Random Rambles

We all ventured out to the sale barn with daddy today.  I needed a whole slew of random items from Wal-Mart and I always feel bad making hubby face the mad house after working all day.

Wryder shopped with me while sister stayed and collected money from all of the elder cow buyers to buy a pop to go with her popcorn.  😉  She’s kind of a hit around that place.

Brother and I met up with them a bit later and good gravy does that boy love the sale barn.  He ate his fair share of popcorn, gave high gives, moo-ed at cows, double-fisted suckers and fell in love.  This boy is ALL about tractors these days and he found a tractor house magazine…

Tractors and popcorn - a match made in heaven
Tractors and popcorn – a match made in heaven

He had a death grip on that magazine and cried when we took it away to eat lunch.  He was reunited again once we got in the pickup and he fell asleep with it in his arms.

The boy is all boy
The boy is all boy


Our sweet neighbors finished up corn harvest today and the kids snuck in one last ride around the field before next year.

Cuties in the corn
Cuties in the corn
At dusk...
At dusk…
I'm not totally sure what's going on here, but I LOVE this pic!
I’m not totally sure what’s going on here, but I LOVE this pic!

They were so excited to ride the combine in the dark and came home a bundle of loud, raucous storytellers!

Thank you, sweet Kruegers, for all the starts and stops so the Phipps kids could experience harvest!!


Tomorrow is election day in Colorado.  We’re gonna head to the local courthouse tomorrow and do our civic duties.  The last time we voted, Sawyer thought we were going “boating.”  She kept asking, “Where’s the boat??”  Poor kid was slightly disappointed. We told her she would be grateful for the chance to vote one day.

Lately, she’s been playing Sesame Street and having words and letters of the day.  The past couple of days, she’s been saying that “ridiculous” is the word of the day, but she pronounces it ree-dick-lee-us.  It’s hysterical.

We’re not big supporters of Proposition 105 for a plethora of reasons.  We were talking about it tonight at supper and we got her on video saying this tonight…


Funny stuff.


Speaking of funny stuff, Wryder has a new “trick.”


WHY is poop so fascinating to children?!?


Love this weather.  Love this family.  Love this life.


Halloween 2014

The day before Halloween, it was a balmy 75.  We picked pumpkins (sans coats) and played outside all afternoon.

The day OF Halloween, it was 47 with 25 mph winds.  Figures, right?  It was COLD!

After nap, I got the kids dressed and we ventured into Grant for Trick or Treat Street.  All of the local businesses head outside and hand out candy to all the little trick-or-treaters downtown.  It’s a fun, safe, delightful afternoon of candy hoarding.

Sawyer even made their Facebook cover!

Miss Piggy is famous!
Miss Piggy is famous!

We came home and started our 4th annual Halloween Camp IN.  We started this tradition by accident.  The first Halloween in this house, we didn’t have much of our furniture yet and were busy working/painting in all of the rooms, so we were all sleeping in the living room.  The next year, we made it a little more purposeful and brought in the tent.  Ever since, that’s been our gig!

I made a fun supper complete with mummy dogs, jack-o-lantern sliders, potion punch, caramel apples, ghost marshmallows and their stash of trick-or-treat treats.

Ghost balloons...that later lost their fill and ended up floating on the table
Ghost balloons…that later lost their fill and ended up floating on the table
The ghosts are guarding the candy bowl...
The ghosts are guarding the candy bowl…
One of Sawyer's favorite sweets
One of Sawyer’s favorite sweets
Jack-o-lantern burgers!
Jack-o-lantern burgers!
Sawyer and her mummy dog!
Sawyer and her mummy dog!
These two are so fun to have fun with
These two are so fun to have fun with

Kermie and Piggy had a ball playing in the dark, waiting for Daddy to get home and then it was tent time!  We set up camp, ate treats and watched a few fun shows.

Hot cocoa with dad
Hot cocoa with dad
Trying her first Fun Dip
Trying her first Fun Dip

It was a goooood day.  A real good day.  We still have WAY too much candy floating around the place but having daddy home for the weekend has put a dent in it.


Random Rambles

It’s Wednesday…and it’s felt a bit like a Monday.  Sawyer had Cubbie bear for the week and I needed to print pictures for his adventure journal.  Lo and behold, of the seven ink cartridges in our printer, light magenta was out so it refused to print a thing!  Is it just me or does it sound like the printer needs to learn how to compromise a little??

I saved the pics to my flash drive and loaded everybody up so we could go print them in town.  As I was buckling Wryder in his car seat I realized I didn’t have my keys, even though I had just locked the house door.  No biggie, I’ll get the spare key.  Oh.  Wait.  The spare is on my keyring because I lost the original.  *ahem*

I called Wrex and he told me the best place to break into the house (which I shall not divulge here).  I got in and went to grab my keys which I knew were on the kitchen table…but they weren’t there now.  I looked EVERYWHERE.  Trashcan…toy room…mud room…car…called Wrex to see if he had them…confirmed with Sawyer they were on the table.  At this point, I knew Wryder must have been the culprit.

I finally told the Lord that I had no idea where else to look and I asked for His help – novel idea!  I went back inside and I felt like I was supposed to put a bag of tortilla chips back in the pantry that Wryder had drug out (seriously, what is this kid’s deal with corn chips today??) and as I did, I thought they might be in there!  I looked where we keep the chips and saw nothing.  Just as I was about to shut the door, I saw a little glint by a bag of potatoes – my keys!

He cares, even about my keys…


So, back to Cubbie.  He go to spend the week with us and I had one happy girl on my hands!

He's home!
He’s home!

Cubbie even got to travel to Denver with us for the weekend and we made a stop at Krispy Kreme’s so he and the kiddos could watch them make the doughnuts!

Frying some doughnuts!
Frying some doughnuts!
Are they cute or what?
Are they cute or what?

When we got home, we had three day old baby chicks that they had to check out!  Cubbie even got to hold a couple!

Cubbie and his chicks
Cubbie and his chicks
Sawyer's favorite - Marshmallow Gravy
Sawyer’s favorite chick – Marshmallow Gravy

These two had a lot of fun together.  I’m sure she’s not ready to let him go but it’s time for another adventure with one of her classmates.


Our time in Denver was so special.  We got to spend some good time with the bestie and her family – always a good time!  The kids love playing with Baby Eva.

Eva's cheese!
Eva’s cheese!
My faves!
My faves!

It’s so fun to watch my kids play with my bestie’s kids.  It’s one of those things you kind of dream about and then when you get to watch it come to fruition, it’s a sweet, sweet thing.

We got to spend some time with the bestie’s extended family…which is our extended family.  Sawyer’s Cubbie’s lesson this past week was about how the Lord gives us family that aren’t always blood, and that’s exactly what these people are.  We may not be flesh of their flesh, but we are definitely family of the heart and soul and spirit.

He has been so faithful to do this for us…for me.  When everyone is scattered across the country and some homes have been broken, He’s been so faithful to fill those gaps with some of the most important people in my life.  I’m forever grateful…

Friday night, we celebrated family birthdays with them and it was just such a warm, familiar time.  Sitting around the living room as the evening wore on, I just sat there observing the circle of people around me and thinking, “I want this.  I love this.  THIS is family.”

There’s trust and respect and genuine affection…there’s easy smiles and belly laughs and warmth…I just wanted to freeze that moment for all time.

The grandkids organized a talent show of sorts and about four people in, Sawyer wanted to get up and dance for everyone.  While this is something she would do at our house for Wrex and I, our little introvert wouldn’t do that everywhere.  I LOVED that she felt safe enough to do so there; it was so telling.

Seriously, it was a good night.


I’ve been reading in Isaiah lately (one of my FAVORITE FAVORITE books) and this morning’s passage was so beautiful.

It was from Isaiah 65 and He talks about the new heaven and the new earth.  It says, “The former things will not be remembered,  nor will they come to mind.”

“Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days,or an old man who does not live out his years;”

“They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them.”

I guess I had never read those verses before?? OR maybe they haven’t meant as much as they do these days. 

SOOOOOOOO often my heart longs for heaven.  Usually, it’s a selfish, please-rescue-us-from-the-madness-and-injustice-of-this-world kind of thing.  I’m not really ready to go without my family…I guess I’m just ready for Him to come and this new reign to begin.  And I think that’s a good place to keep my heart sometimes.  Not on this world…on Him and His heavenly kingdom…but it’s not always easy.

There will be a day…when all you’ve gone through…will be no more.  No more tears…no more suffering…no more heartache…no more bitterness…no more hurt…no more what ifs…no more…

Until then, I will attempt to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus…the author and finisher of my faith.


In case you missed it on Facebook this morning, my sweet boy was up to his usual food scavenging shenanigans.

I had just finished cleaning up from breakfast (in which he had two scrambled eggs with cheese, a piece of toast and a cup of milk) and sat down to help Sawyer with Cubbies when he came in munching on a taco shell.  What?!

I have no idea how he even got in the pantry, rummaged around and got one out of the box…or why he thought he was still hungry.

Regardless, how could you be mad at this sweet face?



Worth 1,000 Words: Cute Kiddos

My “babies” are at such fun ages!  Sawyer is so creative and persistent – and Wryder wants to do anything she does – so our days are pretty exciting.  🙂

I must admit that I firmly believe that I have the world’s best job.  There are some hard days – what career doesn’t have those?? – but the blessing and reward and good days outweigh those tough times, by far.

I’ve finally gotten some more room on the ole iPhone and have been a little snap happy lately.  Enjoy these pics of my cuties!

Sweet cowgirl, ready for harvest
Sweet cowgirl, ready for harvest
Not at all enthused about wearing an owl hat...
Not at all enthused about wearing an owl hat…
Really, he didn't like it...
Really, he didn’t like it…
But look at THAT smile!
But look at THAT smile!
My big boy eating a midnight snack...
My big boy eating a midnight snack…
With another smile...
With another smile…
Sawyer and the giant tumbleweed
Sawyer and the giant tumbleweed
Cats in a cage...
Cats in a cage…
with a tumbleweed...
with a tumbleweed…
and another...
and another…
Black beans are gooooooood...
Black beans are gooooooood…
Time for a haircut!
Time for a haircut!

Worth 1,000 Words: Pumpkin Patch 2014

This past Saturday the weather cooperated beautifully so off to the pumpkin patch we went!  This one is the closest one to our house and it is well worth the money!  Here are a few pics from our day!

This girl could pick pumpkins all day...
This girl could pick pumpkins all day…
This guy was a pretty big fan, too!
This guy was a pretty big fan, too!
In charge of the gourds...
In charge of the gourds…
Racing ducks...pink ones, of course
Racing ducks…pink ones, of course
Her favorite part of the day, according to her.  :)
Her favorite part of the day, according to her. 🙂
These pedal cars were SO fun!
These pedal cars were SO fun!
Wryder on the spiderweb...
Wryder on the spiderweb…
In the corn box...
In the corn box…
This boy had a diaper full of corn at the end of the day!
This boy had a diaper full of corn at the end of the day!
The BIG slide!
The BIG slide!
This thing was FAST!
This thing was FAST!
Having fun on the jumping pillow...
Having fun on the jumping pillow…
Wryder didn't know what to think at first so he just laid there...
Wryder didn’t know what to think at first so he just laid there…
Getting sleepy on the horse swing...
Getting sleepy on the horse swing…

Little Pumpkins

Daddy brought home a pumpkin a week or so ago and a little cutie we know was awfully excited!  Tomorrow is supposed to be a nice, mild day and if the wind decides not to blow 100 miles an hour like it is today, we’re gonna take them to the pumpkin patch!  EEP!  One of all of our favorite things!

We snapped a few pictures with the pumpkin because, well when you’re four that’s awesome…and because we wanted to make a little baby announcement to send out to the fam.

Here’s a few cute shots I took of the kids…

DSCF2391DSCF2379editDSCF2386editDSCF2392editDSCF2394DSCF2393DSCF2400editDSCF2399editMy goodness they’re cute!  I love their unbridled, innocent passion for a pumpkin!

When daddy got home, he snapped my pic and this was the little card I made to send to the fam…

Card1We’re all a little excited around here…and not just about the pumpkin.

Sooner Rather Than Later

I really didn’t mean to leave for so long.  Really, I didn’t.  Can you believe I haven’t written here in almost a month?!  That’s quite some time for a rather wordy person…

I got busy helping with a 60th anniversary party…and Cubbies started up again…and I joined a Tuesday Bible study…oh, and I’m growing a new life.  *ahem*  That really takes it out of you, you know? 

YES – in case you haven’t heard, baby Phipps number three will be joining us in May!

Just after leaving the doctor's office...
Just after leaving the doctor’s office…

YAY!  We are over the moon excited to have another wee one join the ranks!  We told the world yesterday and today I’m feeling so humbled and grateful for the wonderful community of supporters we have out there.  Sawyer is pretty buzzed to be a big sister again and Wryder has no idea what in the world all the hubbub was about.  Rude awakening coming in 7  months…

So yeah…we need to catch up!  I need to show you a few pics of the anniversary party…and tell you about my twin nephews that I got to see for the second time…and talk to you about my hair…and discuss all things fall…and how my family made my birthday extra special…and how I’m nauseous – a lot.  I was never sick with the other two so I guess I had this coming.

I told my sister-in-law this morning that I’ve never had to “push through” more in my life than I’ve had to in the past three weeks.  Thank the Lord for heaps of grace, selfless husbands and ginger ale…those seem to be my staples these days.

It’s naptime around here and I do believe I’ll take part in that – BUT – I’ll be back!  And sooner this time, rather than later…


Much Rejoicing

About a month ago, I felt like my Bible time with the kids had waned a bit and I woke up one morning just thinking/praying that I’d like to just find something to teach them some basic biblical truths.  I got online and searched for pre-school type devotionals and the Lord led me to one called Truth for KidsExactly what I was looking for, yes?

Now, some of it’s a little cheesy and the graphics are a little outdated and I’ve found a few spelling/grammatical errors, but the meat seems to be right on the money.  Every morning at breakfast, we’ve been studying these basic biblical truths and learning scripture and it has been a blessing to me, too.

A couple of days ago, we learned about how the Lord makes us a new creation once we choose to confess our sins and follow Him.  The little devotional talked about how in our sin, we’re like an ugly old caterpillar but when we accept Jesus to be the Lord of our lives, He transforms us into a beautiful butterfly.

At lunch yesterday, Sawyer was putting her dishes in the dishwasher and she started to say, “That ugly old…” and she caught herself.  I said, “Good catch, sugar.  We don’t say ugly.”

In the next second, we both thought of the caterpillar and we said, “Except for that caterpillar.”  I told her that in that instance, it was definitely ok to use ugly, because that is exactly how our sin is.  She said, “Yeah, I want to tell brother about the caterpillar.  And I want to ask Jesus into my heart.”   

I told her we could do it right then and there!  (I think I might have gotten a little too excited *ahem* because her shyness took over and she took a while finishing at the dishwasher…then she wanted her blanket…then she decided she just wanted to play).  I wasn’t going to force her into that decision so I just told her that whenever she was ready, Jesus was ready for her.

She came back about five minutes later and said, “I’m ready to ask Jesus into my heart.”

So we did!  We prayed together.  She said she was a sinner and that Jesus died on the cross.  She said she wanted Jesus to live in her heart and be in charge.  Then she said, “But I’m not going to change my mind.”

I asked, “Change your mind about what, sweetie?”  She said, “About being married and being a mom.  He can live in my heart, but I still want to stay here with you guys!”

She has been sooooooo concerned about that lately and I think she thinks the two are connected somehow; if Jesus is in your heart then you are/become a wife and mom.  How sweet is that?  We talked that through and she felt a lot better about it…even though we prayed about it again upstairs.  🙂

I am such a joyful, proud momma this morning.  I am boasting in Christ, because every good thing about her comes from Him – of that I have no doubt.  She is leaps and bounds ahead of me in this life and I’m glad she is!  It will serve her well…

Thank you, Lord, that you give us the free will to choose you! 

Thank you that you forgive our sins as far as the east is from the west! 

Thank you that you want to be in relationship with us from a very early age. 

Thank you for what you’ve done in Sawyer.

Sweet girl, you will never regret this decision – I promise you that.  Your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and no one or no thing can revoke that.  I pray that satan does not steal the joy of your salvation and daddy and I join forces with you to push away his nasty attempts to distract and restrain you.  This is the beginning of a beautiful journey and I pray that you follow close to Him all the days of your life.  I pray that you call upon the riches of the Holy Spirit in you to guide your every thought and word and action.  Go take the Kingdom by storm, sweet girl! We are so proud of the wonderful little sweetie you are; you bless us!

Sweet Sawyer, seconds after asking Jesus into her heart...
Sweet Sawyer, seconds after asking Jesus into her heart…

*****If any of you reading this have questions about following Christ or confessing sin or what He did on the cross, please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message or comment and I’ll be glad to help answer those.  It’s a life changing decision to be an heir with Christ…one you won’t regret!*****

Feels Like Fall

I’m not the biggest fan of summer.  I don’t really care to sweat unless I’m doing manual labor in a ball cap and cruddy clothes…pumpkin bread doesn’t taste near as good when it’s 98 degrees out…there is no football and baseball just doesn’t do it for me…I can’t stand sunscreen on soooo many levels (feel, smell, chemicals, etc.) but don’t want my kiddos to burn on prolonged outdoor days…flip flops aren’t good for my horribly flat feet but confining them in real shoes just doesn’t feel good or right…I could continue, but that almost seems hateful.  😉

Today, though…when it’s barely 75 and breezy and the sky is a rich blue and there isn’t hardly a cloud in the atmosphere…when it feels like fall…I dig it.  So do these two…

Sweet sibs
Sweet sibs

I wrote on Facebook earlier, “how you hardly make a kid nap on a day like today??”  It’s just too nice out to worry with a few extra winks, right?

Slidin' Sawyer
Slidin’ Sawyer

Days like today…with play clothes and muddy shoes and dirty faces and pigtails…my heart holds close.


No hurry to be anywhere…no reason to be perfectly cleaned…no place I’d rather be…

She takes such good care of him
She takes such good care of him

“Are you gonna lawnmower, momma?”

“Not right now…I just wanna play with you guys.”

“Oh, goodie!”

This boy loves to "drive"
This boy loves to “drive”
Shoes?  Who needs 'em...
Shoes? Who needs ’em…

But then fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous a** as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you. – Stephen King

I don’t want to rush the time I have with these two cuties, but I have no qualms about rushing the weather or the changing of the seasons.  Today though, I shall marvel in this “summer” while my soul whispers “come on fall…”