On Monday, I turned the big 3 – 1.  That doesn’t sound as cool as the big 3 – 0 does it?  Yeah, I didn’t think so either.  I was thinking about my birthday and I vividly remember my dad turning 34, which really is just around the corner.  There was a TV station in Lubbock at the time – and I’m pretty sure it was the PBS station where my brother and I got our daily Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow fixes – that was called KJTV-34.  I remember thinking my dad was sooooo cool because he was 34, like the TV station – ha!  I’m getting awfully close to that number, even though that memory feels like it happened just yesterday…

I was SUPER blessed by a ton of sweet, humbling comments on my Facebook page! Thank you to all of you that took the time to send me a message – it really made my day!

The biggest surprise was a beautifully written blog all about yours truly from my “on call” mom.  I told you to check out her blog in my first post, and I really hope you take the time to do so.  She has this magnificent, prose-like way with words that I do not have.  I think I’m more hard fact than pretty fluff, while she seems to do both of these things (in the same post, mind you) incredibly well.

Anyways, I’m beginning to think that I should’ve had her write my About Me page.  From what I hear, she captured me well.  It’s hard sometimes (for me at least) to really believe these things about myself and be ok enough with what I think I do well or who I really am and put it out there for the world to see, so THANK YOU for helping do that for me.  You honored me and blessed me and moved me to (sweet) tears.  Love you…forever.

As I become a veteran of my 30’s, I want this year to be even better than the last.  How in the world could that possibly be…possible?

So, in an effort to make it more of a binding contract of sorts, here’s a list of a six things I’d like to accomplish (or at least get closer to making real) this year…

1.) Answer the phone more.  I’m not a big fan of talking on the phone.  I’m a much better in-person person than an over-the-phone one.  Plus, during the day, I’m usually crazy busy a little busy running around with my two little cuties (who do come first vs. the phone – they’re my job and I LOVE it!)  My call log often looks like this:

Can you tell I have a favorite?

Now, Wrex’s?  Oh good gravy.  It’s NUTS!  He might have 45 phone calls…by 5:00 pm TODAY.  So even though I don’t anticipate my log looking like his, nor do I want it to, it’s something I’d like to get better at.  I often think, “I don’t have time to have a 20 minute conversation so I just won’t answer” or “Gosh, it’s been so long since we’ve talked, this might be awkward, so I just won’t answer” or “Do they REALLY want to talk to ME?” or – no really, I could keep going!  Does anyone else do this?!  I think it’s the introvert in me that just finds it almost painful sometimes.  But, I also want to honor those that do call to have a real conversation.  I think so often our voices get lost in Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and Instagram and blogs and texts that we forget how to have a real, verbal conversation and I don’t want that to be lost on my kids, so?  Better start with me.  (As I was typing this Grandma Rusk called.  I had to giggle.  Lord, you’re funny.  Just so you know, I answered…and was glad I did.)

2.) Send more snail mail.  I used to be REALLY good at sending mail.  Then, I had children and email and Facebook became simpler and much quicker (especially when you live 2 miles from your mailbox and 20 miles from town.)  But don’t you just LOVE get real mail??  I don’t mean postcard reminders to bring something to the potluck and I certainly don’t mean bills (ugh); I’m talking handwritten letters or cards or invitations.  Last week, I received this dandy in the mail…

Check out that penmanship!

Is that not just gorgeous?!  The time and effort that went into making this just makes you feel special!  It screams, “You were worth the ache in my hand, the marker stains on my fingertips and the supper I had to buy because I didn’t have time to make anything!”  I want to get back to sending real mail because who in the world wouldn’t want to receive something like that?  (This is for my bestie’s baby shower, by the way.  I have NO DOUBT it will be a grand affair!)

3.) Spend less time on Facebook.  Facebook and I have such a love-hate relationship.  I love that I can keep in touch with so many people, so quickly.  We don’t have any family in the state, so it’s a good way to keep up with what they’re doing and vice versa.  Friends, too!  We left a ton of people we love back in Denver and it’s such an easy way to touch base and stay up to date with what’s going on there.  But, and this is a BIG but, I hate how it sucks me in and cunningly encourages me to see the “new stories” because God forbid we miss a second of SOMEONE ELSE’S life.  Ugh.  Spend less time here, for sure, and much more time doing ANYTHING else.

4.) Take more pictures with ME in them. I’m sure you’ve all read this before and if you haven’t, take the time to do so.  (Geez, I’ve given you a lot to read in this post!)  It really is a good read and something that I’ve found hard to do.  One, because it’s usually just the kids and I during the day so it’s a little hard to get on the other side of the camera.  Two, because I often fall victim to that mentality of, “I don’t look great, I’ll get one later,” but “later” rarely happens.  I don’t ever remember looking at pictures of me with either of my parents and thinking they looked tacky or sloppy.  I do remember looking at those pictures and thinking of what good times they were and I suspect my kids will do the same.  Get yourself on the otherside of that camera!  Have Wrex help you!

5.) Wear my yoga pants less.  (I’m sitting here rolling my eyes that I just typed that…mainly out of rebellion – ha!)  They’re just so comfy! Plus, when you’re chasing around two kids all day AND, again, you live 20 miles from civilization and thus get VERY few visitors, it’s easy to just stay in your PJ’s all day.  Don’t get me wrong, there are DEFINITELY days where that’s ok, but maybe not everyday?  I’d like to just start a new habit of being a little more put together, especially for the hubs.  Men are visual creatures and I’d really like to honor him in that way.  He’s a hottie; I gotta try and keep up!  (Note: He’s never mentioned me needing to do this, just so we’re clear.)  Good thing I got some jeans for my birthday.

6.) Gain more freedom. Oh, how I want more freedom from the things that ensnare and confuse me and lie to me and make me forget the Truth!  I want to be delivered from those demons that paralyze and render me useless.  I want to combat the one who comes to kill, steal and destroy.  I want to be FREE.  I want to return to the joy of salvation.  I want life and life abundantly!

So, here’s to being 31…and hopefully accomplishing this list before I’m 34…

8 thoughts on “31”

  1. Ummm….can I just copy and paste your list onto my list? There’s nothing else on mine right now. Well, fit in my wedding era jeans, but that’s pretty daunting and more than a bit mundane when there are so many REAL and important things in life. Like YOUR list. Copied. Bookmarked. Check, check. Love you, lady!

    1. Oh, Lord…wedding era jeans. Yeah, let’s save THAT for another day. I’d be happy with Sawyer era jeans… Sigh. Love you, too!

  2. Look at Cami making the phone list with Wrex. 🙂 I’m with you on the phone – talking in person is so much better! Way to be a goal setter.

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