Wanna Join Me?

A dear friend of mine, Sarah, has teamed up with Katie Ferrell of Dashing Dish for a 30 day Fit SPIRIT challenge and I’m taking it!  Wanna join me?

It’s easy-peasy and uber rewarding – what’s not to love?

The challenge will be based on the SOAP method of bible reading.  SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer.

From Sarah:

Using SOAP as your guide to bible reading is a powerful way to make the Word of God come alive in your everyday life. It is especially helpful if you’re new to studying Gods word and need a place to start!

Before you begin, I highly recommend getting out a good old fashioned pen and paper to write out your SOAP. I promise you it will have infinitely more power than simply reading through the steps! And, as always before spending time in God’s word, I recommend praying! Ask Him to reveal himself to YOU on a personal level and to give you clear discernment to recognize His voice!

How does it work?

1.) Scripture: To begin you choose a scripture. We have provided a daily scripture calendar to guide you, but don’t feel limited by these suggestions. Let the Holy Spirit guide you if there is a verse He has for you each day! First, read the scripture verse. Because it’s kept short you can really study the verse. I would suggest re-reading it, using bible study apps to read it in several translations, look up the meaning of words to really gain understanding of their meaning. This is your time to really understand the verse.

2.) Observation: What did you observe about the scripture that struck you. This can be one sentence or a whole book.

3.) Application: How can you apply the observation so that it affects your life today? What is God revealing to you? How can you make His word alive and applicable through that scripture verse today?

4.) Prayer: Write out a prayer to God based on what you just learned and ask him to help you apply this truth in your life.


There’s a downloadable calendar with pre-selected Scriptures you can use but don’t be afraid to the let the Holy Spirit be your guide; just get in the Word!

You can find out more about Sarah’s heart and the group challenge here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/483359068472251/

Who’s in??  Let me know!  Get out your journals and a good pen and let’s get more spiritually fit together!
