Happy Day to the Best in the Business

Sawyer, Wryder and Sayble are the three most fortunate children I know.  One could say so for many reasons, but especially because they have this guy for a daddy:

Handsome to the bone!
Handsome to the bone!

He is gentle, yet firm.  He disciplines in love and is incredibly slow to anger.  He doesn’t lose his temper or raise his voice, much less a hand, in angst.  He is kind and gentle and loves unabashedly.


He seeks adventure and is definitely the more fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants of the two of us…which is a good balance for our home.  He’s quick to take the kids to try something new or something on a whim or press the activities leading up to bedtime to the very last second – something they will remember far more than being well rested.


He is quick to ask for forgiveness and even quicker to grant it.  I’m not sure that he holds a grudge (or ever has) with anyone about anything…which is good, because I tend to hold enough for the both of us.  😉   He keeps short records and has a tendency to see the best, and only the best, in most people.


He is strong and capable and wildly courageous.  He protects us and provides for us unlike anything I’ve ever seen.  We have never lacked any good thing with him at the head of our household.


He provides a stable, static home by never being afraid to show the kids how much he loves them or their mommy.  He is always up for a hug or a kiss or a snuggle from me or any of the three of them.  He is a lover and he’s not afraid to show it.


He is incredibly generous with his time and his resources.  It’s a rare day that we feel second best or a lower priority than anything else he has going on in his world.  He treats us like we ARE his world…and I believe it.


His knowledge of the Word is deep and abundant and he guides us in the ways of truth on a daily basis.  Our kids will know how to love the Lord (and how the Lord loves us) just by watching him be their daddy…


Wrexy, every child the world over should be so fortunate as to have a daddy like you.  Bless you, my love, for loving us so well.  We honor you this Father’s Day, and every day, and pray we bring you honor right back.

Thank you for rising up to the plate and being a man of God in a day and age where that isn’t always the easy or popular thing to be.

Thank you for making us a priority in all that you do and for never making us feel like a burden – 15 bags, baby carrier and all.

Thank you for making today an easy one to celebrate…we love you!

Moooooove Over Monday

Mondays always kind of make me blue.  I love weekends with my family and I dread Wrexy going back to work for the week.  This weekend was no exception…we had a really fun time celebrating him.

Sawyer is kind of like her mom and gets really excited about events and functions so we decorated a little for daddio.  Surprise, surprise, I know.  She wanted to throw him a cow birthday party but we were in Denver that weekend so we decided to throw him a cow Father’s Day!


The cards at the top are bidding cards they use at the sale barn and then I just found a cow template I liked and made the bunting.

Cow gift tags, too


More bidding cards turned into silverware holders
More bidding cards turned into silverware holders

IMG_4857He was so cute and appreciative of all of our hard work.  I went to take everything down last night and he asked me to leave them up one more day.  So many reasons to love that man…

On Saturday, we did a little shopping and then ran to town to celebrate the birthdays of two sweet friends from church.  The second party was a pool party and we got in a few good minutes of swimming before the storm clouds started rolling in.  The kids are both little fish so it was a lot of fun.  If we lived in town, we’d be at the pool every day, no doubt…

On Sunday, the kiddos surprised daddy with sweet shirts that we ordered that said, “I love my daddy.”

Wryder was still a little tired from the parties the day before and was none to excited about having his picture taken.

I am not loving mommy right now...
I am not loving mommy right now…
That's a little better
That’s a little better

He did, however, take seven steps on his own!  YAY!  He might just walk yet!

Beautiful girl!
Beautiful girl!

All in all, it was a great weekend.  We took daddy to eat a yummy hamburger, got a root beer float and then let him take a three hour afternoon nap.  What’s better than that?!

IMG_4870IMG_4876We sure love our {cow buying} daddy!