Christmas Card 2015

We have some friends in the Denver area that have a tradition of rotating photos for their Christmas card.  One year, it’s only the kids…the next, it’s kids and parents.  I liked that idea but the way it’s shaking out around these parts, it’s just easier to photograph the kids and call it cute.  That’s REALLY who people want to see anyway, isn’t it?!

Taking photos of a baby isn’t my strong suit and for a smiley little thing, she didn’t have too many smiles to give this day.

Wryder leaves a lot to be desired in the listen-and-obey department and was more interested in exploring the front yard than focusing on smiling or taking photos.

Thankfully, we have Sawyer who posed her way through 20+ shots to make my job a tick easier.  🙂

I’ve been in love with gold glitter…well, for forever…but I’ve used it a lot lately and our Christmas card was no different.

Version 1
Version 1
Version 2
Version 2

See?  Don’t ya love the gold confetti glitter, too?! 

I was thankful that I did end up with some good individual shots of each of my cuties…

Good gravy, she's beautiful...
Good gravy, she’s beautiful…
Girl's got it down...
Girl’s got it down…
Handsome man
Handsome man
Most typical...
Most typical…
Those toes...
Those toes…
My other little beauty...
My other little beauty…
My girls!
My girls!

My favorite (not in-the-moment favorite…but after-the-fact favorite) is the “blooper reel” that always has a way of manifesting itself.  Take a peak…

Yes, that's a cat...AGAIN this year...
Yes, that’s a cat…AGAIN this year…
And of course there's one with Wryder crying...
And of course there’s one with Wryder crying…
And an awkward face or two...
And an awkward face or two…
The nose picking is new this year...
The nose picking is new this year…
Thankfully, dad came to the rescue...
Thankfully, dad came to the rescue…but Sawyer’s still posing!

Seriously, even the bad/frustrating/didn’t-go-like-I-planned moments are GREAT moments.  Thankful for this life…

Random Rambles

A dear (and beautiful) friend checked in on me yesterday.  She had noticed my lack of blogging and wanted to make sure all was well in Phippsville.  Indeed, it is.  We’ve just been in a season of feeling like we were just keeping our heads above water with all we’ve had going on.  It’s been GOOD stuff, just lots of it!

Today’s blog is an attempt to catch you up on the past 6 weeks of our life…most likely in no particular order because oh, my brain….


Sayble turned 7 months old and went in for her 6 month old check up. *ahem*  (Re-read the first paragraph…we’ve been a little busy).  She weighed in at 19 pounds and was 29 inches long!  She was terribly fussy yesterday – not usually her style – and lo and behold there was a sharp little nugget of a tooth pushing it’s way up!

Cute as a button...and bald as a cue ball!
Cute as a button…and bald as a cue ball!

She started eating baby food and LOVES it.  Kid is eating about 16 ounces a day and would eat more if I’d let her.  She’s still just as sweet and smiley and bald as ever.  It’s gonna grow.  Really it will.  Soon, sweetie…soon.


We got new carpet! YAY!  That’s what happens when your adorable 6 month old starts the barrel-rolling/crawling phase and she’s wrapped around daddy’s finger and he thinks the old carpet that was here when we moved in needs to go.  Hey, whatever it takes!  😉 

It. Is. So. Soft.
It. Is. So. Soft.


One of Wrex’s dreams came true and he got a pony…with a cart.  His name is Ernie and he’s about as wide as he is tall.  He’s 12 years old and is actually quite broke and talented.  The kids ADORE him and they can’t wait to ride him in a local parade.  Keep your eyes out for us!

Ernie and crew
Ernie and crew
Taking Wryder for a ride
Taking Wryder for a ride


I had the honor of hosting a baby shower for one of the sweetest girls I know!  She is expecting a baby girl named Mesa Rae (isn’t that gorgeous?!) in January so we showered her with lots of love and gifts and (soup and cupcakes)!  It was a fun afternoon of celebrating mommy and baby to be.  There’s just something about a first-born girl…

Ali and Cliff
Ali and Cliff
The guest book
The guest book
Advice for momma
Advice for momma


Sawyer has been DYING to have a Barbie Pop-Up Camper.  I mean, they are pretty cool.  I had the Barbie RV AND the Barbie Dream House when I was growing up so I get where she’s coming from.  😉

Wrex and I had pretty much finished her Christmas shopping and had gone back and forth on whether to take something we’d already gotten for her back to get this but that just didn’t set well with us.  She has a dollhouse that she plays with and we felt like the Pop-Up Camper would be similar and that she’d enjoy some of the other things we had already purchased a little better.

Pop-Up Camper was ALL we had heard about for quite a while and we just asked the Lord for wisdom on what to do.  She doesn’t have to have EVERYTHING she wants…this is the just the first thing she’s ever REALLY asked for by name.  People always ask her what she wants for Christmas or her birthday and she has no clue, so this was definitely different…we just didn’t know how to navigate it.  He answered.

She woke up last week and said she had an idea for us.  She wanted to know if she could cash in her piggy bank and then do chores to work and earn money to pay for the rest; we were definitely behind this plan!

The chore chart
The chore chart

Girl had $64 in her bank!  Thanks, sale barn buddies!  We created a chore chart and she’s been working outside and moving chickens and picking up trash and doing laundry and dishes to beat the band!  We saw it in Wal-Mart today and that added to the excitement.  I’m so proud of her for having a goal and working for it!  That will serve you well, sweet pea… 

Checkin' it out...
Checkin’ it out…

She did say she wasn’t going to buy it until AFTER Santa came because if he wanted to buy her one, she’d save her money for something else.  She’s a smart one, that one…


Speaking of Santa, we went and saw him Monday evening in town.  He left a little to be desired in the santa looks department (no offense, sir!) and Sawyer was a little skeptical.  She told us afterwards, “He doesn’t talk like the santa we saw last year.  I’m pretty sure one of this is just some guy dressed up as santa…”  She’s a smart one, that one…

Skeptical about Santa
Skeptical about Santa
Ready to watch the parade
Ready to watch the parade
Sayble snuggling daddy
Sayble snuggling daddy
Shopping with Sayble.  I'm sure this is safe, don't worry...
Shopping with Sayble. I’m sure this is safe, don’t worry…


We met up with the Phipps side of the family for Thanksgiving and the three youngest cousins got to meet each other for the first time!  These cuties were all born within about a month of each other.  We took somewhere between 50 and 100 pictures and I’m thinking this is one of the best ones we got!  Three babies plus a house full of people trying to get them all to smile equal chaos…

Saylor (8 months), Chase (7 months), Sayble (7 months)
Saylor (8 months), Chase (7 months), Sayble (7 months)


Sawyer sold her first show heifer this past month with some help of daddy and her good friend John Tucker.  She got her check in the mail and opened her first checking/livestock account this past week.  My baby is growing up, it seems.

She picked out checks with horses on them and is so generous, she wanted Wryder’s name on them, too.

Signing her paperwork with our sweet friend, Katie
Signing her paperwork with our sweet friend, Katie
Sawyer and Corn Cob
Sawyer and Corn Cob

Even cooler than the checking account, she tithed off of her income to a ministry our church runs and supports called CARE Uganda. I helped host a fundraiser for them this fall and she’s as bought in as the rest of our family is.  So proud of my girl…


In the midst of all of the busyness, we have had so much to be thankful for.  We have entered this Christmas season at a slower pace and a purposeful turning of our hearts towards Jesus.  We’ve spent our mornings with our hearts and noses in our advent readings and have worshiped through song before bed every night.  He is so worthy of it, friends…


We don’t get to watch a ton of TV around these parts, but when we do, the kids’ FAVORITE show is Paw Patrol.  (It’s actually quite cute…and they don’t talk ugly to each other or whine…and the boy’s name is Ryder!!)

We had never heard of it until we had Wryder and someone at the clinic asked us if we named him after the Ryder on Paw Patrol.  We looked it up, Wrex and I checked it out and the rest is history!

I’m a sucker for a good, homemade costume so for $28, all five of us were, indeed, the Paw Patrol!  Wrex sewed the vests (come on, you know I can’t sew!!) and I made all the ears and hat details and collars…  They looked ADORABLE!

Skye...who tried so hard to eat that badge
Skye…who tried so hard to eat that badge
The whole crew!
The whole crew!
And with their tongues out!
And with their tongues out!

We carbo-loaded with some spooky spaghetti!  (I dyed the noodles with icing dye!)…


We went trick-or-treating downtown on Friday and then we met our sweet neighbors in town and took Wrex out for his first time trick-or-treating EVER (the kids’, too).   They had a ball!


Double fisting it!
Double fisting it!

We came home, ate some candy (duh!), a few other fun snacks and had our annual camp in!

Booger balls
Booger balls
Witch's brooms (cheese sticks and pretzels)
Witch’s brooms (cheese sticks and pretzels)
A little something to offset all the sweets...
A little something to offset all the sweets…

The kids got to go to the pumpkin patch earlier in the week with the Christian school group in Grant.  They had a BALL there, too!

Gosh, she's gorgeous!
Gosh, she’s gorgeous!

IMG_5191IMG_5192IMG_5185IMG_5199With all of that partying, everyone was a little under the weather and VERY tired come Sunday.  No thanks to the time change, mind you…

We’re still adapting around here.  The 6:10 bedtime we’ll have tonight will be fun…the 6:40 (most likely) wake up call from upstairs in the morning?  Not so much…

Random Rambles

We traveled to Nebraska yesterday to visit Wrex’s paternal grandparents, or Grandad and Lalice if you ask the kids.

So excited!
So excited!

We met Grandma at Perkins for brunch then headed on behind her to see Grandad.  He hasn’t felt too spiffy the last month or two and that’s sure hard to see but it was good to be with family.

Wryder Douglas is named after Willard Douglas (Grandad) and William Douglas (Papa) AND he’s the elder WD’s first great grandson…in other words, he can do no wrong.  🙂

WD and WD
WD and WD
Special bond
Special bond
I love this one
I love this one
Snuggling Aunt Deb
Snuggling Aunt Deb

We grabbed some Burger King to eat on the way home and the kids had to get a crown (so cute!) and make silly faces and do silly things – you know, kid stuff!

Silly faces
Silly faces
Where'd they go??
Where’d they go??


We got a new kitty last week, appropriately named Kitty.  She’s a sweet little thing and the kids adore her.  She’s gotten a little attention since she’s been here…

Kitty tucked in bed
Kitty tucked in bed

Sawyer used a dollar she got in the mail and bought Kitty a toy, which she loves!

Yes, that's a shirt...
Yes, that’s a shirt…

Kitty has even made nice with Booey…

How sweet...
How sweet…

And the cat scratch/bed/stand?  Well, I should’ve known WD would use it  more than the cat….

Boys will be boys
Boys will be boys


We’ve worn lots of cute clothes this week…


and painted pumpkins…

IMG_5070IMG_5071IMG_5072IMG_5073IMG_5074and made some Halloween pretties…

Sawyer and her bat
Sawyer and her bat

and dressed up in all sorts of costumes to practice trick-or-treating…

Oh. My.
Oh. My.

They are ready!


Sawyer’s reading is getting better everyday and she read to Sayble the other day…it was the sweetest.


I love how much they love their little sister…


Now, I’m just finishing up our Halloween costumes.  They wanted to be the PAW Patrol this year so I’ve been getting my hot glue on…

IMG_5155I can’t WAIT to get everything done and them on them!!!  And, of course, I’ll post pics. 🙂

Friday Funnies

My little family has had me grinning all day today.  They’re pretty funny…or I’m tired…you can decide.  🙂

This morning, I had Wryder set the table for breakfast and he put the plates on like this…

IMG_4445Putting a plate THROUGH the slats in a chair is WAY more fun.

I serve everyone, sit down to eat and find he had given me this fork…

IMG_4449The serving fork.  It’s huge.  Made me feel good about myself.  *ahem*

I started to send these pictures to Wrex and when I picked up my phone, this is what I saw…

IMG_4447IMG_4448It’s started already.  Lord, help us.

Sayble woke up a little while later and I opened her jammies up to find this…

IMG_4451Daddy got creative at 6:00 this morning.  🙂

We went to town to run a few errands and grab some Subway.  On the way home, I wanted to run the car through the car wash, much to the disdain of Wryder.

IMG_4458Poor kid is TERRIFIED of the car wash and cried and hid his eyes for a good 11 minutes.  Wait, maybe that’s not funny…just a little ridiculous.

Oh, and a little throwback Thursday humor….

We were watching a little of the Bronco game, a cheerleader came on the screen and the following conversation ensued…

Sawyer (incredulously): WHO is THAT?

Wrex (while giving me the eye to turn the channel):  Oh, just a cheerleader.

Sawyer: (equally incredulously in reference to her burgeoning boobage):  WHY does she have her shirt like that?

Wrex (begging with his voice for no more questions to be asked): Oh, maybe she got hot.

A little while later, Sawyer was fiddlin’ with the buttons on Wrex’s shirt and then said, “Look, mom!  Daddy’s a cheerleader!”

IMG_4441That’s all I got!  Good night, folks!

Random Rambles

Today was one of those tough mom days where I didn’t really enjoy my job.  Wryder is in a definite boundary testing phase…again.  My apologies ahead of time to the wonderful sitter I have lined up for tomorrow.  *ahem*

There just seemed to be an overload of disobedience and nasty tones (some of them mine, unfortunately)…unkind gestures and more housework than I could juggle.  I just felt defeated come nap time.

We made it through the afternoon – praise the Lord for short sales and daddy’s who come home quick – and the evening ended decently well.

Sawyer is learning to read and doing a fantastic job!  Our plan is to home school (for multiple reasons) and there are days when I wonder if that will ever work.  Sawyer is an incredible student but we have a few little distractions running around…and I’ve never taught school before…and I don’t remember how to teach someone to read…and I’m not the most patient soul on the planet…and days like today, where it feels like we barely survive the normal daily activities, I wonder how I can add one more thing…and the thought of trying to teach Wryder to read…well…that’s just scary.

Some days I just wonder if I’m gonna be able to finish this mom thing and finish it well…

And then…Sawyer read new words she struggled with just this morning…and I came across a blog that was saying exactly what I was saying…and I learned of families fighting far bigger battles than ours…and my world got a little broader and my self-pity a little smaller.

I have no doubt that HE wants me to finish this mom thing and finish it well and thus He will encourage me and refresh me and renew me and strengthen me and grace me and give me the wisdom I need to do such a thing.

Bring it, Friday…


The last two nights, Wrex and I have grabbed a blanket, killed the power to the mercury light and laid out on the trampoline to watch the meteor shower.  The sky has been cloudless and our prairie view has allowed for an awesome window in which to watch.

I was thinking of how majestic the Lord truly is and how He blessed us through His creativity.  I mean what if He chose not to make stars?  What if the night sky was just black?  What if instead of a blue sky during the day, He chose olive green instead?  What if there were no such thing as animals or what if every human looked exactly the same?  What if birds didn’t make sounds or what if food had no taste?  What if…

His creation speaks of His wonder and goodness and glory…


The other day, the kids had gone out to play and I had to change Sayble’s diaper before I went out with them.  I got that done, grabbed my shoes and headed over towards the tree, right where they were playing when out of the corner of my eye, I saw an orange streak slither quickly in their direction.

It was a long, nasty garter snake and he was headed right towards them.  I told them to move and then cornered him while Sawyer got me a shovel.  (The only good snake is a dead snake around these parts)…

I chopped him up and threw him in the ditch…and then had the willies the rest of the day…  But it was a good reminder of how the enemy is doing just that – heading for my kids.  He’s on the prowl, folks.  He’s real and he’s looking for someone to devour.

Pray for your kids!  Cover them and intercede for them and demand satan to flee in the name of Jesus.  You’ve got no authority here, you creep.

The snake.  I know it doesn't look that big, but it was.  *ahem*
The snake. I know it doesn’t look that big, but it was. *ahem*
Sawyer holding Sayble so I could do my thing...
Sawyer holding Sayble so I could do my thing…


On a brighter note, I saw this the other day in Sterling…

Get your guns up!
Get your guns up!

It made me feel so at home.  Only a few more days until the start of football season and I’m sure hoping for a mildly successful one to say the least.  Now, to get Wrex agree to cable for the winter…


I’m headed to a consult with the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow.  I hurt my foot/ankle/leg back in February and it’s gotten increasingly worse.  I’m sure they’ll want to do an MRI and all of that (expensive) jazz.  If you would  join me in prayer that it could be healed without surgery, I’d much appreciate it.


Praying your Friday is fun and that the presence of the Lord is thick with you this weekend.  Praying that for me, too…

Camera Dump

I plugged my phone into my computer to charge last night and I realized I have a lot of pictures that haven’t made it anywhere, so I thought I’d post some of my favorites!  We’ve had such a great summer…can you believe it’s August?!

We took a little trip up to the sandhills of Nebraska to see the elder Phipps’…always a good time and good food!

The kids with their great-grands!
The kids with their great-grands!
Grandad putting Sayble to sleep
Grandad putting Sayble to sleep
Going for a spin on the golf cart
Going for a spin on the golf cart

We had supper with some friends and the kids got to check out the volunteer fire department!

Checkin' out the fire truck in Wages
Checkin’ out the fire truck in Wages
Wryder lost his pants and I'm not completely sure what Sawyer is doing.  Hilarious picture though...
Wryder lost his pants and I’m not completely sure what Sawyer is doing. Hilarious picture though…

The Stukas family came for a visit and we had more fun than we knew what to do with!

Sayble and Shoshanah
Sayble and Shoshanah
Look at those smiles!
Look at those smiles!
Reading with Tanner.  Wryder loved having a brother around!
Reading with Tanner. Wryder loved having a brother around!

Daddy brought home some new barn kitties.  Wryder is officially in love.  Poor cats.

This boy LOVES his kitty!
This boy LOVES his kitty!
And his new backpack!
And his new backpack!
Good gravy he's cute...
Good gravy he’s cute…
Kitty, don't leave
Kitty, don’t leave

Wrex made this arrow for me for a wedding gift.  I loved how it turned out so he’s cranked out a few more since!

Follow the arrow to the hottie!
Follow the arrow to the hottie!
Barnwood stain
Barnwood stain

I bought groceries one night ALL BY MYSELF.  It was a little quiet but quite nice.  The kids were incredibly tired and thus distraught when I left.  I had to document the fact that they were crying because I was leaving.  That never happens…either thing – me leaving or them crying because I do.  🙂


Sawyer has gotten her craft on lately.

Sawyer selfie :)
Sawyer selfie 🙂
We busted out the puff paint!  Flashback 1991!
We busted out the puff paint! Flashback 1991!

She’s also been drawing a lot.  Here’s a picture of a fish…

Oh. My. Word.
Oh. My. Word.

And just a couple of my faves…

Mid yawn looks like what the heck?!
Mid yawn looks like what the heck?!


Worth 1,000 Words: Summer Fun

So, let’s just get straight to the point…I’m WAAAAAAAAY behind on posting pics of our {spectacular} summer so far.  Here’s a tiny recap of what we’ve been up to!

The kids got to go to the Denver Aquarium with Uncle Warner…IMG_1101IMG_1099IMG_1097

I love this pic...
I love this pic…


Sawyer's in there!
Sawyer’s in there!
There’s Wryder
I think it's safe to say Wryder liked the mermaids.  *ahem*
I think it’s safe to say Wryder liked the mermaids. *ahem*

We checked out the Kearney Children’s Museum with some friends…IMG_3924IMG_3919IMG_3908IMG_3905IMG_3901We checked out the Sutherland Rodeo on July 4th…IMG_4879We’ve played in the water…a lot!IMG_4024IMG_4023IMG_4019We’ve played hide and seek…I loved Wryder’s hiding place.  Sister couldn’t find him and he was more than content with that!IMG_3958We’ve enjoyed daddy being home for a week or two…IMG_3957We’ve had pop surprises and yummy desserts…IMG_3951IMG_3953We’ve gone on adventures, decked out in our finest, no less!IMG_4893We had missionaries come for lunch, whom the kids did NOT want to leave!IMG_3928IMG_3929IMG_3930We’ve taken our chickens out for strolls…Messages Image(617879593)Totally kidding.  Just seeing if you were still with me.  Isn’t that picture hilarious!?

All-in-all, we’ve been having a blast together!  The next big thing (besides local county fairs and more summer fun) is gearing up for someone’s 5th birthday.  How in the world did that get here so quick?!

IMG_39992The little lady asked for a county fair party so we’re hoping people are too county-faired out to come – she’s SOOOOO excited!

I hope your summer is going just as well.  It’s a hot one here today and we’re headed out to throw some water balloons!  YAY!

Soaking Up Summer

This time of year, most sale barns in this area take a week or so off for wheat harvest and such so daddy gets 10 or so days of built in vacation time.  Are we blessed or what?!

Since we went to Texas last month, we’re opting for more of a stay-cation – with a few day trips thrown in for good measure.  We’ve already been to Nebraska to see the grandparents and Oklahoma cousins.  We got to go to Cody Park and feed animals and ride the rides…we stopped in at the Children’s Museum in Kearney with good friends and today we had really great company come to the house for lunch!  The kids were stoked to have visitors and we loved every minute with them!  (More on that later).

Last night, daddy took us to supper and we stopped at the fireworks stand on the way home.  Tonight, Wrexy lit some up and the kids had a BLAST!

They stood on the edge of the yard, holding hands waiting for the bang and the flash of lights.  Their little eyes were wide with excitement and anticipation.  Wryder jumped nearly every time but then would squeal with glee and run around asking daddy for more.

I love their excitement and zeal over all kinds of things…from fireworks to new swimsuits to meeting real live missionaries to eating Mexican food to watching a DVD in the car to seeing new baby chicks to spotting the moon in the sky before it’s even dark…the world around them is new and exciting and ready for them to explore…..AND?  As their parents, we get the pleasure of taking that journey with them.

Friends of wee ones, we are living in the best days of our lives, I am convinced!  Wrex and I were married for 5 years before we started having babies and those 5 years were really sweet.  We did that {horrible, awful, ridiculous, no good} long distance dating thing for 3 years before we were married so it was so nice to have some “us” time.  It allowed us to really solidify our marriage and prepare ourselves for raising children.

As good as that time was, we love this time of our lives even more.  To be able to see and feel and interact with the product of our love is such a treasure.  Oh yes, there are some hours and days that may feel long but oh – the joy far outweighs the work and the blood, sweat and tears that go into this parenting thing.

There’s a chance that you’ll never be this loved, this exciting, this worthy of emulation in their eyes ever again.  Revel in it.

Friends, I encourage you to soak up those kiddos of yours this summer…

Say yes a little more often…

Go swimming more than you want to and get in that swimsuit and jump in with them…

Eat at McDonalds (or Mickey Don-dalds) even if you just drink a Dr. Pepper…

Blow bubbles and jump on trampolines and go on nature walks…

Look for ways to show them grace…

Get messy and muddy and eat popsicles to beat the band…

Take lots of pictures and capture those smiles and squeals and ingrain them in your mind’s eye for days to come…

These are the best days of our lives.  Soak them up.  

Worth 1,000 Words: Summer Fun

We have been flat out having fun this summer!  Daddy’s sales have been short and we’ve been enjoying the days of our youth…

Here’s a little of what we’ve been up to!

We’ve done a little swimming…

IMG_3818IMG_3813IMG_3811IMG_3809IMG_3821IMG_3824and a little playing at the Children’s Museum…

IMG_3843IMG_3846IMG_3848IMG_3849IMG_3850IMG_3851IMG_3852IMG_3855IMG_3863We rode some rides at Cody Park…

IMG_4533IMG_4519IMG_4517-1IMG_4513IMG_4510.JPGIMG_4507.JPG-1and rode a dinosaur!

IMG_4488.JPGIMG_4496.JPGIMG_4495.JPGWe’ve hung out with the neighbors…

IMG_1842IMG_1840IMG_1841IMG_5588IMG_2694IMG_3799IMG_3890and mowed around the house…

IMG_3866IMG_3870and snuggled cute sisters…IMG_3832IMG_3878IMG_4432and had lunch with cute dates…IMG_3882Tomorrow, we’re headed to see the Oklahoma cousins for a few days and then head back home to start our “summer vacation” when we get daddy to ourselves for two weeks!  YAY!