People Trump Tasks

I don’t have to be tomorrow, who I am today. 

The Lord has given us the freedom of choice so I can choose to be different or act different or think different anytime I, well, choose.  We have the opportunity to change our futures and to do things differently than the generations before us…for me, that’s a big deal.

The Lord has been saving me from a life of mediocrity for about twelve years and counting.  He has soooo much more for us than just surviving, ya know?  I have chosen to raise my children differently than I was raised and to have a marriage that’s different than what I witnessed growing up and to base the foundation of my being on Jesus and nothing else.

Those are some of the biggies and they are all things that have come easily for me.  I love being a wife and a mom and it doesn’t feel like work to attempt the things He asks in those areas with excellence.  There are, however, so many more things that the Lord keeps bringing to my attention that He desires for me…things that I know won’t be easy (for me) but things my heart is longing to attempt.

I want to be more about people and less about tasks.  I’m sure to some of you, that sounds easy.   For a type A, black-and-white, meticulous planner?  Not so much.  I’m wired in a way where the to-do list trumps all and being prepared for anything and everything is my mantra.  My mind is always looking ahead…what do I need to pack or get ready?  What’s next on the agenda?  What might cause a problem/throw a wrench in our plans or our peace?  How do we avoid that problem?  What do I need to do now to make things easier later?

Honestly, those things are constantly on my mind and it’s not even exhausting!  Dare I say it’s sort of enriching for me?  (You’re worried about me, aren’t you?)  Don’t be…about that anyways. 😉

Sadly, things like stopping to talk to people for extended periods of time or jumping in to lend a helping hand or investing in something other than wifedom/motherhood doesn’t always make the cut.  To an extent, that’s ok; my family IS my priority, but I know myself enough to know that those priorities aren’t always the reason for my lack of engagement.  I’m an introvert and a doer and that doesn’t leave a lot of room for people.

Jesus was a people person.  He was a doer, yes, but He cared infinitely more about hearts and souls than He did any physical deficiency or any task that warranted His attention.  I’m married to a people person who comes from a line of people persons and they are leaving a legacy of the fear of the Lord because of the time they take to sincerely invest in people.  It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing.

When I think back on all the times in my life that I was affected in the deepest ways for Christ, it wasn’t by someone who worked their tail off at a task…it was by someone who took the time to invest in me. 

Oh man, I wanna be like that!  It’s not something that’s going to come easy for me; it’s going to be something that takes work (I should like that then, yes? Ha!)…something that will require a new mindset and array of habits…but the reward is great and the consequences of not changing are greater yet.

I don’t know what this looks like for sure yet and I’m sure I’ll be stumbling through it for a while…or forever…but I’m determined to make attempts towards that goal.  Thankfully, I have that choice and thankfully I have a Father that I know will reward my efforts to be more like Him.

****** People trump tasks.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat. *******