One Track Mind

This cute little fella…

IMG_3253has a one track mind these days…..and I LOVE it!

He’s said “Momma” now for a while…remember?  He’s just making it known that it’s pretty much his favorite word and I am totally ok with that.  Watch this…and try not to melt.  I know the link just makes it look OH SO EXCITING (in opposite land) but really, it’s cute.  You’ll probably want to watch it twice.


Are his little facial expressions and eyebrows not the best?  He is definitely an emoter!

When we were 16 weeks, we had an early ultrasound and our doctor was 80% certain we were having a girl.  We picked out a name, finished up our announcements and sat around and waited for the 20 week because Wrex just wasn’t so sure.  There was a little something between the legs but the doctor was almost positive it was the umbilical cord.  Ahem.

Fast forward to 20 weeks.  I hopped up on the table and she put the sensor on my tummy and immediately asked if we wanted to know what we were having.  Wrex replied with a, “That’s the only reason we’re here today!”  Geez.  She replied, “Well, it’s most definitely…” and I cut her off and said, “A girl!?”  She looked at me and said, “Uh, no…a boy.”

I cried.  Not in a bad way; all babies are blessings and miracles and I’ll take as many as He wants to give me…but I was just so………..shocked and unprepared.  I had the girl thing down!  We had all the stuff we needed for another girl!  I’d already picked out a name and finished my announcements; a boy just didn’t fit in my little type A plan.

Little did I know how incredibly WONDERFUL he would be!  He is such a sweet, smiley, snuggly little guy!  He loves his momma and doesn’t really ever want her to leave the room without him.  He’s sensitive and loving and just down right fun!

wdBy the way, he can say “da-da” and “bubba”…but apparently he has a favorite.  😉  I’m totally digging his one track mind!