Life in the Light

We fell in love with this place at dusk and it’s still my favorite time of day here…


While we were out doing chores tonight, Wrex called me into the hen house.  We’ve had a momma sitting on eggs for a while now and he decided to check in on her.  We have some roosters so there was a good possibility that she would hatch some chicks.

We got out the cell phone flashlight to take a peak…

Is anybody home?!
Is anybody home?!

We found a pleasant, awe-inspiring surprise!

See the baby?
See the baby?

How awesome is that?!  We could even see him/her moving around inside that amniotic goodness.

Isn't it cute?!
Isn’t it cute?!

I so clearly see the hand of the Lord IN His creation.  Tonight was no exception…

Thankful to live in rural America…

Thankful to be surrounded by life…

Thankful He reveals Himself to us…

My Brood

Most of you know that we have quite a few chickens running around the place.  We have over 50 hens (and way too many roosters) and they dutifully lay eggs for us and our neighbors and several friends from church.  I grew up in town and had never really been around them much but I’ve fallen in love with them and joined the chicken loving ranks like the rest of the family.

Wrex grew up raising them and showing them.  He’s a bird whisperer, truly.

Wrex with his champion chicken at the Nebraska State Fair
Wrex with his champion chicken at the Nebraska State Fair

He’s loved chickens ever since he was a little guy.  This is one of my favorite pictures of him…ever…

Look how serious he is about showing that bird!
Look how serious he is about showing that bird!

Our kids have willingly fallen into those same footsteps and we feel so fortunate that we have room to raise a few birds for them to enjoy.

One of our first runs of hens...
One of our first runs of hens…
Sawyer thought they were pretty cool!
Sawyer thought they were pretty cool!

Sawyer’s favorite chicken, Naked, came from this initial group.  She’s a Turken, or Naked Neck, and she’s the sweetest little thing!

Sawyer and Naked
Sawyer and Naked

This chicken loves Sawyer!  When she (Naked) sees up pull up from being gone, she will run to the house to greet us!  She lets Sawyer pick her up and carry her around.  She’s easy to identify, thanks to her lack of feathers on her neck, which was nice when Sawyer was little…she could always pick her out.

We even had to incorporate chickens into her three year photo shoot!


The girl really loves her chickens…

One of her faves – Sir Top’em Hat
They're both so sweet!
They’re both so sweet!
Making friends...
Making friends…

We’ve bought quite a few chicks from the feed store and raised them…

Her first chick she picked for herself!
Her first chick she picked for herself!
And another...
And another…
And another...
And another…

We’ve also had the opportunity to hatch chicks from eggs which is so fun and exciting!

Just pipped out!
Just pipped out!
Pipped out and growing up!
Pipped out and growing up!

Daddy brought home some Old English bantams the other day.  He was soooooo excited, because that’s what he used to show.  Sawyer was sooooooo excited to have baby chicks around!

Aren't they cute?!
Aren’t they cute?!

Somebody else has gotten in on the chicken loving…


I think he could stand there and watch them all day.  What a good babysitter!  😉

Sweet kiddos...
Sweet kiddos…
Hey, chicks!

If you ever need a lesson in poultry raising or just want to see some sweet chickens, stop by!  We have a few to look at…