Road Trip Funnies

During a 2,000 mile road trip, funny stuff is bound to happen!  (Especially if you have two adorable kiddos who are observant of their surroundings and have stories and ideas they want to share).  Here are a few of my favorites…


EVERY time Wryder saw a deer crossing sign (and there were a few in that part of the country), he would excitedly scream, “John Deere!” and look around for the green machines.  Thankfully, he only woke the baby a couple of times…


On the tractor note…  We were talking about Sawyer’s show cow named Cindy.  When Sawyer turned four, we bought Cindy as a starter project and investment.  All of the income would be hers, as well as the debt and when she was old enough, the work.

Before we left town, we dropped Cindy off to be AI’d and then turned out with a bull since we’d be gone during her heat cycle.  Sawyer was asking if we were going to sell her calf and so Wrex and I were talking about needing to set up a livestock account just for Sawyer to keep that money separate.  I then reminded him that we’d need to be on the lookout for a heifer or cow for Wryder who then piped up and said, “When I four, I want tractor.  No cow.”  The boy is serious about his tractors…


When we arrived in Booker, the kids unbuckled and Wrex went around to their door to let them out.  What he didn’t know was that Wryder was leaning against the door and as soon as he opened it, poor WD toppled right onto the concrete parking lot.

He skinned his arm and head and had a bit of a black eye.  We finally got him calmed down and took him inside to meet some of Wrex’s co-workers.

When he met Roger, the CEO and Wrexy’s big boss, he was showing him his owies.  Roger asked what happened and Wryder said, “Mommy hurt me.”  WHAT?!?!?!?

We told him what happened and that if ANYBODY hurt him it was daddy and Wryder just kept saying, “Mommy hurt me.”  How kind.  Dad’s got him brainwashed, apparently…  😉


The night of the rehearsal dinner, we forgot to take the kids’ cups to the wedding site and drinking out of water bottles is still a little hard for Wryder.  He tends to put his entire mouth around the opening and always lets a little water back into the bottle.

By the end of supper, his water looked a little murky.  I think at least an 1/8 of his dinner was floating around the bottom of the bottle.  I was overly careful not to accidentally grab his by mistake and I even ended up putting a wedding favor koozie on it so I knew which one it was.

Fast forward two days later.  We’re driving along in the car and Wrex is on the phone.  He’d been eating trail mix and was a little parched and reached into the back seat to grab a bottle of water.  He found one that was about half full (not a big surprise after that many days of traveling) and took a big ole chug…and then proceeded to spit and gag.

Yep, he found Wryder’s bottle.


See that murky goodness??  Go ahead and enlarge the pic and really take note.  You’ll dry heave before ya know it…there was a whole Cherrio in there, folks.  Still gagging…


The kids were pretty hot in Texas.  Sawyer’s a little like me when it comes to heat; she much prefers 70 degrees and drier climates.  There was a bit of complaining a few times but we gently reminded them that we had talked about the heat before we came and that we all agreed to tough it out.

As soon as we got home on Tuesday, we let the kids out to run around and we started carrying stuff in.   As we were making our first trip into the mudroom, they both came out of the mudroom looking like this:

Cold much?
Cold much?

Apparently, 82 degrees in Colorado warranted sweatshirts after their quick acclimation to 95 degrees and 97% humidity in Texas.  Hysterical!


I’m sure I’m forgetting things that I’ll have to add later, but these were some of my faves.  Sure do love this (funny) family of mine…