Random Rambles

It’s overcast and cool out; my soul is begging for fall!  This has been such a mild summer and I have very little tan left on my arms and legs…might as well call it and hide them under sweaters and jeans, right?!  Come on, fall…


Wryder’s namesake and great-grandpa is turning 85 this year and I have the distinct honor of providing decor for the grand event!  I’ve got about 10 projects half done and quite a few *ahem* that I have yet to embark upon.  For some reason, this overcast weather makes me uber-productive, so I’m hoping to take advantage of that today.  I’ve already got these bad boys in the dishwasher…

A few spoons
A few spoons

Stay tuned for a DIY this week!  Maybe that will REALLY make me get it done this week…


Our church cleaned out their library and had tables of free books for us to peruse this past Sunday.  For bibliophiles, it was hard not to take them all, but we decided upon these:

Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories
Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories

These are the sweetest little stories that discuss character and wise choices and how the Lord would prefer us to live.  They’ve been a fun edition to our daily readings and we highly recommend them if you can get your hands on a set!


I missed my kiddos terribly while I was at jury duty last week so we’ve tried to make up for lost play time with LOTS of playtime.  I must say, I have the cutest playmates of anyone around.

My little party planner
My little party planner

This girl throws quite the party and this little guest sure makes them fun!


It warms my heart how well they get along.  I’m sure those feelings for each other might change and evolve as the years go on but I hope they only intensify amorously.  It’s so cute to see them interact together and greet each other in the morning and give random hugs and pull each other close to sit…


I wish I could say this attentive shot was during our family devotions…but I was letting them watch “Let it Go.”  *ahem*  Maybe I should start theatrically singing all of our Bible lessons…


I don’t know about your kids, but Sawyer is a lover of rocks!  Every parking lot/driveway/restaurant/farm/house/business/ we visit, she finds at least one to add to her “collection.”  Wrex was cleaning out his pickup last night and found a stash under her seat.  He brought them in and she put them in a little baggie and showed them to us and said, “These are so I can remember all the places I’ve been.”

It was completely cute and completely heart melting.  We talked to her about how incredibly Biblical that was.  Over and over in the Old Testament, stones are placed at significant places of significant happenings so that when people saw them, they would remember what transpired there…they would remember the faithfulness of God and what He did.

That’s sort of what this blog is; a giant rock of remembrance for me and my family.  He has done so much for us and I don’t want them to forget where all of this good comes from.

I don’t think I’ll be forgetting her and her rocks anytime soon.


If you’re not familiar with Angie Smith, you should be!  She has quite the story, the best red hair, an adorable self-deprecation and I swear she’s my sister from another mister…or something.  Her latest book, Chasing God, is on sale today for $0.99 (Kindle edition) at Amazon.  I haven’t read it yet but if it’s anything like her others, it will be worth the buck.  Bought and downloaded!  


All right, I better hop to it!  The coffee cup is empty, the play tent is set up and the natives are growing restless; time to camp and then create!  Enjoy this cozy day!



2 thoughts on “Random Rambles”

  1. I feel like Sawyer has wisdom WAY beyond her years. And I can’t believe how much they are starting to look like each other!

  2. Oh, Kate – she TOTALLY does…it’s quite astounding, really. And yes – they are TWINS, like really…but that’s where the similarities end. Night and day, those two… We need to see you!

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