The Visitors

We have some visitors out here on the plains.

a7Their mommy and daddy are at Disney World with the other kids, so we get to babysit.  Sawyer named this calf Cinderella way back when she was purchased…and it stuck.  I LOVE big, fuzzy-eared cattle.  She’s my fave.

a9She had a calf this past year which is named Gus Gus.  Rightfully so.

a8This little momma’s name is Daisy.  We raised her as a bottle calf when we lived in Denver.  Wrex’s boss’ family showed her some and then sold her to her new home.  She’s as sweet as pie.  (Elise – this is the one you fed when you lived with us.  You called her Precious, but regardless…)

a10They’re all gentle ladies.  Sawyer likes to treat them (aka entice them to come her way) with a little nibble of corn.

a4Ozark the pony has been sharing his space with such grace.  They’re constantly checking him out.  They don’t have much to worry about out, though. He can’t steal their feed as he has no real teeth left.  He gets a special senior horse feed which takes a special line in our budget.  He’s totally worth it though.  More on him some other time.  He’s a dandy.

a1It’s been fun to have a few new projects around.  One of the heifers is due to calve any day now and we can’t hardly wait.  Hoping I can catch that one on camera.  Wish me luck!

Hard on the Heart

Daddy had a hard-on-his-heart conversation with Sawyer yesterday.  I didn’t know it had happened, as I was feeding Wryder in the other room but he told me about it later in the day.

He and Sawyer were finishing up lunch when she began asking him about her future…

S – Daddy, what will happen when I get married?

W – Well, you and your husband will have a wedding and then you’ll live together and start a a family of your own.

S – Will I live here?

W – Well, you most certainly can but when most people get married, they live in a different house and start a new life with their spouse.

S – Then I don’t want to get married!  I want you to be with me!  I don’t want to go live anywhere else!  I want to live with you!

Then the tears commenced (on daddy’s part)…along with the gentle reassurances that daddy would always be there for her.  He was still pretty choked up hours later.  Those two have such a special relationship – it makes my heart dance with delight.  (If she’s absolutely rotten one day, you’ll know why!)

Sweet girl, you can live here as long as you want!  That thought will probably become appalling to you one day but we want you to know that no matter where you are or what you do or what the circumstances are or how much time has passed or who you are with — you are always, always welcome and wanted here.  You will never be turned away.  Our love for you has no bounds or conditions or distance.  You have our heart, fully and completely.  If we have you under our roof for 18 years or 40 years, neither of those scenarios or numbers would be long enough for me…but I don’t think any number would be “enough.”  You’re kind of impossible to get “enough” of, ya know that?

We do pray that you marry well.  I pray that you marry someone JUST LIKE your daddy.  He reminds me so much of Jesus.  I know I married up!  Did you know that next to walking with Jesus, marrying your daddy was the best decision I’ve ever made?  I live in the blessing of that everyday of my life and I most definitely want the same for you.

We’ve been praying for your spouse for as long as we’ve been praying for you!  You deserve a man that will cherish you and love you and show love to you and value you and love your family and lead you and pray for you and worship with you and serve you and provide for you and protect you…a man just like Jesus.

Pursue Him, sweet one, and pursue only men that pursue Him, too.  We want you to grow and dream and hear from the Lord and live out your life’s calling…we want you to use your gifts, your sweet personality and your heart of worship to draw people to Him…and if you want to live with us while you do that, well, that’s mighty fine with me.

But when you find that man that sweeps you off your feet…the man that captures your heart and makes it race with unbridled love and hard-sought passion…the man you want to spend all of your forevers with…the man you want to serve Jesus with…the man you want to start your own family with, in your own home…you have our blessing.  He will be most blessed to have you.  Truly, he will.

So be ok with that, sweet girl.  We have a few years to really get accustomed to this idea, so I’m sure we’ll be fine.  Just don’t think you can live in another town or state…that is not part of the deal.  😉

A Walking We Will Go

I always say that Sawyer is ALL girl and ALL boy!  She loves to be outside playing with the chickens or in the hay stack or brushing her pony or stomping in the mud…as long as she has on a bow and some bracelets, of course.  One of her favorite things to do is to go on walks.  Not just leisurely walks, but walks with a purpose.  We’ve been on listening walks and animal saving walks and stick hunting walks…but her favorite is a good ole nature walk!

This morning was doggone cold quite brisk, but we bundled up and headed out to see what we could find.  She dressed for the occasion, of course.

Wrong feet and all...but they had sparkly jewls!  (And heels, mind you...)
Wrong feet and all…but they had sparkly jewels! (And heels, mind you…)
Juniper berries
Juniper berries

Daddy came along for the fun and was REALLY good at finding less “natural” objects, but it made for a fun display in the end.

Daddy always makes our adventures more fun!
Daddy always makes our adventures more fun!
Pine cones...
Pine cones…
and pine "noodles."
and pine “noodles.”

Once our pockets were full and our hands were numb, we took our finds back to the barn.  I had seen this idea on Pinterest and knew Sawyer would love it!  We took contact paper and tacked it to the barn door, sticky side out.  Then, we started sticking our nature walk treasures on to the tacky surface to showcase them.  (Way less messy than construction paper and Elmer’s…)

Stick it to it
Stick it to it
Isn't she a doll?
Isn’t she a doll?
What's a nature walk without a shotgun shell?
What’s a nature walk without a shotgun shell?
Paint the cat had to get in on the action, too.  He's a very patient cat.
Paint the cat had to get in on the action, too. He’s a very patient cat.  (Note the Tootsie Roll Wrapper at the top.  Another one of daddy’s finds.)

Fun morning!  I’m curious to see how long our treasures will stick to the contact paper.  Wrex is excited to see what gets stuck there inadvertently just because it’s hanging around.  🙂 I’ll keep you posted…



Can anyone guess where Sawyer spent part of her Monday while mom and little brother bought groceries?

IMG_2617IMG_2619IMG_2618IMG_2621You got it – the sale barn!  She loves to “buy cows” with her cards and her calculator.  Her favorites are “the white ones” (Charolais) or the “buffaloes” (Longhorns).  Anything with crazy colors or small in stature always catches her eye, too.

Here’s her other favorite thing about this barn…

photoThey always have free popcorn!  And since daddy’s afraid of the nasty, old, rusty pipes that never get used water, she gets to drink pop.  Now, I know why she never chooses to go to Wal-Mart…


What We’re Doing Wednesday

*Note:  Apparently this font doesn’t like punctuation.  Ugh.  Who doesn’t like punctuation?!  See how it says “What Were Doing Wednesday?”  THAT is gonna bug the tar out of me!  But “What We Are Doing Wednesday” just doesn’t sound right.  Will you forgive my grammatical gaffe for now?  Pretty please?  With a pumpkin on top?*

Daddy brought home a BIG pumpkin last night as a fun surprise!

It's HUGE!
It’s HUGE!

It made us officially ready to get some of our other pumpkins painted.  We decided we’d let daddy help us carve the BIG one this weekend.

photo 3 copy
Working hard – see the pursed lips?
photo 4 copy
The finished product for Ms. Amy!

We painted one together…sort of.  Her side kept creeping into my side but I didn’t mind.

photo 4
You’ll see even more blue in the end…

The finished products!

photo 1 copy
See the lovely blue dots of sorts?
photo 2 copy
Pretty sure she could do this all day…

Wednesday nights, we drive into town for Cubbies – one of the highlights of Sawyer’s week!  Mine and dad’s too, because we get an hour and a half date while she’s there.  Oh yeah, baby!

photo 3
Lucky for her, she already knows this verse.

Last week, I didn’t iron on the apple patch she received.  I couldn’t figure out the exact place it was to go and the perfectionist in me didn’t want to mess her vest up or make hers different than everyone else’s so we went without.  I felt horrible, though she didn’t care.  But this week, we’re ready to go!

photo 5
I love that little pocket…
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but this is my favorite part.

We did some pre-school work, but I try not to do too much of this on Wednesdays because of the Cubbies lesson – I don’t want to totally confuse her.  We memorize the Word in our preschool lessons, too so it’s better to let her memorize only Cubbies verses on Wednesdays.

photo 2
Around the tree, around the tree – that is how you make a 3!

Then, we got to watch a little show thanks to mommy’s sinus infection migraine.  Ugh.  REALLY should go to the doctor.  I’ve had this nasty sinus thing since the end of September.  Pretty sure it’s trying to kill me…

photo 4
Snug as a bug in a rug!

The rest of the day will be spent playing with brother, climbing the hay stack, painting our fingers, napping, bathing and going to Cubbies.  Good day, I’d say.


Fall Outdoor Tour

After our post-church pumpkin patch excursion, we came home and cleaned out our flower beds and set out our newest finds.  A few of our plants are still flowering and thriving, so we left them in to pretty up the place until a hard freeze hits.

I love those stripey guys
A little bit of spring mixed with the fall
This little green box was Wrexy’s first show box.  Love.
Hay hay hay
Oh yes, we have a few of those
The long view
The long view
And down the other side
And down the other side

Sawyer had fun helping arrange all of the pumpkins and gourds!  I’m just wondering how long it will stay looking like this.  1.) I’m hoping the chickens don’t help themselves to any of my decor and 2.) Little Miss likes to REarrange them every time she walks out the door.

Setting sun, pre-corn stalks
From the road
From the road
From the road, again

Sawyer thoroughly enjoyed helping us carry the corn “sticks.”

Gorgeous sunset behind the barn
And a pretty cool moon, too
The heavens declare the glory of the LORD!

Indeed.  As we prayed tonight, we thanked Him for all of the beautiful things He made that point man to Him…including pumpkins…and especially, our pumpkins.  And I don’t mean the orange ones.

Worth 1,000 Words: Pumpkin Patch #2

We ventured south of town this weekend to our favorite pumpkin patch in the area.  They do an all-inclusive entry fee so we took FULL advantage!  The weather was just about as nice as you could ask for in the middle of October and we had such a good time together!

She REALLY enjoyed the jumping pillow!
Racing daddy like a horse
More jumping
“Look at those snowmen!”
Pumpkin patch + football = heaven
Taking Loo-Loo for a ride!
Helping me get through the soybean maze
He was FIRED UP to ride the cow train!
I think this was time number 3…
Kid, kid, kid, kid, kid, kid, BIG KID, kid
I made it!
My loves
So fun!
Making the climb up the hay mountain (again)
Favorite shot of the day
She has a knack for finding the smallest, dirtiest, squishiest pumpkins in the patch – ha!
This girl LOVES getting her face painted!
So cute!
One more time in the corn box
Working hard at racing her ducks – pink, no less!

Oh, fall – we love you so!

Connecting Your Child to Christ (Part 1 of 3)

I was raised in a Christian home…of sorts.  My parents believed that God existed.  They had both said at some point in their lives that they wanted Jesus to be their savior and were water baptized.  We went to church for the most part and I wouldn’t say that my family was  anti-Jesus but we sure didn’t talk about Him.  We didn’t read the Word together.  We weren’t taught of Him or His character except for what we gleaned in Sunday School or “big church.”   And I don’t say any of this to bash on my parents.  They did a lot of things right with us kids and I’m completely positive we were more similar to the “norm” than not.  But that piece of the puzzle – the piece about making Jesus known in the home – was missing, and I didn’t realize how big of a piece it was until later in life.

I remember being in about 7th grade and I decided I was going to start reading the Bible and I learned that God took a rib from Adam to make woman and I was stunned!  I couldn’t believe that was real!   How did I not know this?!  That Noah guy that took animals onto a boat – it was in the Bible; it wasn’t just a wallpaper border in the nursery – it really happened!  I just had no idea because we didn’t read the Word as a family.

It wasn’t until I went to college and I met Wrex and two church leaders (a husband and wife duo from Clarendon, Texas) that I really got an understanding for Jesus.   These people had REAL relationships with Him.  They talked about Him.  They talked WITH Him.  He wasn’t this mystical guy only to be pulled out for a few hours on a Sunday…He was an everyday, every hour, every minute part of their lives.  Because of their unabashed love for Him, I became a TRUE believer in Christ.  I dedicated my life to Him, was baptized and later married that good-looking man who showed me what it was like to know Jesus in a really real way.

After we were married for a few years, we took some high school kids to a Dare to Share conference.  I was skimming through some of their information and it talked about how parents couldn’t just send their child to youth group to learn all they needed to know about Jesus.  It explained that there just wasn’t enough time on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights for youth leaders to build a teen’s foundation and that Biblically, that was the parents’ job…it had to start at home.

Now, these might seem like common sense facts to you, but at the time, I was just shell shocked.  All these lights went off, I heard the Hallelujah chorus, my head was buzzing and it all made sense.  God help them, my parents did what they knew best which was send me to church on occasion and hope that I’d learn enough about Jesus to get my free ticket into heaven.  And while I want my children to spend eternity with Him, I also want them to have a relationship with Jesus, because THAT is what He wants from us…that other stuff comes as a result of that relationship.

I want them to know Him better and closer and more intimate and deeper than I ever have.   I want the most I have ever known of the Lord, to be the least they will know of Him.  I want my ceiling to be their floor.  I want to leave a legacy of the fear of the Lord with them that no one can take away.  I want them to have a reverential awe of the Him, a worship and wonder of God the Father, a deep respect and reverence for the Lord and His ways – because that’s what He wants from us as parents.  It is our duty to connect our children to Christ.  They’re not going to learn it anywhere else.  Youth groups and Awana meetings and Moppets can come alongside us as parents and help us and bolster us and fill in some missing cracks, but we, as parents, have got to be the ones that build their foundations.

I adore Psalm 78 and the instruction it has for us.

O my people, listen to my instructions.
Open your ears to what I am saying,
    for I will speak to you in a parable.
I will teach you hidden lessons from our past—
    stories we have heard and known,
stories our ancestors handed down to us.
We will not hide these truths from our children;
we will tell the next generation
about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
about his power and his mighty wonders.
For he issued his laws to Jacob;
he gave his instructions to Israel.
He commanded our ancestors
to teach them to their children,
so the next generation might know them—
even the children not yet born—
and they in turn will teach their own children.
So each generation should set its hope anew on God,
not forgetting his glorious miracles
and obeying his commands.
Then they will not be like their ancestors—
stubborn, rebellious, and unfaithful,
refusing to give their hearts to God.

He tells us that we have to share our stories!  We have to pass on what we know of the Lord to the generations after us.  We aren’t to hide the truths of the Lord from our children, we’re to tell them these truths.

So how do we do this?  How do we connect our kids to Christ?

Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.  (Deuteronomy 6)

We have got to talk about Him!  All the time!  He is in everything.  He IS everything. We are to talk about Him and what He’s done for us and teach our kiddos about Him.  So?  We have to know Him for ourselves.  We can’t give away what we don’t have, so some of us may have to start this journey of knowing Him WITH our children.  And that’s ok.  It’s NEVER too late to start somewhere.

So practically, what does this look like?  Here are 5 simple ways to begin to teach your children about the Lord.

1.) Read the word together.  Get a Children’s Bible and start going through the stories.  That Noah guy I mentioned earlier?  He’s in there!  Seriously though, one of the easiest ways to learn the Bible, and especially the Old Testament, is by going through a Children’s Bible.  Talk to them about the stories and what lessons Jesus wants us to learn from them.   Then, incorporate different stories into other times of the day, like snack time.  I’m willing to bet we aren’t the only family that buys stock in Pepperidge Farm because of our vast Goldfish consumption.  So, when you give them the fishes that are so delicious, talk to them about how Jesus fed the 5,000.

If you give them pretzel rods or carrot sticks or celery sticks, make crosses with them and tell them about how Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Make a rainbow fruit skewer and talk about Noah (he just keeps popping up, doesn’t he!?) and the flood and God’s promise.

2.) Get active.  Acting out Bible stories is a GREAT way to get kids to remember what they’ve read.  Kids (and adults, mind you) remember 90% of what they say AND do, as opposed to only 20% of what they hear alone.  As you go through the Children’s Bible, act out the stories of David and Goliath or Jesus washing the disciples’ feet or Daniel and the Lions Den (Sawyer’s favorite right now).  Get creative with it.  It doesn’t have to be Pinterest perfect but you’ll be amazed at what some construction paper and tape can create to make a story come alive for your kids.

 3.) Pray for them and with them.  Teach them that prayer is a conversation between them and God.  They can do it anywhere and anytime they want to – He loves to hear from His kids.

The 5 finger prayer is a really easy way to pray like Jesus taught the disciples to pray in Matthew, just in kiddo lingo.

Praise God – Lord, you are good and holy and righteous.  How wonderful is your name in all the earth!

Confess your sins – Forgive me for losing my temper today or for thinking and acting selfishly.

Thank God – Lord, thank you for our warm house and for food to eat.  Thank you that daddy made it home safely from work.

Pray for Others – Give Mrs. Smith peace tonight before her doctor’s appointment tomorrow.

Pray for yourself – Help me to have an obedient heart.

4.) Worship together.  Get on YouTube and search for kids worship songs.  Play them and sing together and dance together and learn some hand motions together.

5.) Serve others together.  Find a way to show Jesus’ love to a neighbor or friend and serve them.  Do random acts of kindness…leave money in a coke machine with a note; leave a package for your postman or woman; take some treats to the nursing home and just love on the elderly…anything that helps them to live out their faith.

Feel overwhelmed yet?  Don’t.  Really, don’t.  It may take some time and a little effort to get there and build those habits to where we can talk about Him at the drop of a hat, but you’ll get there and you won’t regret it.  I really don’t want you to feel overwhelmed, but I do want you to feel the weight of the importance of this thing called parenthood.   We’ve got one shot with these kiddos.  One shot to raise them with the fear of the Lord, to instill in them His ways and values, to guide and direct them in the ways of righteousness.

So, we can do all the things I discussed earlier…we can read the Word and eat cheese flavored fish and act like giants – which are all great things, but the most important thing we can do as parents is to ACT like Jesus.

God intends for us to model His character to our children.  Scripture tells us that we are to give our children affection, compassion, protection, provision and loving discipline.  When we provide this kind of environment, children then believe that HE is loving and compassionate and protective and gracious and a loving disciplinarian.

But in a home that exhibits the opposite – homes with a lack of affection or compassion or where there’s yelling or neglect or punishment and especially abuse, they begin to see God in THIS way.  A mean God; a God of no grace.  They see Him in a way that is untrue of who He really is; a way that leads to deep, deep wounds and the inability to apply His true character to their lives.

We have to act in ways that are consistent with Him – THAT is how we will connect our children to Christ the most…

So I have this friend named Stormie. . .

and she’s fabulous!  First, isn’t she gorge?!

Sawyer and Stormie being silly
Sawyer and Stormie being silly

But she’s a lot more than just a looker!  She’s creative and unique and incredibly fashion forward.  (I don’t know if she knows this, but she’s TOTALLY inspired me to change some things about my wardrobe.  I’m not so matchy-matchy anymore, all because of her.  She’s not afraid of mixing patterns and prints and colors and textures in ways that you think would never work, but then she puts it on and bam – she ROCKS it. And I covet it.  Ahem.)

I keep saying I'm going to steal this head wrap...
I keep saying I’m going to steal this head wrap…

She has a ridiculous eye for all things hip, vintage and in (or about to be in.)  She’s adored by her family and especially her nieces and nephews.  (She takes each of them on a special birthday date – just the two of them.  Who wouldn’t love one-on-one time with Storm?!)  She’s a do-er and a dreamer and she might just be the most generous person I’ve ever met.  And not just with her money, but with her time and resources and brain power.  Did you know she’s one of only three Denver-ites that have been here more than once to see us AND she’s one of the busiest?!  Yeah, she’s cool like that.

Seriously, she wreaks of cool
Seriously, she wreaks of cool

I’ve had kind of a bleh day and the post-lady called to let me know I had a package that she’d bring down.  I wasn’t expecting anything so I had no idea who it was from or what it might be.  But lo and behold, I should’ve know, sweet Stormie sent us a box FULL of goodies!


Three things you must know regarding Stormie’s packages.

1.) They are BEAUTIFUL!  Look at all that color and fru-fru!  She makes EVERY thing she sends so exciting to open.  She takes such care to make sure it’s all just perfect.  The receiver can’t help but feel special because look at all the time she put into the wrapping alone.

SOOO pretty, yes?
SOOO pretty, yes?

2.) There is always something for every single one of us!  Told you she was generous…

This girl LOVES gifts!
This girl LOVES gifts!

Sawyer got a nursery rhyme puzzle set, which we had to do immediately.

Hey diddle, diddle
Hey diddle, diddle

Wryder got the CA-YOOTEST little train, which sister so selflessly helped him open.  🙂

He gave it the chew of approval
He gave it the chew of approval

And daddy got something, too!  We resisted temptation so he could open it himself.  Aren’t you proud?

He's gonna LOVE that steer head!
He’s gonna LOVE the wrap job

3.) She is a fantastic gift giver!  She knows her audience and always finds the funnest, neatest, chicest things!

My {fabulous} loot
My {fabulous} loot

I have an affinity for accessories.  Surprised?  I didn’t think you would be.  Fall, for me, pretty much consists of scarves, cardigans, boots and cute earrings.  She nailed it.

Yes, please
Yes, please

She just has this keen sense of how to bless someone.  I recently redid a section of our living room so I could have an official desk to do my blog/ministry/pre-school work and these super cute clips are killing me!  I am so in love with arrows right now.  I have one on my “need want Wrex to make me one” list.

I'm an office supply nut
I’m an office supply nut

My frown has been turned upside down!  Stormie, THANK YOU for being the kind, generous, hip, loving, beautiful friend sister you are!  Thank you for blessing us with your time and talents and for ALWAYS being up for a roadtrip to come see us.  Speaking of which…