DIY: Red Hot Applesauce Jello

In the midst of all this sickness, this yummy goodness sounded tasty to me yesterday so I ventured off the couch and made a quick batch.

Red Hot Applesauce Jello
Red Hot Applesauce Jello

The first time I ever had this was at Wrex’s family’s house for Christmas one year and I fell in LOVE.  It’s like Christmas in a bowl!  We have perfected the recipe and its consistency over the years so here is the official recipe.

Red Hot Applesauce Jello – Makes 12+ servings

  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup Red Hots (you can use Cinnamon Imperials if you can’t find Red Hots.  They work….they’re just sugarier, where as the Red Hots add some spice!)
  • 1 packet Knox Gelatin
  • 6 ounces Raspberry Jello
  • 1 large jar of applesauce (5-6 cups)

IMG_30581.) Bring 2 cups water to a boil in a large pot.

2.) Add in 1 cup of Red Hots and boil and stir until dissolved. 

This will make your house smell DIVINE!
This will make your house smell DIVINE!

3.) Slowly add in 1 packet of Knox gelatin to dissolved Red Hot mixture.  Make sure to remove any clumps that may not get dissolved well.  They don’t taste good.  🙂

This will help the recipe not be so soupy.
This will help the recipe not be so soupy.

4.) Mix in 6 ounce of raspberry Jello until dissolved.

Wrex’s mom says you can use any red Jello, but we prefer raspberry.

5.) Remove from heat and then add jar of applesauce and mix well.

You can use either original or unsweetened.
You can use either original or unsweetened.

6.) Pour mixture into a serving bowl and place in freezer for about 2 hours.  After 2 hours, place in refrigerator.  Don’t forget about this lovely stuff in the freezer; if it does freeze, the ice crystals later melt and it gets soupy and not as good.

There's a LOT of volume here so it really needs freezer time to set it.
There’s a LOT of volume here so it really needs freezer time to set it.

7.) Try not to eat the whole bowl in one sitting.

Seriously, this stuff is delish.  I have a certain pregnant bestie that loves this stuff.  And? I love her so much that when she came to see Wryder the weekend after he was born AND told us she was pregnant herself, I made some in my 5 day postpartum stupor.  She MUST be loved.  Haha

Enjoy!  Let me know how you change it up and what you thought!


Everything We Need

We got our propane tank filled a week or so ago…and the rest of my hospital bill (from when I had Wryder) came in the mail Monday…and we’ve made a few trips to the doctor and the pharmacy lately, so today was budget day.  Always a good time, yes?  No.

I got out the computer and the bills, and opened our online bank account and my budget spreadsheet and went to work.  I am so thankful for Wrex’s job.  I’m not sure my words could ever adequately describe how it compares to our previous situation.  Night and day, people!  (In a GREAT way!)  He loves it and he’s darn good at it and he has a lot more time at home than his former job.  Is it the highest paying job on the planet? Nope, but we have an income – that’s more than a lot of people out there.  Plus, he’s always finding little ways to make a few more dollars for our family.  Every chance he gets, he’s out doing something extra to support us.  He is a great provider and would work four jobs before we were ever left in want, this I know to be true.

So, I sat there with the bills and the calculator and my spreadsheet and was doing some  inserting and deleting and adding…and a lot of subtracting…ahem.  I was trying to figure out if we could pay those big two (propane and hospital) without transferring money from savings (because that money is off limits in my mind) but because it’s a big, yearly purchase like that, (propane) I just couldn’t make it work.  And I hate taking money from savings.  Ugh.  And I feel like we’ve had to do that a lot this year…for all sorts of random things…as we don’t have a ton leftover at the end of every week/month.

We’ve revisited the budget a lot since Wryder was born and it can be depressing.  We’re to the point where there just isn’t money for eating out on Sunday’s after church or for grabbing a pop when we go to town or for going to Denver every other month to see friends…it’s just not there.  Tithe and formula and diapers and groceries and check-ups pull rank, ya know?  And Wrex and I both have generous hearts (if I do say so myself).  We love to give and bless and surprise and come alongside and help…and we haven’t been able to do that kind of stuff (outside of tithing) as of late…and we miss it and long for it.

So, I’m sitting there with my head swimming with questions about what to do and how to make it all work and what we need to cut back on so that we can not steal from savings and so we can give more?  I’m kicking myself for spending money going out to eat and on a pop now and then.  My heart is screaming about the injustices of it all; that American mentality of entitlement that tells me I deserve certain things in life.  Why CAN’T we eat out on Sundays??  Why CAN’T we grab a pop now and then?!?  Why CAN’T I buy a few things at a thrift store?!?!  And the tears started to come, because it’s a weird place to be in and it feels unfair!

And then…

My sweet little, stuffy nosed girl comes in the kitchen and hands me a paper leaf for the thankful tree.  She said, “Mom, can you write on this for me?  This one is for Wryder.  He said he’s thankful that we have everything we need.”

BAM.  Brought back to reality by a wise beyond her years 3 year old.  “We do indeed, sweet girl.  We do indeed.”

As I wrote those words and stuck the leaf to the tree, my heart softened and my attitude of gratitude swelled.   Lord, I have so much to be thankful for.  Thank you for reminding me of that, again.  You have always provided for us.  Even in our darkest hours and driest of bank accounts, you have always provided.

I’m thankful we even have a little kitty to dip out of…I’m thankful my husband has a job PERIOD and with a great company, no less…I’m thankful our insurance hasn’t changed, even with this Obamacare crap…I’m thankful that my family is healthy and whole…I’m thankful we have a roof over our heads and some room to roam…I’m thankful I even have a family and that I’m not still waiting on Mr. Right or waiting for the Lord to open my womb to have children.

We have everything we need.  Help me not to be a slave to a bank account, Lord.  You are everything we need.

The Home of the Brave

Thank you, veterans, for giving up your time, safety and comfort to protect our country…though a simple ‘thank you’ doesn’t quite seem adequate. 

Thank you for sacrificing family time and better paying jobs and holidays and familial milestones so that my family can continue to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.   Most definitely, the home of the brave.

Thank you for those who fought on the front lines and for those behind the scenes and for all of the families that you left behind that supported you all the while.  I have much respect for the military wife.  I was most definitely not made to be one.

Thank you for defending our borders and our freedoms.  May we never forget you and the personal things you surrendered so that we don’t have to surrender to our enemies. 

May we, the Church – the hands and feet of the the most gracious Provider and Defender and Protector – always stand for you, assist you and aid you when you need it most.

Father, we could never thank our military men and women enough for their courageous service and sacrifice to our country and its people. Yet today we lift up our voices to express gratefulness and honor to these military troops both from the past and present. Show us ways in our communities, churches, and families to thank and love them better. Keep and protect these heroes and their families, in the powerful name of Jesus. (

***As part of our continued month of gratefulness, we are writing to military men and women via the Holiday Mail for Heroes program.  I encourage you to take time to do the same.***



Remember this post?  Yeah, I took a whole prescription of antibiotics and my sinus infection was still here AND, on Wednesday, I woke up with my chest hurting, coughing up junk.  Lovely.  I know.  Ugh.  So, I went back to the doctor and got a z-pack, some steroids and a steroid nasal spray.  I got to sleep 12 hours on Wednesday night (thanks to my fabulous husband) and I up woke feeling pretty good…until about 11:30…a.m.  Today?  I feel worse.  WHAT THE HECK?!?  Please pray for me…

Being a mommy and being sick is TOUGH.  I don’t think it’s been a very fun day around here but we all survived.  I am VERY thankful for this today…

The circle of neglect
The circle of neglect

He spent a little time in here.  At least he likes it.

I’m thankful for this little holiday house thing-a-ma-jig that one of Sawyer’s cow buyer grandpas got her a while back…

It's not QUITE Christmas
It’s almost Christmas, can you believe it?  Hope I’m well by then…

This provided an hour or so of play.  I’ll take it.

IMG_3024IMG_3023IMG_3026They also spent an hour doing this…

Magazine shredding is fun
Magazine shredding is fun

and I didn’t even care.  I have yet to pick it up because bending over feels like my head and face might explode, but I figure I can make a game out of it tomorrow.  Or something.  You know I must feel bad if this isn’t even bothering me 3 hours later.

PRAYING I can turn a corner tomorrow with all of this mess…and PRAYING the whole winter isn’t like this.  Ugh.

Wryder is Well! (6 Month Checkup)

This handsome fella…

IMG_3013had his 6 month well-baby checkup yesterday.  Turns out, he’s doing well!  (Not that we doubted that.)  😉

He weighed in at 20 pounds, 12 ounces and was 28.5 inches tall!  He’s a big, stout boy!  (Just ask my arms/neck/back/shoulders when I carry him in the carrier…)  He got the ok to munch on some puffs and Cheerios and to eat what mom, dad and sister are eating (save for meat, eggs and cheese).  Pretty sure he was THRILLED!

He thoroughly enjoyed the protective paper on the exam bed.  His shots?  Not so much.

I am so thankful for happy, healthy babies….

The Adventures of Cubbie Bear

Last week at Cubbies, Sawyer got a BIG surprise!  She got to be the first kiddo to take Cubbie Bear home for a week of adventures!  She was THRILLED!

IMG_2945I was afraid she’d never get to sleep that night, but alas, she and Cubbie settled right in.

IMG_2947He got to do some pretty fun stuff while he hung out with us Phipps’.  Thursday was Halloween so he dressed up like an indian and went trick or treating with us – how can ya beat that?!

IMG_2957Oh, yes, Cubbie bear got to go trick-or-treating, too!  (More on that in a future post!)He was pretty worn out after we got home from our cold, windy adventure so he and Sawyer took a little nap on the couch.

IMG_2969He got to help Sawyer with her pre-school work…

IMG_2997He got to help us bottle feed a baby calf…

cubbiecalfand play with the barn kitties…

cubbiecatHe got to play at the “park” and swing with sweet Sawyer…

IMG_1902He and Sawyer got an answer to their prayers on Tuesday – it snowed!!!  They spent a little time outside making snow angels and snow balls and playing in the cold…

DSCF0754Pretty sure she’s gonna be a little sad to see him go home with someone else tomorrow.  I will be, too.  He was a great house guest and he’s welcome back any time!

Thankful Tree

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name.  Psalm 100:4

The first of the month kicked off our family’s thankful tree activity.  Nothing fancy – just pure, unadulterated gratefulness for the countless blessings we have in our lives.


We ARE a blessed people!  We have a roof over our head that is comfortable and climate controlled…we have access to a clean, safe water supply (that can be heated for comfort and cleanliness)…we have the cheapest, safest and most wholesome food supply in the world…we have the privilege to worship how we so choose…we live in a democratic society that although, not perfect, is better than every other alternative… we are healthy and thriving…my husband has a job and one that provides for our financial needs…I have the benefit of staying home to raise our children…we have more than enough food in our cupboards and freezers and stomachs…we have totes of clothes we aren’t currently wearing…we have extra shoes in our mudroom…we own animals for pleasure…we have access to more than one vehicle…we have MORE.THAN.ENOUGH.

Let us not forget from whom all blessings flow.

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.  He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.  James 1:17

So, we will praise Him.  We will praise Him with our voices and words and blogs.  We will praise Him with our attitudes and the posture of our hearts.  We will praise Him with our paper leaves.

IMG_2988It’s funny how something so simple can evoke such emotion.  To hear Sawyer say she’s grateful for her…

Baby brother

just takes my breath away.  She gets it.

Daddy said he was thankful that…

We live in America.

to which Sawyer quickly replied, “No, silly!  We live in Holyoke!”

And the past couple of days?  I’ve been especially thankful…

That my husband prays for me.

The ways in which He provides for us are many and we’re really good at celebrating the gift…but let us not refrain from worshiping THE GIVER.

My heart overflows in gratitude for all He has given…and for the things He took that He knew I didn’t need.  Really thankful for those things, too…

Let us cultivate a spirit of gratitude among us, in all things and in all times.  It leads to joy.  It leads to selflessness.  It leads to a greater perspective.  It leads to Him.

Splish Splash I Was Taking a Bath

Sawyer LOVES bath time and she’s been begging to take one with brother.  Saturday evening, we thought that was a great plan to get everyone wound down and ready to relax before the time change and church on Sunday.

What a strategically placed skillet - ha!
What a strategically placed skillet – ha!

We plopped brother in the Bumbo and away we went.  (Honestly, is that not the best baby invention, oh….ever?!)

He only tried to float away once.

He LOVED splashing the water and did far better about having water in his eyes than his sister does.

No tears

They played and played and played.

She loves to hold his hand
She loves to hold his hand

We got a little scrubbing in and then it was time to get out, much to someone’s dismay.  Wryder cried and cried and cried.   We’ve never seen him that upset about something other than being tired or hungry!

Sawyer helped daddy make some baby food, sans clothes, of course…


and then they snuggled up to watch a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while mom got supper ready.

Again with the hand holding…

These two make bring so much joy to our lives!  We are so blessed that Sawyer loves her little brother and wants to spend time with him and play with him and include him.  We hope to continue to foster that all of their days, and I’m certain we’ll have more baths like this one…

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Five years ago, I took a trip that would change my life in ways that I didn’t know were even possible.  In the spring of 2008, I received an invitation to go on a missions trip to the Home of Refuge orphanage near Valencia, Venezuela.  I looked at the dates of the trip, saw that it coincided with a state fair my husband was going to be judging and I immediately dismissed it.  Nope.  Couldn’t go.  Already have plans.  Plus, why would I want to go on this trip without my hubby (and he was already under contract with this fair)…the orphanage isn’t in the safest of countries (and I’m not much of a risk taker)…I wasn’t the biggest fan of children (or so I thought)…plus, I remember missionaries coming to our church when I was growing up and I was HELLBENT not to be one.  (It just seemed so foreign, unglamorous and scary to me.)

And then…isn’t there always an “and then?”  The Holy Spirit convicted me and made me realize that I wasn’t committed to anything during this time.  Wrex was, but I was not.  I was just planning on going with him to have fun and support him…and in that moment, I think I knew I was called to go, not to Indiana, but to South America.

After praying and attending an informational meeting, the Lord confirmed it to me through worship one Sunday using verbage our group leader had used in a previous meeting.

Break my heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your Kingdom’s cause
As I walk from earth into eternity

It didn’t exactly whack me in the face when she said it, but that Sunday, He ministered to my heart regarding this trip and I paid in full to go.  Can I just say, obedience is a BEAUTIFUL thing and that’s definitely what this trip was for me.  Every ounce of my being was kicking and screaming “no” but the Lord was whispering “yes.”  So glad I listened and obeyed.

The orphanage was run by an American man and wife who, too, were obedient to the Lord.  Read about their AMAZING history here.  (Seriously.  Read it.  The Lord’s faithfulness is astounding.)

As a team, we put on a VBS of sorts during the day, and at night we ministered solely to the older kids.  The Lord had put that task on our leader’s heart as she planned our trip because there were a couple of students there that were 18 or were turning 18.  They would soon be entering the world beyond the fences of the orphanage and we wanted them to be as prepared as they could be to stand firm for the Lord in a country that would be ready to eat them alive because of Him.

Edickson and Bryan
Edickson and Bryan

It was SUCH an anointed, majestic, holy time.  The kiddos learned to give their testimony and how to lead others to Christ; they got to gain a deeper understanding of the Lord from a different set of mouths; they got to play games and have fun and be joyful and do creative activities apart from school; and most importantly, they got smothered in love.

Sweet girls
Sweet girls

There were so many sweeties there, it was hard to have a favorite…but there was a little girl that specifically caught my eye and attention.  Her name was Eduangeli.  She was around 2 or 3 and had the biggest brown eyes and the curliest brown hair…and she called me momma.  I was sold.  Smitten.  Completely in love.

Oh, my heart still longs for this girl
Oh, my heart still longs for this girl

She loved being doted on and carried around and loved on and was so content just to sit.  I’d sing to her and play with her hair and pray over her.  We’d get out bubbles or a ball and she’d play, but she was so content just to sit and snuggle.  And I was content to do so.

Snuggle bunny
Snuggle bunny

That’s what a lot of the kids wanted.  We’d sit and “talk,” which mainly consisted of me trying to attempt a conversation in my simple, left-a-lot-to-be-desired Spanish.  But they didn’t care.  Smiles and laughter and self-deprecation are a universal language, yes?  They just wanted to be included…to be wanted…to be known…to be loved…to be accepted…to be in…to be heard…to be in the presence of someone who cared.

A normal scene
A normal scene

Don’t we all?  I’m so thankful that we have a Father that sees that need in ALL of us and should we choose to believe…should we choose to sit at His feet and be in relationship with Him…He adopts us into His family, forever.

The Lord did some major, life changing things in me on that trip.  I owe a tremendous amount of who I am today and what my walk with the Lord looks like and what I believe as Truth to His doings (or, undoings) that occurred in a red, stucco orphanage in a communist country in South America.  (So much so, that that will have to be another post for another day or you’d be reading all night.)

Leaving those kiddos – not my finest hour.  My heart was, indeed, broken for the things that break His.  I was a wreck; a complete, sobbing, ugly-cry, overwhelmed mess.  Our leader reminded me in our last hours there as I struggled to pull it together and say my goodbyes, that there are some 150 MILLION orphans in the world and we got to know 60.  As much as it felt like this was the end of the world, it was not; and though our time there DID make a difference there was still a lot of other children that were in need in the world.  We couldn’t limit our vision to just these 60…because the Lord doesn’t.

A few months later, we found out why we felt so impressed to really concrete some things with those older kids… On a horrible day in November, the government stormed the orphanage at gunpoint, seizing all the kids except the handicapped individuals.  The ones that were 18 were turned loose on the street and the others were sent to state run jails and orphanages.  Heartbreak and anger and confusion and unanswered questions and cries of injustice poured from our lips.  How can they do that?  Is there something we can do?  What happened to Hector?  Jesus?  Eduangeli?   Oh, how I prayed and cried out to the Lord!  If someone could just find her and get her here, we would adopt her!  Any of them!  All of them!  But it wasn’t to be.

I think of her when I see my own little brown-eyed, curly haired beauty.  There aren’t too many days that go by that I don’t wonder where she is or what she’s doing.  I pray that she’s cared for…that she isn’t scared…that she has enough to eat…that someone is showing love to her…that she isn’t being taken advantage of…that someone is teaching her about the Lord…and that somewhere, in the deep recesses of her heart, that she remembers the Jesus we talked about…the Jesus that rescued her once and that will do so again, some how, some way.  Would you pray for her, too?  For all of them?

You love her more than I do, Lord
You love her more than I do, Lord

Our church celebrated orphan Sunday today.  We prayed collectively for the persecuted church and for the orphan everywhere; there are almost half a million children in our very own country that are not in a forever home.  The videos are hard to watch and the statistics are hard to hear, but we can’t look away.  We can’t protect our hearts and think someone else will do the work because it might just be too much for us to handle.  Much perspective is gained by getting outside of our churches and living rooms and families; a God-sized perspective, a life-changing perspective…and not just your life.

The orphan is dear to the Lord’s heart.  Pray for them today; for the ones in our backyards, in our state, in our country and in other nations.  Ask the Lord to break your heart for what breaks His.  Ask Him how He wants you to share His name with the orphan.  And then?  (See, there it is again…)  Be obedient to what He’s asking you to do.  If it’s go, go.  If it’s pray, pray.  If it’s support, support.  If it’s adopt, adopt.  If it’s build, build.  There is blessing in obedience, this I know.

By the way, my heart has done a 180 on the missionary front.  🙂  There are longings in my soul to go and preach the Good News and to make disciples and to bind up the brokenhearted and to free the captives and to pass on knowledge of production agriculture to help change a society by feeding people for more than just a day.  I just want to be a vessel of the Lord.  Wherever.  Whenever.  With whoever.  And if it happened to be somewhere with more brown-eyed, curly haired girls that decide to call me momma, I shan’t complain.


Happy day after Halloween!  I hope you’re surviving the sugar crashes and runny noses.  We had a good day together and I tried to make it fun for the littles, because they are only little once, ya know.  I made these for lunch..

Mummy dogs!
Mummy dogs!
I could eat my weight in these
I could eat my weight in these

and Sawyer got a fun little dessert!

Marshmallows are one of the few sweets she'll eat
Marshmallows are one of the few sweets she’ll eat.
She was trying to make it look spooky!
She was trying to make it look spooky!

After lunch, brother took a short nap and sister thought she saw a “scary shadow”…which I think translates to, “I’m too excited to take nap.”  🙂  So, we got around, got dressed and headed into Grant to trick-or-treat at the businesses downtown.

Oh, yes, Cubbie bear got to go trick-or-treating, too!  (More on that in a future post!)
Oh, yes, Cubbie bear got to go trick-or-treating, too! (More on that in a future post!)
SO cute...and sooooo windy!
Sooooo cute…and sooooo windy!
Sawyer holding hands with Craton - her self-proclaimed favorite part of the night.
Sawyer holding hands with Craton – her self-proclaimed favorite part of the night.

We did a little speed trick-or-treating down main because it was cold, at least to us.  I’m starting to think Sawyer’s about as tough in the cold as I am…which means, she’s not.  We hit all the main places and then decided we were just going to go on home and finish partying at our 3rd annual Phipps Family Camp IN.  We always set the tent up in the living room on Halloween and eat a fun supper and watch Charlie Brown and just have fun together! She and brother fell asleep on the way home so our party started like this:

Tired little indian
Tired little indian

I woke her up for some pumpkin pizza but it never got too wild around here.

In the tent
In the tent

We did watch this…

You can't NOT watch this
The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

I just wish there were fewer uses of the word “stupid.”  Sigh.

All in all, a good Halloween.   I encourage you to show grace to the littles today, mommas. They probably had too much candy and not enough sleep, but love will cover a multitude of sins.  Love is patient, love is kind…it keeps no record of wrongs.  They are only little once…  Next week, you’ll look back on the halloween festivities with fondness and it will have been worth the tears and meltdowns and incessant disciplining you might be experiencing today.  Don’t ask me how I know…  😉