Feed Me

In case I haven’t mentioned it before, Wryder loves to eat and I mean LOVES to eat!  It’s such a joyous, exciting thing for him and it is so fun to see.

Sawyer is a good eater; she’s not very picky…she tries new things…her palate is expanding all the time these days…she finishes all of her food and is obedient about it, but she doesn’t get excited like he does.  Meal times with her can drag on and on and on and on and on.  Partly because she likes to talk and sing and we have to do a lot of reminders regarding the fact that it’s time to eat and not play, but she just doesn’t get as jazzed about eating as this guy does.

Look at that sweet smile...all those crumbs!
Look at that sweet smile…all those crumbs!

He just really likes food!  Every since he was born, he was an eater and he liked to be full.  There in the beginning, he really only cried when was overly tired or overly hungry…and overly hungry just meant he though he might’ve felt his tummy fall below the stuffed line.

Feed me!
Feed me!

Remember when he dug in the trash can, found the empty pumpkin can, dipped his hand in and started licking if off of his arm and fingers?!

They don't feed me enough around here!
They don’t feed me enough around here!

He rarely turns down an offer regarding food so sister offers a lot!


This morning took the cake (so far).  I had finished cooking breakfast and was dishing up everyone’s portions.  I had fixed his plate first so that it could cool while I finished ours, so I dished it up and set it on the table to do just that.

As I was walking to the table with plate in hand, I saw him get excited about it but I didn’t think anything of it until I heard, “Mom!!” coming from Sawyer.  I turned around and he had reached up to the table on his tippy toes, grabbed a huge handful of eggs and then went to town shoving them in his mouth.

I just couldn't wait!
I just couldn’t wait!
You can clean it up later, mom!
You can clean it up later, mom!

It was too funny and too cute to be upset about!  Poor guy is HUNGRY when he wakes up!

We will soon be taking donations for his food budget once he gets even bigger…any takers?!