Wryder Douglas is ONE!

Oh, my sweet little Wryder Roo – I really, really, really can not believe that you are one!  Where, oh where, did that year go??  Too fast, my love…

I loved you the minute I laid eyes on you.  You looked just like your sweet sister, which didn’t hurt anything, but despite even that, you already had my heart.

Isn't the the cutest?!  He was about 5 hours old here...
Isn’t he the cutest?! He was about 5 hours old here…

From your first minutes out of the womb, you’ve been giving your momma grey hairs…or at least increased adrenal fatigue.  😉  You had low blood sugar and had to keep getting bottle fed to bring that number up, you cried A LOT our very first night at home and “schedule” was not in your vocabulary.

How can you not love this face??
How can you not love this face??

After a few months, we got it all figured out and life got easier.  You LOVED to eat (still do) and the only times you cried were when you were starving (or so you thought) or overly tired.  I am so thankful that you have always been a good little eater and sleeper!

Soooooo cute!
Soooooo cute!

You are a ball of energy, constantly on the go!  You’ve got lots to explore in your little world and you do it with gusto!  You keep momma on her toes, that’s for sure.  Seven o’clock comes and I am beat…but it is time well spent.

Let's go!
Let’s go!

You and sister have a sweet, sweet relationship.  Anywhere she is is exactly where you want to be. I pray you two will always be the best of friends..

My sweet tooties...
My sweet tooties…

You have always been a happy, smiley, outgoing guy.  (You’re a lot like your dad like that).  You know nine real words and a LOT of (currently) unintelligible ones.  You melt my heart every time you say ‘momma’ or smile at me across the room, and when you race towards daddy when he walks in the door it delights us all!


You are all boy and I love that about you!  Granted, it’s taken some getting used to, but it’s a good thing.  You hate wearing clothes, you hate having your face washed, you hate having to slow down for anything, you eat everything in sight (good or bad), you bang on everything in sight and the higher/faster/scarier things are, the better!

Yee haw!
Yee haw!

You’re a big guy!  You weigh 26.9 pounds and are 30.5 inches long.  My arms and back can attest to this…  You have eight teeth and if your behavior tonight is any indication, you have more on the way.

So handsome!
So handsome!

I love you, my sweets!  This has been one of the best years of my life all because you were in it.  It’s amazing how the Lord multiplies a momma’s love as more kiddos come along and He has done just that with me.  I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to love you as much as I did Sawyer and boy-oh-boy, there is no question that I do.

Sweet boy, on this first birthday, I bless you in the name of Jesus.  I bless your strong will and head strong personality and I pray that you use them to further the Kingdom of God.  I bless your hands and your feet and I pray that they serve the widow, orphan and alien and that they only take you down paths of righteousness.  I speak to your future and I pronounce it blessed; that your days would be easy and that you would never stray from Jesus.  I bless you with safety and protection and good health.  I bless you with rich relationships that will encourage you and exhort you and push you towards the Lover of your soul.  I bless you with endless stores of love, kindness, self-discipline, forgiveness, humility and generosity.  I bless you with the presence of Jesus in all that you do.

Happiest of birthdays, my handsome little man!

You're one!
You’re one!

Now, let’s eat some cake!

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