
We don’t get to watch a ton of TV around these parts, but when we do, the kids’ FAVORITE show is Paw Patrol.  (It’s actually quite cute…and they don’t talk ugly to each other or whine…and the boy’s name is Ryder!!)

We had never heard of it until we had Wryder and someone at the clinic asked us if we named him after the Ryder on Paw Patrol.  We looked it up, Wrex and I checked it out and the rest is history!

I’m a sucker for a good, homemade costume so for $28, all five of us were, indeed, the Paw Patrol!  Wrex sewed the vests (come on, you know I can’t sew!!) and I made all the ears and hat details and collars…  They looked ADORABLE!

Skye...who tried so hard to eat that badge
Skye…who tried so hard to eat that badge
The whole crew!
The whole crew!
And with their tongues out!
And with their tongues out!

We carbo-loaded with some spooky spaghetti!  (I dyed the noodles with icing dye!)…


We went trick-or-treating downtown on Friday and then we met our sweet neighbors in town and took Wrex out for his first time trick-or-treating EVER (the kids’, too).   They had a ball!


Double fisting it!
Double fisting it!

We came home, ate some candy (duh!), a few other fun snacks and had our annual camp in!

Booger balls
Booger balls
Witch's brooms (cheese sticks and pretzels)
Witch’s brooms (cheese sticks and pretzels)
A little something to offset all the sweets...
A little something to offset all the sweets…

The kids got to go to the pumpkin patch earlier in the week with the Christian school group in Grant.  They had a BALL there, too!

Gosh, she's gorgeous!
Gosh, she’s gorgeous!

IMG_5191IMG_5192IMG_5185IMG_5199With all of that partying, everyone was a little under the weather and VERY tired come Sunday.  No thanks to the time change, mind you…

We’re still adapting around here.  The 6:10 bedtime we’ll have tonight will be fun…the 6:40 (most likely) wake up call from upstairs in the morning?  Not so much…

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