Never in a Million Years

Yesterday, you got to revel in the complete preciousness of Sawyer and Wryder.  Today?  The whole family!  Stormie took soooo many – it was hard to choose just a few to showcase here but these are my faves – enjoy!

PhippsDec2013 (6)PhippsDec2013 (35)PhippsDec2013 (20)BESTEDITPhippsDec2013 (55)PhippsDec2013 (7)kissingeditedPhippsDec2013 (33)PhippsDec2013 (32)PhippsDec2013 (5)PhippsDec2013 (54)PhippsDec2013 (11)Honestly, that last one might be fave because it’s just sooooooo Wrex!  I chickened out using it for our Christmas card because I didn’t want to offend anyone.  😉  If Wryder was looking at that camera, you might’ve had to shield your eyes opening your envelope.

I am so thankful for these photos.  They are the first official family photos we’ve had done with kiddos and I love that Stormie captured this season of our life.  Even more so, I’m thankful for my little family.  Never in a million years did I dream I’d be this blessed.  Never in a million years did I expect to have a husband as wonderful and kind and patient and forgiving and gracious and loving as Wrex.  Never in a million years did I think I’d have kids as sweet and kind and smart and cute and compassionate as these two little loves.  Never in a million years did I think I’d be this divinely happy to share my life and my time and my resources and my energy with such wonderful beings.  Never in a million years would I have really believed that this kind of love existed.  But I assure you – it does.  

I have delighted in Him and He has given me the desires of my heart.  I am forever grateful…forever singing His praises…forever turning my gift back to Him…forever…for a million years plus forever…

Cute Toots

Man, I’ve got cute kids!  I mean, I’m sure I’m a weeeeee bit biased, but these guys are just melt-your-heart preciousness!  These pics are from a family photo shoot that the lovely Stormie did for us at Thanksgiving.  I ADORE them….

PhippsDec2013 (45)PhippsDec2013 (46)PhippsDec2013 (53)PhippsDec2013 (47)PhippsDec2013 (22)PhippsDec2013 (27)PhippsDec2013 (63)PhippsDec2013 (29)PhippsDec2013 (25)PhippsDec2013 (26)PhippsDec2013 (9)So. In. LOVE…with the pictures…and with these kids.  I am a blessed momma.

Share with me which one is YOUR favorite or else I might print them all!

Thanksgiving 2013

My heart is full.  My proverbial gas tank maybe a little empty after such a wonderful weekend, but my heart is FULL.

We traveled out to Denver and spent the weekend with our adopted family – always a good time!  There’s never an inadequate amount of hugs or smiles or laughs or food…just time.   Would any amount ever be enough??  I think not…

That's a good-looking, gracious bunch...
That’s a good-looking, gracious bunch…

We stayed at the {beautiful, pregnant} bestie’s house.  It was so nice to spend some time with her and her hubby before their lives get even busier with baby.  She’s scheduled to arrive the 16th!!  EEP!

Gorgeous pic (taken my sister Stephanie Kelley)
Gorgeous pic (taken by sister Stephanie Kelley)

They have a piano in their foyer and Sawyer couldn’t get enough of it!  We’d set the timer for five or so minutes and she’d play her heart out.  She and Dessa sat down and played together one night before supper, which thought was especially wonderful.


Wryder was teething all weekend (hello, top teeth!) and wasn’t the happiest he’s ever been but he got to play in the laundry basket while we got ready for supper and I think he actually liked it!

Containment, people...containment!  ;)
Containment, people…containment! 😉

On Saturday, Wrex took the kids to run some errands down south and I got to go out and Christmas shop.  Alone.  I’m never alone!  I had Starbucks for breakfast and Red Mango for lunch and walked until my feet were about to fall off. It was nice to get in and out of places so quick and to have a little break, but I was ready to meet back up with the troops that afternoon.

Sunday morning, the lovely and oh-so-talented Stormie (I know you haven’t forgotten about her) took our family photos.  God bless her.  It’s not easy with two incredibly unphotogenic people, one toddler with a vicious smile and a 7 month old.  I can’t wait to see the finished images.

We spent the rest of Sunday with the lovely Stukas family.  They bless us more than words can say.  They have four gorgeous kiddos that are incredibly sweet, kind and well-behaved and we love that they love Sawyer as much as she loves them!  The Lord has interwoven our lives in a beautiful way and we are so so so so thankful for them.  I can’t fully describe what it’s like to have people in your life that you trust so fully and implicitly.  Wonder if they’d ever move to Holyoke….hmmmm….

How do we know so many beautiful people?!
How do we know so many beautiful people?!

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend.  So needed.  We grew so much during our time in Denver and we made some phenomenal friends that we miss being able to do daily life with.  We know that we know that we know that this is where the Lord called us and that makes missing them a little easier, but miss them we do.  Thankful for the time.  My heart is full.

Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum

This video is making it’s way across the web and may I just say – AH-MAY-ZING.  Those cats are talented!  Gifted!  Anointed!  It’s incredible.  Goosegump inducing awesomeness.  Watch it, would ya?

The lyrics of this old favorite caught me and flat jostled me upon hearing them; moved me in a way they never have before.

This little drummer boy is heading out to see the King; the King of Kings, in fact.  He sees those around him gathering up the finest gifts they can find for this new born babe.  But he?  He has no gift.  He has nothing to give that is worthy of this royalty.

I am a poor boy, too – pa rum pum pum pum

I have no gift to bring – pa rum pum pum pum

That’s fit to give the King – pa rum pum pum pum

I kind of chuckled because I feel his pain.  I get that – we are in the same boat, my drumming friend.  There is so much I want to do and so much I want to give and so much I want to give towards, but it’s hard right now.  In this season of ThanksGIVING, I want to open my hands wide and pour out blessing after blessing after blessing to honor Him but I find myself short.  What can I give?  What can I bestow that would honor the King in a way He deserves?  Even if I was a millionaire, what could I lavish Him with that would be worthy enough?  What could I heap upon Him that would beat in line with His heart?  

Shall I play for you – pa rum pum pum pum –

on my drum?

I played my drum for Him – pa rum pum pum pum

I played my best for Him – pa rum pum pum pum

In those moments, the Lord spoke to me and showed me how I can give gifts to Him using  what I do have; gifts that are worthy of a King, gifts that would still truly honor Him.

Speak kindly to your husband and your kids.  (This season of life can get crazy.  Boundary testing and sleep training and diaper changing and shoe tieing all on top of the holidays – don’t let it rule you.  These people are your biggest blessing; let your words make them know that.)

Be patient with them. (No one is going to do things exactly as you would do them.  Your  husband trusts this home to you and is willing to help when needed, so show him some grace.  Your kids are only little once.  They’re still learning how to do things and how not to do things.  Show them some grace.)

Enjoy them. (My second best gift to you is under your roof.  Take delight in them.  Their differences, their similarities, their quirks and their ticks.  Press into those hugs and be quick to make memories.)

Spend quality time with them. (Time is ticking by, isn’t it?  Let the dishes rot in the sink.  Let the floors be covered in crumbs.  Let the laundry go and resort to mismatched clothes.  Play more dress up.  Play more farm.  Play more games.  Read more books. Leave a legacy of the fear of the Lord, not a legacy of cleanliness.)

Spend quality time with Me. (Oh!  I have much to show and teach you.  About you.  About Me.  I long to be with you even more than you long to be with your family.  Hard to fathom, yes?  But it’s true.  Keep carving out chunks for me and I promise to keep meeting you like I did today, too.)

Tell them what I’ve done for you.  (I’ve saved you from so much and am saving you still!  I don’t want mediocrity for you.  I don’t want survival for you.  I want life and life abundantly for you!)

These are gifts that will definitely delight Me.

Then He smiled at me – pa rum pum pum pum

Me and my drum – pa rum pum pum pum

Six simple gifts that will genuinely bless His heart and bring honor to His name.  Isn’t that my goal after all?  I have much to be thankful for, much to sing His praises about…and much to give in return. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!  May your heart beat in line with the King of Kings and may you lift up thanks to Him today.

Pa rum pum pum pum…

That’s My Girl

I had gotten a few Christmas things out of storage this week for a MOPS event we had downtown, one of which was a little, rustic Christmas tree.  I have a set of two and the smallest one wound up in the house, thanks to Sawyer.  This girl LOVES “decker-ing” (decorating) and she loves Christmas  – where EVER does she get those passions from?!  Ahem.  Needless to say, this little tree has provided lots of entertainment.

Last night, we plugged it and she went to town decker-ing it.

IMG_3225She decided to make the little tree, little brother’s tree and had the idea to use his toys to adorn the branches.  Genius.

IMG_3227I particularly love the pacifier…

IMG_3226Daddy even helped her make a star for the top…because every good tree has to have a star on top.  Just ask her; she’ll tell ya.

IMG_3224She was quite proud of the finished product, as was I!

IMG_3228She’s the sweetest little thing, that girl.  People keep asking her what she wants for Christmas and all she keeps saying is, “All of us family together!”  That’s my girl…

We’ve Got it Good

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Wrex is a really great dad.  He loves his kiddos and he loves to bring home surprises and give them good gifts!  (Remember the rabbit?)  Tonight was no exception.  As he was driving home from the sale barn, he stopped at the appliance store and brought this home…

IMG_3165Is there anything better in a kid’s world than a huge cardboard box?!  I think not!  He got out the razor blade and went to town cutting windows and a door…

IMG_3167We got out the crayons and markers and started making it cute!  We put shutters on the windows…


and planted flowers by the entrance…

IMG_3171Daddy even made her a key!

IMG_3172She decided she wanted it to be restaurant that she would call “Sawyer’s” so we wrote that on the door…

IMG_3173and we moved the play kitchen in from the toy room so she could get those orders out!

IMG_3183Wryder got to help cook a little bit, but he had to stay out of the kitchen for tonight.  🙂  I’m sure once the new wears off he might get invited in…

IMG_3180She had a grand ole time and Wrex and I “ate” until we our “devit” cards were maxed out!!

IMG_3174I’m so blessed to have such a thoughtful, caring husband.  It delights my soul to know that he thinks of us during his day-to-day activities…enough so to go out of his way to haul a huge box home just to make his little girl smile.  He’s a keeper, that one…just ask Sawyer.

As we were eating our real supper tonight, she saved her green beans for last.  Wrex said, “Eat ’em up so you’ll get big and strong,” to which she replied with a quivering lip, “I don’t want to get big because then I won’t fit on your lap!”

Oh, honey, trust me – you’ll always fit on daddy’s lap…he’ll make room for you, no matter how big you get.  He’s got it bad for you, sweet girl…and we?  We’ve got it good…

A Good Day and a Gift from Goo Goo

Today?  Was a really good day.  I think we were all desperate for some family time together that didn’t involve someone feeling like death warmed over.  We had breakfast and cooked some pretend food in the toy room kitchen…

We let Sawyer get a little outside time in since it wasn’t too chilly or windy and we cooked some more in the barn…



IMG_3104We checked the mail and found we had a gift from Goo Goo so we all put it to good use…





IMG_3132IMG_3133The kiddos bathed together and got all snuggled up in their jammies…we ate a little supper and Sawyer watched a little show before bed.  It was just a simple, good, familial day…my favorite kind.

Everything We Need

We got our propane tank filled a week or so ago…and the rest of my hospital bill (from when I had Wryder) came in the mail Monday…and we’ve made a few trips to the doctor and the pharmacy lately, so today was budget day.  Always a good time, yes?  No.

I got out the computer and the bills, and opened our online bank account and my budget spreadsheet and went to work.  I am so thankful for Wrex’s job.  I’m not sure my words could ever adequately describe how it compares to our previous situation.  Night and day, people!  (In a GREAT way!)  He loves it and he’s darn good at it and he has a lot more time at home than his former job.  Is it the highest paying job on the planet? Nope, but we have an income – that’s more than a lot of people out there.  Plus, he’s always finding little ways to make a few more dollars for our family.  Every chance he gets, he’s out doing something extra to support us.  He is a great provider and would work four jobs before we were ever left in want, this I know to be true.

So, I sat there with the bills and the calculator and my spreadsheet and was doing some  inserting and deleting and adding…and a lot of subtracting…ahem.  I was trying to figure out if we could pay those big two (propane and hospital) without transferring money from savings (because that money is off limits in my mind) but because it’s a big, yearly purchase like that, (propane) I just couldn’t make it work.  And I hate taking money from savings.  Ugh.  And I feel like we’ve had to do that a lot this year…for all sorts of random things…as we don’t have a ton leftover at the end of every week/month.

We’ve revisited the budget a lot since Wryder was born and it can be depressing.  We’re to the point where there just isn’t money for eating out on Sunday’s after church or for grabbing a pop when we go to town or for going to Denver every other month to see friends…it’s just not there.  Tithe and formula and diapers and groceries and check-ups pull rank, ya know?  And Wrex and I both have generous hearts (if I do say so myself).  We love to give and bless and surprise and come alongside and help…and we haven’t been able to do that kind of stuff (outside of tithing) as of late…and we miss it and long for it.

So, I’m sitting there with my head swimming with questions about what to do and how to make it all work and what we need to cut back on so that we can not steal from savings and so we can give more?  I’m kicking myself for spending money going out to eat and on a pop now and then.  My heart is screaming about the injustices of it all; that American mentality of entitlement that tells me I deserve certain things in life.  Why CAN’T we eat out on Sundays??  Why CAN’T we grab a pop now and then?!?  Why CAN’T I buy a few things at a thrift store?!?!  And the tears started to come, because it’s a weird place to be in and it feels unfair!

And then…

My sweet little, stuffy nosed girl comes in the kitchen and hands me a paper leaf for the thankful tree.  She said, “Mom, can you write on this for me?  This one is for Wryder.  He said he’s thankful that we have everything we need.”

BAM.  Brought back to reality by a wise beyond her years 3 year old.  “We do indeed, sweet girl.  We do indeed.”

As I wrote those words and stuck the leaf to the tree, my heart softened and my attitude of gratitude swelled.   Lord, I have so much to be thankful for.  Thank you for reminding me of that, again.  You have always provided for us.  Even in our darkest hours and driest of bank accounts, you have always provided.

I’m thankful we even have a little kitty to dip out of…I’m thankful my husband has a job PERIOD and with a great company, no less…I’m thankful our insurance hasn’t changed, even with this Obamacare crap…I’m thankful that my family is healthy and whole…I’m thankful we have a roof over our heads and some room to roam…I’m thankful I even have a family and that I’m not still waiting on Mr. Right or waiting for the Lord to open my womb to have children.

We have everything we need.  Help me not to be a slave to a bank account, Lord.  You are everything we need.


Remember this post?  Yeah, I took a whole prescription of antibiotics and my sinus infection was still here AND, on Wednesday, I woke up with my chest hurting, coughing up junk.  Lovely.  I know.  Ugh.  So, I went back to the doctor and got a z-pack, some steroids and a steroid nasal spray.  I got to sleep 12 hours on Wednesday night (thanks to my fabulous husband) and I up woke feeling pretty good…until about 11:30…a.m.  Today?  I feel worse.  WHAT THE HECK?!?  Please pray for me…

Being a mommy and being sick is TOUGH.  I don’t think it’s been a very fun day around here but we all survived.  I am VERY thankful for this today…

The circle of neglect
The circle of neglect

He spent a little time in here.  At least he likes it.

I’m thankful for this little holiday house thing-a-ma-jig that one of Sawyer’s cow buyer grandpas got her a while back…

It's not QUITE Christmas
It’s almost Christmas, can you believe it?  Hope I’m well by then…

This provided an hour or so of play.  I’ll take it.

IMG_3024IMG_3023IMG_3026They also spent an hour doing this…

Magazine shredding is fun
Magazine shredding is fun

and I didn’t even care.  I have yet to pick it up because bending over feels like my head and face might explode, but I figure I can make a game out of it tomorrow.  Or something.  You know I must feel bad if this isn’t even bothering me 3 hours later.

PRAYING I can turn a corner tomorrow with all of this mess…and PRAYING the whole winter isn’t like this.  Ugh.

Wryder is Well! (6 Month Checkup)

This handsome fella…

IMG_3013had his 6 month well-baby checkup yesterday.  Turns out, he’s doing well!  (Not that we doubted that.)  😉

He weighed in at 20 pounds, 12 ounces and was 28.5 inches tall!  He’s a big, stout boy!  (Just ask my arms/neck/back/shoulders when I carry him in the carrier…)  He got the ok to munch on some puffs and Cheerios and to eat what mom, dad and sister are eating (save for meat, eggs and cheese).  Pretty sure he was THRILLED!

He thoroughly enjoyed the protective paper on the exam bed.  His shots?  Not so much.

I am so thankful for happy, healthy babies….