Worth 1,000 Words: Summer Fun

So, let’s just get straight to the point…I’m WAAAAAAAAY behind on posting pics of our {spectacular} summer so far.  Here’s a tiny recap of what we’ve been up to!

The kids got to go to the Denver Aquarium with Uncle Warner…IMG_1101IMG_1099IMG_1097

I love this pic...
I love this pic…


Sawyer's in there!
Sawyer’s in there!
There’s Wryder
I think it's safe to say Wryder liked the mermaids.  *ahem*
I think it’s safe to say Wryder liked the mermaids. *ahem*

We checked out the Kearney Children’s Museum with some friends…IMG_3924IMG_3919IMG_3908IMG_3905IMG_3901We checked out the Sutherland Rodeo on July 4th…IMG_4879We’ve played in the water…a lot!IMG_4024IMG_4023IMG_4019We’ve played hide and seek…I loved Wryder’s hiding place.  Sister couldn’t find him and he was more than content with that!IMG_3958We’ve enjoyed daddy being home for a week or two…IMG_3957We’ve had pop surprises and yummy desserts…IMG_3951IMG_3953We’ve gone on adventures, decked out in our finest, no less!IMG_4893We had missionaries come for lunch, whom the kids did NOT want to leave!IMG_3928IMG_3929IMG_3930We’ve taken our chickens out for strolls…Messages Image(617879593)Totally kidding.  Just seeing if you were still with me.  Isn’t that picture hilarious!?

All-in-all, we’ve been having a blast together!  The next big thing (besides local county fairs and more summer fun) is gearing up for someone’s 5th birthday.  How in the world did that get here so quick?!

IMG_39992The little lady asked for a county fair party so we’re hoping people are too county-faired out to come – she’s SOOOOO excited!

I hope your summer is going just as well.  It’s a hot one here today and we’re headed out to throw some water balloons!  YAY!

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