Slumber Party Surprise

Sawyer loves to lay in bed and talk.  I’ll go to tuck her in and snuggle in beside her…she’ll roll my way and say, “Let’s talk about something.”  Most often, I oblige and we’ll chat for a few minutes before prayers and sleep.  I so enjoy getting to hear what’s on her little heart and mind and I pray this is something she never tires of.

For a while now, she’s wanted me to stay and sleep with her and I’ve been promising a slumber party for a while, so last night we did just that!

Oh yes!
Oh yes!

I reminded daddy that it was slumber party night while he was still at the sale barn and told him to get excited.  He did just that!

"Woot woot" = how cute is he?!
“Woot woot” = how cute is he?!

She couldn’t wait for him to get home so he could help us set the tent up in the living room.  I was just thinking we’d camp out in somebody’s bed but I have to admit, the tent was a lot more fun!

Where’s the living room floor?!

Wryder had a lot of fun, too.  He made it until about 6:53 and then the crib was calling his name.

Get excited!
Get excited!

We made a fun supper, complete with a sleeping bag sandwich and we had lots of treats on hand for our ‘midnight’ snack.

Cute, yes?!
Meet Freddie and Fergula...names compliments of Sawyer.
Meet Freddie and Fergula…names compliments of Sawyer.

We did our make-up (which then resulted in an impromptu bath)…

Love those lips!
Love those lips!
Doing good work!
Doing good work!
A bath?  Why??
A bath? Why??

Played some Old Maid and Go Fish…

Holding all those cards is hard for little hands!
Holding all those cards is hard for little hands!
Daddy ended up with the maid and she thought that was funny!
Daddy ended up with the maid and she thought that was funny!

Watched an Umizoomi we hadn’t seen…

with Pink Teddy, of course...
with Pink Teddy, of course…

Played flashlights…

She loved this!
She loved this!

and then called it a night!

This was cheap and easy entertainment and we all loved it!  The tent is still holding strong in the living room and there is lots of playing still going on.  Naptime will be glorious today…