Wryder Roo is Two!

Happy birthday, Wryder Roo!  You’re two!  TWO!  Even though when we ask you these days, you tell us you’re six…ahem.

The birthday boy!
The birthday boy!

You are all boy – from the tip of your head to the bottoms of your feet.  They stink.  Really, they do.  You have the stinkiest, sweatiest feet of anyone I know and I think it’s adorable.  I must be your mother, huh?  It just reminds me of just how all boy you really are.


Anything that makes noise or has wheels or involves mud or rocks or sticks or jumping off of something – you are all about it!  You are very dexterous like your daddy and almost always have something in your hand.  You love to put rocks in your “pot-tet” or carry around a stick or throw dirt…we’re still working on that one, aren’t we?

Farm boy
Farm boy

You love ANYTHING tractor (especially the green ones).  Thankfully, the guys across the road are going to be planting alfalfa soon and have had to do a lot ground work in preparation for that.  You’ve stood on the porch and watched them for hours already…you just wait til they start swathing and baling – I might never get you inside!

Watching intently as the neighbors work ground
Watching intently as the neighbors work ground

You LOVE to eat.  Even just the mention of the word snack or supper gets you to drop what you’re holding and run to your seat in the kitchen.  We haven’t found too many things you won’t eat…in fact, I’m not sure I can think of a single one.  You are definitely your “father’s son” (as Sawyer says) and you love meat and potatoes…and any sweet that gets put in front of you.

A birthday treat from our waitress yesterday...
A birthday treat from our waitress yesterday…

You seem to love the ladies, ahem, which we’re ok with.  Daddy does a great job (and will continue to, no doubt) show you how to treat a woman according to Christ.  Your extroversion serves you well in this department…as does your general charm and the ease at which you throw around your “I wuv yous.”  Just do us a favor and be kind to ALL the girls, not just the young, tall, dark haired ones, ok??

With Gillian, one of his faves
With Gillian, one of his faves

Despite all that masculinity you have coursing through your veins, you are so good at showing love…

You love your family fiercely, which I adore.  Your sissy is your best friend and daddy ranks a close second.  I suppose I’m not really ever gone enough to test your allegiance, but I’m ok with that.  😉

Lunchtime hugs
Lunchtime hugs

Every time I hear your little voice say, “Momma hug.  Momma kiss,”  I just melt.  I shall give you all the hugs and kisses you shall ever want…and probably quite a few you’d not.

Oh, I love him so...
Oh, I love him so…

Your laugh and zeal are SO contagious!  You are easily excited by the things in your world that are so important to you…tractors and baby calves and monkeys and Booey and sissy and Bandit the cat and going to town and cowboy hats and birthdays and semi trucks and cookies…and it makes us excited, too!

On the run!
On the run!

You’re an emotional little guy.  Change, especially abrupt change, is hard for you.  We have to take our time to tell things “bye” or prepare for whatever comes next.  I suppose you get that from your type A, anal retentive mother.  Ahem.

You’re very persistent when it comes to…just about everything.  We’ve discovered that the “just ignore him and he will stop asking/repeating/whining” thing doesn’t really work with you.  It works best to nip it in the bud and attempt to move on.  I have no doubts that this will serve you well in some (or many) arenas in your adult life one day.


Your whole existence has been a big change for me!  You and Sawyer aren’t just a ton alike and that’s taken some getting used to.  (See above paragraph regarding change.  Ahem.)  I feel like I’m finally getting in my boy groove…and it. is. good.  You have added an element to our family that I didn’t even know was missing and man-oh-man, it has been so rewarding and fun…for all of us.  We are better because of you, it’s true!

Ride a little pony...
Ride a little pony…

On your second birthday, we bless you in the name of Jesus!  We bless your hands – that they would do the work of the Lord.  We bless your feet – that they would carry you far from mischief.  We speak to your future and call it blessed and we pray that the deep persistence that abides in you will be used to stand firm for the Lord as you further His kingdom.  We pray that as you hunger and thirst in life, that your greatest ones will be for more of Him and His word and His presence.  We bless you with a life that nurtures your boyish heart; one of adventure and excitement as you follow the Lord!

We love you so much, handsome!  The Lord redeemed “tax day” when you were born!

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