Easter Advent: Palm Sunday

Save for Sawyer’s very first Easter, we’ve done an Easter advent of sorts with her.  It’s been a great tool for her (and us) to learn even more about Jesus and to prepare our hearts regarding the significance of the Easter holiday.

Each day, from now until Easter, I’ll post the advent activity that we’ll be doing in our home and I encourage you to check in and do the same! It’ll be good, clean, faith building fun.  🙂

The Triumphant Entry

As a Bible believing Christian, the death of resurrection of Jesus is quintessential to our faith and His entrance into Jerusalem is most definitely a part of that story.  If you think about it though, there wasn’t anything that was really “triumphant” or noble or victorious about his journey into Jerusalem.  He was riding a donkey…not even a horse, people…a donkey!  He didn’t have an army of men surrounding Him, just a bunch of ordinary people who would turn their backs on Him in a few days; the people shouting “Hosanna” would later shout “crucify Him!”  The man who was decorated as “king of Israel” would be brutally beaten and killed in five days.  Doesn’t seem very triumphant, does it?

Oh, but it was!  That entry was the beginning of the greatest triumph ever made in known history – the defeat of death.  No one, other than Jesus, has ever been able to gain victory over death; it simply could not contain Him.  I’d call that triumphant…

Read: Mark 11:1-11     Matthew 21:1-11

Watch: Praise Parade     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq64oLGugp8

Do: Act out the triumphant entry!

— Make palm branches out of construction paper.  We traced hands to make the leaves and glued them to a tongue depressor.

IMG_4314IMG_4316— Take turns having someone be the donkey (or get a toy horse), Jesus and the crowd.

IMG_4324— Wave your branches and shout “Hosanna!  Hosanna to the King!  Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord!”


Pray: Lord, thank you for being our King.  Thank you for coming to save us.  You are the God who saves!

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