Friday Funnies

My little family has had me grinning all day today.  They’re pretty funny…or I’m tired…you can decide.  🙂

This morning, I had Wryder set the table for breakfast and he put the plates on like this…

IMG_4445Putting a plate THROUGH the slats in a chair is WAY more fun.

I serve everyone, sit down to eat and find he had given me this fork…

IMG_4449The serving fork.  It’s huge.  Made me feel good about myself.  *ahem*

I started to send these pictures to Wrex and when I picked up my phone, this is what I saw…

IMG_4447IMG_4448It’s started already.  Lord, help us.

Sayble woke up a little while later and I opened her jammies up to find this…

IMG_4451Daddy got creative at 6:00 this morning.  🙂

We went to town to run a few errands and grab some Subway.  On the way home, I wanted to run the car through the car wash, much to the disdain of Wryder.

IMG_4458Poor kid is TERRIFIED of the car wash and cried and hid his eyes for a good 11 minutes.  Wait, maybe that’s not funny…just a little ridiculous.

Oh, and a little throwback Thursday humor….

We were watching a little of the Bronco game, a cheerleader came on the screen and the following conversation ensued…

Sawyer (incredulously): WHO is THAT?

Wrex (while giving me the eye to turn the channel):  Oh, just a cheerleader.

Sawyer: (equally incredulously in reference to her burgeoning boobage):  WHY does she have her shirt like that?

Wrex (begging with his voice for no more questions to be asked): Oh, maybe she got hot.

A little while later, Sawyer was fiddlin’ with the buttons on Wrex’s shirt and then said, “Look, mom!  Daddy’s a cheerleader!”

IMG_4441That’s all I got!  Good night, folks!

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