Family of the Spirit

Oh, my heart.  The bestie and the adoptive momma, Nonna, came to visit earlier this week.  They hadn’t been out to our new home and with 3 kids, 3 and under, it was quite a feat!  That’s how much she loves me, people. 

Almost here!  EEP!
Almost here! EEP!

The kids had a good time being wild and wooly together!  Wryder and Eva teamed up quite a bit being that they are both three.  Day one, she thought he was wonderful!  Day two, the new had worn off a bit and she clung to Sawyer most of the day.

There was lots of book reading and stroller pushing and game playing.  Dessa mainly ran back and forth from basement to the main floor as she shuffled kids from place to place.  That girl was busy!

1, 3, 1, 3
1, 3, 1, 3
The highlight of the day!
The highlight of the day!

Nonna is always a hit amongst the grandkids, mine included.  She has this knack to see people…and not just with physical eyes…but to see them and get them and call the best out in them.  Ask me how I know.  The kids are always drawn to her sweet and melodious voice, her loving eyes and open arms.  Plus, she has this ability to make each kid feel like they are the most important person in the room.  She always takes the time…

Games with Nonna!
Games with Nonna!
Making birthday videos!
Making birthday videos!
This girl knows how wonderful Nonna is!
This girl knows how wonderful Nonna is!

It was so nice to have them here, even for just a few short days.  These women are two of my most trusted allies, my biggest cheerleaders and staunch encouragers.  They are women of deep and abiding love, full of Godly wisdom, brimming in grace and mercy.  They have had a HUGE hand in making me who I am today by loving me and mentoring me in my impressionable twenties.

I woke up crying yesterday morning, knowing they would be leaving and it didn’t get much better the rest of the day.  These women have been my sister, my mother, best friends, baby deliverers!  They make me desire to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, ministry partner, lover of Jesus.  Their love is deep and true and though we talk and text and email, I miss the days of seeing them multiple times a week…the family dinners…the birthday celebrations…the Bible studies…the long talks…the sense of family that was just right down the road instead of a state away.

The beautiful thing with the family of the spirit, is that the Holy Spirit binds you tighter than any amount of physical proximity can.  These ladies are in my heart.