Sawyer’s Birth(day) Week

My first born is officially FIVE!  Five has always been a big birthday number for her.  She made a list about a year or so ago of all the things she felt like she could do once she was five…use a knife to cut her food, climb a tree, go underwater, etc.  (Now that one has been moved to when she’s 10.  Darn that bad swimming lesson…)

She had a really fun birth-week (and we did, too!)  She got to get a pedicure…

Sweet Sawyer
Sweet Sawyer

and have heart pancakes for breakfast…

IMG_5682IMG_5686IMG_5700She got sang to at the sale barn and someone gave her a dollar and her special friend Mr. Rod gave her some roller skates!  She was THRILLED!  She picked A&W for her birthday lunch (girl loves her some root beer floats) and then we headed home to open presents.   But first, a little birthday park play…

IMG_5702IMG_5704IMG_5706IMG_5710And yes, she wore that silly little birthday crown all day.  🙂

That night, we surprised her with a birthday slumber party!  She’s been dying for one of us to sleep in her room with her in her new trundle bed so that’s what we did…for part of the night anyways.  Bum feet and babies make an all nighter a little hard but we did our best!  She’s been telling people we stayed up “alllllllll night.”  It was 9:00, but good enough for me!

We fixed each other’s hair and did each other’s makeup – daddy, too!

IMG_5720(Yes, he IS the best dad on the planet!)  We played flashlight tag and restaurant, read stories and played with sister…it really was a fun night.  One on one times with her have gotten fewer with the addition of our other little blessings so it was fun for us to be immersed in her world for a little while.

We spent the rest of the week finishing up the details for her official birthday party.  Little Wryder has been all about trailers lately…

IMG_5646So when Wrexy loaded up our little fair booths on Thursday evening, Wryder pulled his little car over and was ready to go.  It was the cutest thing….EVER.

IMG_5741 She wanted a county fair so on Saturday, a county fair we had!  Here’s a little sneak peak…more to come later!  🙂

11898681_10155907181220335_6818905411667055591_nIMG_5752IMG_5750IMG_5777IMG_5769She had a ball and our hearts were so full.  THANK YOU to everyone who came and showered her with love…  We are so thankful for our spiritual family who fill in the gaps…you all have our hearts.

Sunday, we had brunch and (not enough) great grandma/PaPa/RaRa/auntie/uncle/cousin play time.

IMG_5799The kids are still recuperating – heck, I am, too! – but it was worth every late night, paper cut and sore foot.  She felt so loved…

She is.

One thought on “Sawyer’s Birth(day) Week”

  1. What great pictures! looks like Sawyer had a great birthday and hats off to you for all of the incredible decorations and that ring toss! LOVE it!

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