Chore Girl

It has been sooooooooooooooo windy here lately and I loathe, hate, despise and murderously abhor the wind.  The sound of it alone just grates on my nerves…and don’t even get me started on it’s effects on my hair!  (It’s not as bad as humidity, but it’s a close second.)  I grew up in windy West Texas and when I moved to Colorado I thought I had escaped it.  WRONG.

I’m such a fall/winter person but I’m feeling really ready for spring this year.  I know Sawyer needs more time outside, as do I.  The walls close in on the house sometimes and I am a complete and utter wimp in the cold.  Last week, it got up close to 60 so we took full advantage!

Sawyer put on her new pink John Deere gloves that she got from her Uncle Waco and off we went!

Cutest helper I've ever seen!
Cutest helper I’ve ever seen!

She helped daddy put some more bedding in the chicken nest boxes…

His handfuls were a little bigger....
One of his favorite helpers…
She's really loves to help!
She’s really loves to serve and work!

The barn cats have made themselves at home amongst the chickens.  They sleep in the nest boxes every night and the chickens seem to cordially share their space…

The cats get the bottom bunk!
The cats get the bottom bunk!

She “cooked” a few snacks for her chickens and cats.  Daddy made her a little make shift stove in the barn and she makes herself at home in the feed room gathering ingredients…

She cares so much for her animal friends....
She cares so much for her animal friends….

She helped daddy make a few repairs and improvements to the “park.”  Her steering wheel had worked it’s way loose so they whipped out the tools and went to work…

She was only upset because she had to pose instead of keep working!
She was only upset because she had to pose instead of work!

She went for a pony ride and busted ice in the chicken waterers and fed the dogs a frozen egg and looked for the not-so-tame kitten and picked up some trash and jumped on the trampoline and just flat burned off some energy!  By the time we wandered in, we had shed our coats and hats and gloves and enjoyed the sunshine!

It’s supposed to be 66 this weekend!  The possibilities are ENDLESS!  What will YOU be doing?!