Thanksgiving 2013

My heart is full.  My proverbial gas tank maybe a little empty after such a wonderful weekend, but my heart is FULL.

We traveled out to Denver and spent the weekend with our adopted family – always a good time!  There’s never an inadequate amount of hugs or smiles or laughs or food…just time.   Would any amount ever be enough??  I think not…

That's a good-looking, gracious bunch...
That’s a good-looking, gracious bunch…

We stayed at the {beautiful, pregnant} bestie’s house.  It was so nice to spend some time with her and her hubby before their lives get even busier with baby.  She’s scheduled to arrive the 16th!!  EEP!

Gorgeous pic (taken my sister Stephanie Kelley)
Gorgeous pic (taken by sister Stephanie Kelley)

They have a piano in their foyer and Sawyer couldn’t get enough of it!  We’d set the timer for five or so minutes and she’d play her heart out.  She and Dessa sat down and played together one night before supper, which thought was especially wonderful.


Wryder was teething all weekend (hello, top teeth!) and wasn’t the happiest he’s ever been but he got to play in the laundry basket while we got ready for supper and I think he actually liked it!

Containment, people...containment!  ;)
Containment, people…containment! 😉

On Saturday, Wrex took the kids to run some errands down south and I got to go out and Christmas shop.  Alone.  I’m never alone!  I had Starbucks for breakfast and Red Mango for lunch and walked until my feet were about to fall off. It was nice to get in and out of places so quick and to have a little break, but I was ready to meet back up with the troops that afternoon.

Sunday morning, the lovely and oh-so-talented Stormie (I know you haven’t forgotten about her) took our family photos.  God bless her.  It’s not easy with two incredibly unphotogenic people, one toddler with a vicious smile and a 7 month old.  I can’t wait to see the finished images.

We spent the rest of Sunday with the lovely Stukas family.  They bless us more than words can say.  They have four gorgeous kiddos that are incredibly sweet, kind and well-behaved and we love that they love Sawyer as much as she loves them!  The Lord has interwoven our lives in a beautiful way and we are so so so so thankful for them.  I can’t fully describe what it’s like to have people in your life that you trust so fully and implicitly.  Wonder if they’d ever move to Holyoke….hmmmm….

How do we know so many beautiful people?!
How do we know so many beautiful people?!

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend.  So needed.  We grew so much during our time in Denver and we made some phenomenal friends that we miss being able to do daily life with.  We know that we know that we know that this is where the Lord called us and that makes missing them a little easier, but miss them we do.  Thankful for the time.  My heart is full.

4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving 2013”

  1. Oh sister….Starbucks for breakfast and yogurt for lunch?! That’s my ideal on a perfect day. SWOON. And I’m SUPER glad I got to squeeze you, even if it was brief (and maybe slightly contaminated). Love you guys!

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