.)

Tell them what I’ve done for you.  (I’ve saved you from so much and am saving you still!  I don’t want mediocrity for you.  I don’t want survival for you.  I want life and life abundantly for you!)

These are gifts that will definitely delight Me.

Then He smiled at me – pa rum pum pum pum

Me and my drum – pa rum pum pum pum

Six simple gifts that will genuinely bless His heart and bring honor to His name.  Isn’t that my goal after all?  I have much to be thankful for, much to sing His praises about…and much to give in return. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!  May your heart beat in line with the King of Kings and may you lift up thanks to Him today.

Pa rum pum pum pum…

That’s My Girl

I had gotten a few Christmas things out of storage this week for a MOPS event we had downtown, one of which was a little, rustic Christmas tree.  I have a set of two and the smallest one wound up in the house, thanks to Sawyer.  This girl LOVES “decker-ing” (decorating) and she loves Christmas  – where EVER does she get those passions from?!  Ahem.  Needless to say, this little tree has provided lots of entertainment.

Last night, we plugged it and she went to town decker-ing it.

IMG_3225She decided to make the little tree, little brother’s tree and had the idea to use his toys to adorn the branches.  Genius.

IMG_3227I particularly love the pacifier…

IMG_3226Daddy even helped her make a star for the top…because every good tree has to have a star on top.  Just ask her; she’ll tell ya.

IMG_3224She was quite proud of the finished product, as was I!

IMG_3228She’s the sweetest little thing, that girl.  People keep asking her what she wants for Christmas and all she keeps saying is, “All of us family together!”  That’s my girl…

We’ve Got it Good

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Wrex is a really great dad.  He loves his kiddos and he loves to bring home surprises and give them good gifts!  (Remember the rabbit?)  Tonight was no exception.  As he was driving home from the sale barn, he stopped at the appliance store and brought this home…

IMG_3165Is there anything better in a kid’s world than a huge cardboard box?!  I think not!  He got out the razor blade and went to town cutting windows and a door…

IMG_3167We got out the crayons and markers and started making it cute!  We put shutters on the windows…


and planted flowers by the entrance…

IMG_3171Daddy even made her a key!

IMG_3172She decided she wanted it to be restaurant that she would call “Sawyer’s” so we wrote that on the door…

IMG_3173and we moved the play kitchen in from the toy room so she could get those orders out!

IMG_3183Wryder got to help cook a little bit, but he had to stay out of the kitchen for tonight.  🙂  I’m sure once the new wears off he might get invited in…

IMG_3180She had a grand ole time and Wrex and I “ate” until we our “devit” cards were maxed out!!

IMG_3174I’m so blessed to have such a thoughtful, caring husband.  It delights my soul to know that he thinks of us during his day-to-day activities…enough so to go out of his way to haul a huge box home just to make his little girl smile.  He’s a keeper, that one…just ask Sawyer.

As we were eating our real supper tonight, she saved her green beans for last.  Wrex said, “Eat ’em up so you’ll get big and strong,” to which she replied with a quivering lip, “I don’t want to get big because then I won’t fit on your lap!”

Oh, honey, trust me – you’ll always fit on daddy’s lap…he’ll make room for you, no matter how big you get.  He’s got it bad for you, sweet girl…and we?  We’ve got it good…

A Good Day and a Gift from Goo Goo

Today?  Was a really good day.  I think we were all desperate for some family time together that didn’t involve someone feeling like death warmed over.  We had breakfast and cooked some pretend food in the toy room kitchen…

We let Sawyer get a little outside time in since it wasn’t too chilly or windy and we cooked some more in the barn…



IMG_3104We checked the mail and found we had a gift from Goo Goo so we all put it to good use…





IMG_3132IMG_3133The kiddos bathed together and got all snuggled up in their jammies…we ate a little supper and Sawyer watched a little show before bed.  It was just a simple, good, familial day…my favorite kind.

On the Mend

This (ruggedly handsome) man…

1424326_10153446389340335_806608494_nis my hero.  I have no idea what I would’ve done without him the past 11 years!  He makes me whole.  He’s patient and kind and loving and encouraging…he’s a voice of reason in my not so reasonable existence…he leads us in the ways of the Lord and prays for us and with us and over us…he works hard to provide for our family so that I can stay home and raise these babies…he’s a selfless servant in the truest of forms.

I for sure have no idea what I would’ve done without him this past month.  I have been ILL.  (I’ve written about it a few times but in an effort to spare you of boredom and more self-pity, we’ll just leave it at that.)  And he?  He has MORE than picked up the slack around here.  He’s played games and read books and changed diapers and fixed meals and washed dishes and bathed babies and folded laundry and let me sleep and bought medicine and bought more medicine and cleaned bathrooms and taken kids to church and helped with projects I started and and and and and…

And?  As I’ve been typing this, I got to thinking that I’m not so sure how out of the ordinary this stuff REALLY is regarding him.  Even when I’m well (or as well as I can be – ha!) he does these things.  He is, bar none/hands down/no competition, the best husband and daddy anyone could ever ask for.  He shows love to me in every kind of way I can even think to imagine, even through helping with housework.  I hear women talk about their husbands and how they wished he’d help more with the kids or help more around the house or be more involved/romantic/loving and I’m thankful I know nothing of that world.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I have NO IDEA how I landed such a man.  I am blessed beyond measure by the way he loves me.

163432_181295991894117_6762074_nHe’ll probably be happy to know that I think I’m on the mend!  I scrubbed the kitchen floor this morning and then cleaned the rest of the house…so I guess I’m either getting well or I’m CRazY.  (No comments on that one.  Please and thank you.)   I can’t walk…but my house is clean.  Maybe he’ll carry me to bed…

Thankful Tree

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name.  Psalm 100:4

The first of the month kicked off our family’s thankful tree activity.  Nothing fancy – just pure, unadulterated gratefulness for the countless blessings we have in our lives.


We ARE a blessed people!  We have a roof over our head that is comfortable and climate controlled…we have access to a clean, safe water supply (that can be heated for comfort and cleanliness)…we have the cheapest, safest and most wholesome food supply in the world…we have the privilege to worship how we so choose…we live in a democratic society that although, not perfect, is better than every other alternative… we are healthy and thriving…my husband has a job and one that provides for our financial needs…I have the benefit of staying home to raise our children…we have more than enough food in our cupboards and freezers and stomachs…we have totes of clothes we aren’t currently wearing…we have extra shoes in our mudroom…we own animals for pleasure…we have access to more than one vehicle…we have MORE.THAN.ENOUGH.

Let us not forget from whom all blessings flow.

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.  He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.  James 1:17

So, we will praise Him.  We will praise Him with our voices and words and blogs.  We will praise Him with our attitudes and the posture of our hearts.  We will praise Him with our paper leaves.

IMG_2988It’s funny how something so simple can evoke such emotion.  To hear Sawyer say she’s grateful for her…

Baby brother

just takes my breath away.  She gets it.

Daddy said he was thankful that…

We live in America.

to which Sawyer quickly replied, “No, silly!  We live in Holyoke!”

And the past couple of days?  I’ve been especially thankful…

That my husband prays for me.

The ways in which He provides for us are many and we’re really good at celebrating the gift…but let us not refrain from worshiping THE GIVER.

My heart overflows in gratitude for all He has given…and for the things He took that He knew I didn’t need.  Really thankful for those things, too…

Let us cultivate a spirit of gratitude among us, in all things and in all times.  It leads to joy.  It leads to selflessness.  It leads to a greater perspective.  It leads to Him.

Splish Splash I Was Taking a Bath

Sawyer LOVES bath time and she’s been begging to take one with brother.  Saturday evening, we thought that was a great plan to get everyone wound down and ready to relax before the time change and church on Sunday.

What a strategically placed skillet - ha!
What a strategically placed skillet – ha!

We plopped brother in the Bumbo and away we went.  (Honestly, is that not the best baby invention, oh….ever?!)

He only tried to float away once.

He LOVED splashing the water and did far better about having water in his eyes than his sister does.

No tears

They played and played and played.

She loves to hold his hand
She loves to hold his hand

We got a little scrubbing in and then it was time to get out, much to someone’s dismay.  Wryder cried and cried and cried.   We’ve never seen him that upset about something other than being tired or hungry!

Sawyer helped daddy make some baby food, sans clothes, of course…


and then they snuggled up to watch a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while mom got supper ready.

Again with the hand holding…

These two make bring so much joy to our lives!  We are so blessed that Sawyer loves her little brother and wants to spend time with him and play with him and include him.  We hope to continue to foster that all of their days, and I’m certain we’ll have more baths like this one…

Birthday Goodies

If you’ll recall, my birthday was back in September and my family spoiled me rotten!  Apparently, they weren’t done.  We made a quick trip to Denver this weekend and Wrexy informed me that we had to make a little detour.  He had conspired with a friend and bought me some amazing, old, chippy farmhouse doors and a lovely little table!  (See what I mean – he’s the BEST.)

IMG_1840 IMG_1839 IMG_1838 IMG_1836 IMG_1837IMG_2885 IMG_2886That table is going to spend some time at MOPS but then?  Oh, I have plans for it!  What do you think I should do with those RAD doors?  Send me your ideas!

One Little, Two Little. . .Indians

After a friend sent me this overly adorable costume for little Wryder (thanks, Emily!!)

This is not Wryder.  ;)
This is not Wryder. 😉

I knew I wanted Sawyer to be an indian with him.  Our church’s harvest carnival was this afternoon and we found her costume…….yesterday.  (Phew.)  Nonna let us borrow one she had and I was just gonna take it and add a little fluff/beads/fringe…until Wrexy came across this little number at the thrift store.


It was PERFECT (and needed no extra work, mind you!)  I threw together a head dress, painted a couple of stripes, threw on a bow and arrow……and the CUTEST little indian I’ve ever seen made her debut!

Seriously, the weaponry made the outfit
Seriously, the weaponry made the outfit

I thought the carnival started at 3:00, so we ate an earlier lunch with the thought that the kids would still get a decent little nap in before we had to leave.  I fibbed (oopsie!) and told Sawyer that Mr. Russ (our pastor) said that all the kids had to take a nap or they couldn’t come to the carnival, so she snuggled right down!  Then, I decided to check the official start time.  Good thing I did!  It started at 2:00!  So, no nap for Sawyer.  We got up and got around and dashed out the door.  As we were driving, she said, “Will you still tell Mr. Russ I slept good?”  HAHAHAHA  Oh, geez.

Pretty sure anybody would let this face into the carnival..
Pretty sure anybody would let this face into the carnival, nap or not.

Daddy fixed Wryder’s costume so I could wear him in the baby bjourn but have it look like an actual papoose.

He rocked it.
He rocked it.
He was thrilled - really!
He was thrilled – really!
I love these 2 little indians...
I love these 2 little indians…

Sawyer played A LOT of games and got A LOT of loot!

Searching for pennies
Searching for pennies
Tossing balls
Tossing balls
ANY game with Kenyon is fun in her book!
ANY game with Kenyon is fun in her book!
Bean bag toss
Bean bag toss
She won a root beer!  IS there a better prize?  Not in her world!
She won a root beer! IS there a better prize? Not in her world!

She got to help drive Mr. Koop’s horses, Rose and Ruby!

She was a happy girl!
She was a happy girl!

Super fun time with super fun people – how do ya beat that?!  Thursday, we’ll head back to Grant to trick-or-treat downtown and then head home for our annual Phipps Family Camp In!  Until then, we’ll attempt to get a little rest under our belts…

Harvest carnival casualty