Random Rambles

It’s Wednesday…and it’s felt a bit like a Monday.  Sawyer had Cubbie bear for the week and I needed to print pictures for his adventure journal.  Lo and behold, of the seven ink cartridges in our printer, light magenta was out so it refused to print a thing!  Is it just me or does it sound like the printer needs to learn how to compromise a little??

I saved the pics to my flash drive and loaded everybody up so we could go print them in town.  As I was buckling Wryder in his car seat I realized I didn’t have my keys, even though I had just locked the house door.  No biggie, I’ll get the spare key.  Oh.  Wait.  The spare is on my keyring because I lost the original.  *ahem*

I called Wrex and he told me the best place to break into the house (which I shall not divulge here).  I got in and went to grab my keys which I knew were on the kitchen table…but they weren’t there now.  I looked EVERYWHERE.  Trashcan…toy room…mud room…car…called Wrex to see if he had them…confirmed with Sawyer they were on the table.  At this point, I knew Wryder must have been the culprit.

I finally told the Lord that I had no idea where else to look and I asked for His help – novel idea!  I went back inside and I felt like I was supposed to put a bag of tortilla chips back in the pantry that Wryder had drug out (seriously, what is this kid’s deal with corn chips today??) and as I did, I thought they might be in there!  I looked where we keep the chips and saw nothing.  Just as I was about to shut the door, I saw a little glint by a bag of potatoes – my keys!

He cares, even about my keys…


So, back to Cubbie.  He go to spend the week with us and I had one happy girl on my hands!

He's home!
He’s home!

Cubbie even got to travel to Denver with us for the weekend and we made a stop at Krispy Kreme’s so he and the kiddos could watch them make the doughnuts!

Frying some doughnuts!
Frying some doughnuts!
Are they cute or what?
Are they cute or what?

When we got home, we had three day old baby chicks that they had to check out!  Cubbie even got to hold a couple!

Cubbie and his chicks
Cubbie and his chicks
Sawyer's favorite - Marshmallow Gravy
Sawyer’s favorite chick – Marshmallow Gravy

These two had a lot of fun together.  I’m sure she’s not ready to let him go but it’s time for another adventure with one of her classmates.


Our time in Denver was so special.  We got to spend some good time with the bestie and her family – always a good time!  The kids love playing with Baby Eva.

Eva's cheese!
Eva’s cheese!
My faves!
My faves!

It’s so fun to watch my kids play with my bestie’s kids.  It’s one of those things you kind of dream about and then when you get to watch it come to fruition, it’s a sweet, sweet thing.

We got to spend some time with the bestie’s extended family…which is our extended family.  Sawyer’s Cubbie’s lesson this past week was about how the Lord gives us family that aren’t always blood, and that’s exactly what these people are.  We may not be flesh of their flesh, but we are definitely family of the heart and soul and spirit.

He has been so faithful to do this for us…for me.  When everyone is scattered across the country and some homes have been broken, He’s been so faithful to fill those gaps with some of the most important people in my life.  I’m forever grateful…

Friday night, we celebrated family birthdays with them and it was just such a warm, familiar time.  Sitting around the living room as the evening wore on, I just sat there observing the circle of people around me and thinking, “I want this.  I love this.  THIS is family.”

There’s trust and respect and genuine affection…there’s easy smiles and belly laughs and warmth…I just wanted to freeze that moment for all time.

The grandkids organized a talent show of sorts and about four people in, Sawyer wanted to get up and dance for everyone.  While this is something she would do at our house for Wrex and I, our little introvert wouldn’t do that everywhere.  I LOVED that she felt safe enough to do so there; it was so telling.

Seriously, it was a good night.


I’ve been reading in Isaiah lately (one of my FAVORITE FAVORITE books) and this morning’s passage was so beautiful.

It was from Isaiah 65 and He talks about the new heaven and the new earth.  It says, “The former things will not be remembered,  nor will they come to mind.”

“Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days,or an old man who does not live out his years;”

“They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them.”

I guess I had never read those verses before?? OR maybe they haven’t meant as much as they do these days. 

SOOOOOOOO often my heart longs for heaven.  Usually, it’s a selfish, please-rescue-us-from-the-madness-and-injustice-of-this-world kind of thing.  I’m not really ready to go without my family…I guess I’m just ready for Him to come and this new reign to begin.  And I think that’s a good place to keep my heart sometimes.  Not on this world…on Him and His heavenly kingdom…but it’s not always easy.

There will be a day…when all you’ve gone through…will be no more.  No more tears…no more suffering…no more heartache…no more bitterness…no more hurt…no more what ifs…no more…

Until then, I will attempt to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus…the author and finisher of my faith.


In case you missed it on Facebook this morning, my sweet boy was up to his usual food scavenging shenanigans.

I had just finished cleaning up from breakfast (in which he had two scrambled eggs with cheese, a piece of toast and a cup of milk) and sat down to help Sawyer with Cubbies when he came in munching on a taco shell.  What?!

I have no idea how he even got in the pantry, rummaged around and got one out of the box…or why he thought he was still hungry.

Regardless, how could you be mad at this sweet face?



Sooner Rather Than Later

I really didn’t mean to leave for so long.  Really, I didn’t.  Can you believe I haven’t written here in almost a month?!  That’s quite some time for a rather wordy person…

I got busy helping with a 60th anniversary party…and Cubbies started up again…and I joined a Tuesday Bible study…oh, and I’m growing a new life.  *ahem*  That really takes it out of you, you know? 

YES – in case you haven’t heard, baby Phipps number three will be joining us in May!

Just after leaving the doctor's office...
Just after leaving the doctor’s office…

YAY!  We are over the moon excited to have another wee one join the ranks!  We told the world yesterday and today I’m feeling so humbled and grateful for the wonderful community of supporters we have out there.  Sawyer is pretty buzzed to be a big sister again and Wryder has no idea what in the world all the hubbub was about.  Rude awakening coming in 7  months…

So yeah…we need to catch up!  I need to show you a few pics of the anniversary party…and tell you about my twin nephews that I got to see for the second time…and talk to you about my hair…and discuss all things fall…and how my family made my birthday extra special…and how I’m nauseous – a lot.  I was never sick with the other two so I guess I had this coming.

I told my sister-in-law this morning that I’ve never had to “push through” more in my life than I’ve had to in the past three weeks.  Thank the Lord for heaps of grace, selfless husbands and ginger ale…those seem to be my staples these days.

It’s naptime around here and I do believe I’ll take part in that – BUT – I’ll be back!  And sooner this time, rather than later…


Much Rejoicing

About a month ago, I felt like my Bible time with the kids had waned a bit and I woke up one morning just thinking/praying that I’d like to just find something to teach them some basic biblical truths.  I got online and searched for pre-school type devotionals and the Lord led me to one called Truth for KidsExactly what I was looking for, yes?

Now, some of it’s a little cheesy and the graphics are a little outdated and I’ve found a few spelling/grammatical errors, but the meat seems to be right on the money.  Every morning at breakfast, we’ve been studying these basic biblical truths and learning scripture and it has been a blessing to me, too.

A couple of days ago, we learned about how the Lord makes us a new creation once we choose to confess our sins and follow Him.  The little devotional talked about how in our sin, we’re like an ugly old caterpillar but when we accept Jesus to be the Lord of our lives, He transforms us into a beautiful butterfly.

At lunch yesterday, Sawyer was putting her dishes in the dishwasher and she started to say, “That ugly old…” and she caught herself.  I said, “Good catch, sugar.  We don’t say ugly.”

In the next second, we both thought of the caterpillar and we said, “Except for that caterpillar.”  I told her that in that instance, it was definitely ok to use ugly, because that is exactly how our sin is.  She said, “Yeah, I want to tell brother about the caterpillar.  And I want to ask Jesus into my heart.”   

I told her we could do it right then and there!  (I think I might have gotten a little too excited *ahem* because her shyness took over and she took a while finishing at the dishwasher…then she wanted her blanket…then she decided she just wanted to play).  I wasn’t going to force her into that decision so I just told her that whenever she was ready, Jesus was ready for her.

She came back about five minutes later and said, “I’m ready to ask Jesus into my heart.”

So we did!  We prayed together.  She said she was a sinner and that Jesus died on the cross.  She said she wanted Jesus to live in her heart and be in charge.  Then she said, “But I’m not going to change my mind.”

I asked, “Change your mind about what, sweetie?”  She said, “About being married and being a mom.  He can live in my heart, but I still want to stay here with you guys!”

She has been sooooooo concerned about that lately and I think she thinks the two are connected somehow; if Jesus is in your heart then you are/become a wife and mom.  How sweet is that?  We talked that through and she felt a lot better about it…even though we prayed about it again upstairs.  🙂

I am such a joyful, proud momma this morning.  I am boasting in Christ, because every good thing about her comes from Him – of that I have no doubt.  She is leaps and bounds ahead of me in this life and I’m glad she is!  It will serve her well…

Thank you, Lord, that you give us the free will to choose you! 

Thank you that you forgive our sins as far as the east is from the west! 

Thank you that you want to be in relationship with us from a very early age. 

Thank you for what you’ve done in Sawyer.

Sweet girl, you will never regret this decision – I promise you that.  Your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and no one or no thing can revoke that.  I pray that satan does not steal the joy of your salvation and daddy and I join forces with you to push away his nasty attempts to distract and restrain you.  This is the beginning of a beautiful journey and I pray that you follow close to Him all the days of your life.  I pray that you call upon the riches of the Holy Spirit in you to guide your every thought and word and action.  Go take the Kingdom by storm, sweet girl! We are so proud of the wonderful little sweetie you are; you bless us!

Sweet Sawyer, seconds after asking Jesus into her heart...
Sweet Sawyer, seconds after asking Jesus into her heart…

*****If any of you reading this have questions about following Christ or confessing sin or what He did on the cross, please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message or comment and I’ll be glad to help answer those.  It’s a life changing decision to be an heir with Christ…one you won’t regret!*****

Happy 4th Birthday, Sawyer

Happy birthday, sweet Sawyer!!

IMG_2902My phone just dinged reminding me it was your birthday…as if I needed a reminder.  You are in my heart and on my mind every minute of every day.  At age four, I see you in your princess dress and cowboy boots waving your little hand off to the truck drivers as they pass…I smell the scent of my body spray (that you helped yourself to the last time you were in the bathroom) mixed with your coconut Barbie detangler…I feel your sweet, soft hands on my arms or around my neck and the matted fuzz of pink teddy since he’s always near by…I hear your voice singing “Let it Go” and praise and worship without skipping a beat…

You’re the neatest kid I know!  You’re a little bit of an introvert like your momma, but when you’re with someone you love and trust – you are on!  I feel so blessed to be able to know you the way I do…

IMG_4596I do believe you have the sweetest, most sensitive spirit on the planet!  The way you care for me and daddy absolutely melts my heart.  I love the way you leave water by my bed when you get up in the mornings and you sneak out, so I can have “a little more sleep.”


You care for my heart just as good as your daddy does.  So many nights I have prayed with you before bed and begged the Lord to forgive me where I’ve fallen short and to help make me a better mother and you are always so quick to tell me I’m “the bestest mom in the world.”

You’re so forgiving – you get that from your daddy.  You don’t have a grudging or vengeful bone in your body.  I can recall several occasions where you’ve gone to bed and hours later called us back upstairs because you felt bad about something or were afraid you hurt our feelings somehow or felt the need to apologize about something.

You care for and protect your baby like his second momma.  And?  He adores you, sweet one.  He wants to be just like you, I know it!  Daddy and I love to see you hold his hand and help him down stairs and feed him his snacks.  He’s a lucky boy to have a sister as wonderful as you.

IMG_4565I love your creative mind!  You absolutely blow me away when it comes to imagination and resourcefulness!  I love to watch you sort through the trash in daddy’s pickup to find something to block the sun or gather his old pop cups to make a vending machine in your play kitchen or the way you tape a box to the back of your pedal car to make a trailer to haul trash in.  Seriously, who does that?!


Your memory astounds me; it is truly a gift!  You remember names and places and things we’ve done better than I do.  When you tell a story, it’s specific and succinct and accurate.  I love that you can get us to Denver (or get us home) almost better than I can!

I love the way the world is drawn to you.  You’re like this cute, curly-haired magnet that just sucks people in!  I’m sure I’m a bit biased, but I’m also a keen observer and I don’t see this with other people as much as I see it with you; everywhere we go, people want to come make conversation with you or say hi to you or give you gifts.  You have the ability to affect the world for Christ just by being YOU…people see Jesus radiating out of your sweet little face, it’s true.

You have the heart of a worshiper; a little David.  Some of my favorite times with you are when we just sing to the Lord as long and as loud as we can.  I love when I hear you singing in the other room, expressing your love to Him the way you know best.  Sugar, He loves to hear you sing…

I love that you love all things girlie; the bigger the bow, the fluffier the ruffles and the sparklier the shoes, the better!  But you also know how to work and you definitely aren’t afraid to get dirty.  That will serve you well…

You have made the past four years the best four years of my life, no doubt.  On your fourth birthday, I bless you in the name of Jesus!  I bless you in your coming in and going out; your lying down and your waking.  I speak to your future and I pronounce it blessed!  I bless you with rich relationships with people who point you to Christ.  I bless you with good health and a long life.  I bless you with humility and forgiveness and grace and mercy that is as endless as you give it now.  I bless you with obedience, that you would follow the Lord all the days of your life.  I bless the work of your hands, that all you would set them to would prosper and bring glory to the Lord.  I bless you with a continued love for the word of God and I bless you with His abiding presence in every way, in every day.

YOU are who I want to be like when I grow up…and you? You can stop growing up any time you’d like…

Praying for Our People

Wrex and I were working downstairs yesterday afternoon and Sawyer was up playing in her room.  We looked at each and smiled every few minutes as we heard her worshiping at the top of her lungs.  “I’m running to your arms.  I’m running to your arms.  Nothing compares to your embrace.  Light of the world forever reign.”

We got to talk to her later about what was happening in Iraq and that was the perfect way to initiate the conversation.

The images coming out of that country are absolutely heartbreaking.  I’ve come across a few on Facebook and I can hardly bare to look.  I try to scroll right past them as quickly as possible…and then have to remind myself that not looking is not going to solve the problem.


I can’t help but see the face of baby Wryder in this photo, instead…

I get so comfortable in my corner of the world.  While we’re out going to family reunions and renovating playhouses and worshiping the Lord in our homes, people are being forced from theirs. They’re running for their lives, just hoping to survive.  Children and adults are dying of dehydration, are being thrown off of mountains, beheaded and executed.  Our people are dying en masse because they proclaim the name of Jesus. 

Join me in praying for our people.  We are praying that the Lord shows off in the grandest of forms.  We’re praying that the shield of protection around these people is impenetrable and that because of that, ISIS members will have their eyes opened to the glory of the Lord.  We’re praying for revival, for shifts, for change, for life.

The homes of Christian (and other non-Muslim) families in Iraq are being marked as such.

20140719114236It’s a symbol used 1) as a mark of shame and 2) to give permission to ISIS members to kill anyone left in the residence and to pillage their belongings.  That symbol is nun, 14th letter of the Arabic alphabet.  It’s equivalent to the Roman letter ‘n’ and is the first symbol in words like Nazarene…as in Jesus the Nazarene, as in ‘can anything good come from Nazareth?’…it’s a common Arabic term for Christians.

Some Iraqis around the city of Mosul are standing in solidarity and have began to use this symbol (on social media and in their city) as one of hope instead of shame.

“We are all Christians”
"Yes I am and I am proud."
“Yes I am and I am proud.”

BtJe9DoCAAAWkO1We will do the same. 

Pray for the persecuted Christian all over the world.

Pray that the Lord will show off and protect His people for His glory.

Pray that the genocide stops, in the name of Jesus.

Pray for our people.

Random Rambles

It’s overcast and cool out; my soul is begging for fall!  This has been such a mild summer and I have very little tan left on my arms and legs…might as well call it and hide them under sweaters and jeans, right?!  Come on, fall…


Wryder’s namesake and great-grandpa is turning 85 this year and I have the distinct honor of providing decor for the grand event!  I’ve got about 10 projects half done and quite a few *ahem* that I have yet to embark upon.  For some reason, this overcast weather makes me uber-productive, so I’m hoping to take advantage of that today.  I’ve already got these bad boys in the dishwasher…

A few spoons
A few spoons

Stay tuned for a DIY this week!  Maybe that will REALLY make me get it done this week…


Our church cleaned out their library and had tables of free books for us to peruse this past Sunday.  For bibliophiles, it was hard not to take them all, but we decided upon these:

Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories
Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime Stories

These are the sweetest little stories that discuss character and wise choices and how the Lord would prefer us to live.  They’ve been a fun edition to our daily readings and we highly recommend them if you can get your hands on a set!


I missed my kiddos terribly while I was at jury duty last week so we’ve tried to make up for lost play time with LOTS of playtime.  I must say, I have the cutest playmates of anyone around.

My little party planner
My little party planner

This girl throws quite the party and this little guest sure makes them fun!


It warms my heart how well they get along.  I’m sure those feelings for each other might change and evolve as the years go on but I hope they only intensify amorously.  It’s so cute to see them interact together and greet each other in the morning and give random hugs and pull each other close to sit…


I wish I could say this attentive shot was during our family devotions…but I was letting them watch “Let it Go.”  *ahem*  Maybe I should start theatrically singing all of our Bible lessons…


I don’t know about your kids, but Sawyer is a lover of rocks!  Every parking lot/driveway/restaurant/farm/house/business/ we visit, she finds at least one to add to her “collection.”  Wrex was cleaning out his pickup last night and found a stash under her seat.  He brought them in and she put them in a little baggie and showed them to us and said, “These are so I can remember all the places I’ve been.”

It was completely cute and completely heart melting.  We talked to her about how incredibly Biblical that was.  Over and over in the Old Testament, stones are placed at significant places of significant happenings so that when people saw them, they would remember what transpired there…they would remember the faithfulness of God and what He did.

That’s sort of what this blog is; a giant rock of remembrance for me and my family.  He has done so much for us and I don’t want them to forget where all of this good comes from.

I don’t think I’ll be forgetting her and her rocks anytime soon.


If you’re not familiar with Angie Smith, you should be!  She has quite the story, the best red hair, an adorable self-deprecation and I swear she’s my sister from another mister…or something.  Her latest book, Chasing God, is on sale today for $0.99 (Kindle edition) at Amazon.  I haven’t read it yet but if it’s anything like her others, it will be worth the buck.  Bought and downloaded!  


All right, I better hop to it!  The coffee cup is empty, the play tent is set up and the natives are growing restless; time to camp and then create!  Enjoy this cozy day!




Happy Father’s Day, handsome!


I don’t say this because I have to or because I’m your wife or because it’s what I’m supposed to say…I say this because I mean it and I believe it…..you’re the best dad I’ve ever met.

You are consistent and unwavering in your love for our children.  You don’t love them based on behaviors or actions or attitudes; it’s completely unconditional, no strings attached…you love them just because they are.

1535738_10153671739330335_60718621_nYou teach them the ways of the Lord and pray for them and over them and with them.  You are leaving a legacy of the fear of the Lord because of your love for Him and how you mirror His love to them.

1618536_10153751739540335_806692384_nYou are gentle, firm and steady; disciplining and teaching in love.  I am so glad that I don’t worry about the kids with you; you are slow to anger and abounding in love…a safe place for them to fall.

600640_10153600313960335_1829945893_n217330_10152871710390335_438323062_nYou are eager to give them different life experiences and allow them to try new things and new adventures.8622_10152875576485335_1846165771_n1617625_10153956259330335_1714097862_oYou never reject their cuddles or hugs or showers of affection…you embrace them!  You encourage their loving kindness and they love the reciprocation.560537_10153214723455335_1106435132_nYou are unafraid to be silly with them and take part in the things that are important to them.  We talk often about what’s big in their lives, as you always want to be involved and aware.

539023_10153104622825335_948084165_n1374768_10153331700210335_1067757142_n1001167_10152917163760335_776290232_n1000481_10152992461970335_1730387915_n599647_10153485508420335_2133395869_n58416_10152584417905335_962239009_n521920_10152751744290335_417259606_n409422_10152380744110335_686671206_n17999_10152344692320335_270207115_nYou’re never embarrassed by us or make us feel like a burden when we tag along to the sale barn or ranch visit.  We know it’s a lot more work with three other bodies around so thank you for always making the time and effort for us.

322994_10151150538820335_1310348120_o1013226_10153675184700335_848197327_nYou’re such a teammate and help to me.  From the day they were each born, there’s never a job that you put into my category as ‘mom’…everything is fair game and you help me more than any other spouse I know of.  Thank you for that.  I love that you want to be a part of the mundane tasks of child rearing and not just the more glamorous ones.

40178_10150255802560335_7022784_n943069_10152820080590335_2099069501_n45844_10150256652290335_4810642_nYou are gentle and kind, never harsh or demanding.  You’re never too tired to play and you do a tremendous job of making us a priority.10155648_10153941279525335_1683475309_n59682_10152762655820335_259560439_n383530_10151424260605335_1431000162_nYou love their mommy and you show them that through your words and actions and support; they have a strong sense of security because of that. 1654012_10153819463995335_549618634_n

Being a dad is no easy task.  Society has made it increasingly hard for men to be worthy role models and leaders.  There are so many ideas and distractions and dreams and lies and sins fighting for their attention.  There is a world and a devil ready to devour them at the drop of a hat.  There is a media that sets out to dumb them down and disgrace them…it’s not an easy time to be a man or father.  THANK YOU for fighting to do it so well.  We celebrate you today!  We sing your praises at the city gates!  You are a man of noble character, integrity and loyalty, with high esteem for his family.  Your greatest mission field in this season is your home and we are living proof that Jesus is alive in you!

Thank you for loving the Lord and allowing Him to shape you into a father after His own heart.

Thank you for loving us so selflessly, so unabashedly, so completely.

Thank you for providing for us so well and for never being afraid of a little hard work.

Thank you for making us feel so safe and secure; you are our rock.

Happy Father’s Day, honey.  I am so proud to be the mother of your children.

And Happy Father’s Day to my dad!

228637_7419760334_1775_nThank you for all you always did for our family to make sure we provided for.  Wish we were celebrating together today…we love you!!

Happy Father’s Day, men!

Happy Birthday, Sexy Wrexy!

You are the most handsome of all.

wwGracious words stream from your lips.   God himself has blessed you forever.
IMG_4700Put on your sword, O mighty warrior!

9523_305261375334_374581_nYou are so glorious, so majestic!

481422_10152367365195335_2039080868_nIn your majesty, ride out to victory,
defending truth, humility, and justice.
Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!

228497_7419745334_5339_nYour arrows are sharp, piercing your enemies’ hearts.
The nations fall beneath your feet.

PhippsDec2013 (20)BESTEDITPsalm 45…a word the Lord gave me regarding you many years ago.  I pray it over you still, especially on your birthday.

You are a tremendous man of God and the fact that I get to spend my life with you humbles me daily.  I don’t know of anyone more loyal, gentle, loving, kind, forgiving, selfless, gracious, merciful, hard-working, even tempered, servant-hearted, encouraging or capable than you.  You are the glue that holds our family together.  You keep us grounded and rooted in the Lord and lead us in the ways of righteousness.

I’ve known you for 13 of your 32 years and am so proud of the man that you were, are and are becoming.  On this birthday, I bless you with health and vigor – 32’s not that old!  I bless you with boldness to shine the light of Jesus in dark places; boldness to be ok with being so different than the rest of the world (it’s a great thing).  I bless you with obedience, that you would continue fulfilling the Lord’s call for you and I pray that you will see the fulfillment of His promises regarding you.  I bless you with a sound mind and strong hands to do the work of the Lord.  I bless our marriage, that it would fulfill you and honor you and bless you right back.  I bless your coming in and going out…with the presence of Jesus in all that you do.

I love you, sweet husband of mine.  Happiest of birthdays to you!

People Trump Tasks

I don’t have to be tomorrow, who I am today. 

The Lord has given us the freedom of choice so I can choose to be different or act different or think different anytime I, well, choose.  We have the opportunity to change our futures and to do things differently than the generations before us…for me, that’s a big deal.

The Lord has been saving me from a life of mediocrity for about twelve years and counting.  He has soooo much more for us than just surviving, ya know?  I have chosen to raise my children differently than I was raised and to have a marriage that’s different than what I witnessed growing up and to base the foundation of my being on Jesus and nothing else.

Those are some of the biggies and they are all things that have come easily for me.  I love being a wife and a mom and it doesn’t feel like work to attempt the things He asks in those areas with excellence.  There are, however, so many more things that the Lord keeps bringing to my attention that He desires for me…things that I know won’t be easy (for me) but things my heart is longing to attempt.

I want to be more about people and less about tasks.  I’m sure to some of you, that sounds easy.   For a type A, black-and-white, meticulous planner?  Not so much.  I’m wired in a way where the to-do list trumps all and being prepared for anything and everything is my mantra.  My mind is always looking ahead…what do I need to pack or get ready?  What’s next on the agenda?  What might cause a problem/throw a wrench in our plans or our peace?  How do we avoid that problem?  What do I need to do now to make things easier later?

Honestly, those things are constantly on my mind and it’s not even exhausting!  Dare I say it’s sort of enriching for me?  (You’re worried about me, aren’t you?)  Don’t be…about that anyways. 😉

Sadly, things like stopping to talk to people for extended periods of time or jumping in to lend a helping hand or investing in something other than wifedom/motherhood doesn’t always make the cut.  To an extent, that’s ok; my family IS my priority, but I know myself enough to know that those priorities aren’t always the reason for my lack of engagement.  I’m an introvert and a doer and that doesn’t leave a lot of room for people.

Jesus was a people person.  He was a doer, yes, but He cared infinitely more about hearts and souls than He did any physical deficiency or any task that warranted His attention.  I’m married to a people person who comes from a line of people persons and they are leaving a legacy of the fear of the Lord because of the time they take to sincerely invest in people.  It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing.

When I think back on all the times in my life that I was affected in the deepest ways for Christ, it wasn’t by someone who worked their tail off at a task…it was by someone who took the time to invest in me. 

Oh man, I wanna be like that!  It’s not something that’s going to come easy for me; it’s going to be something that takes work (I should like that then, yes? Ha!)…something that will require a new mindset and array of habits…but the reward is great and the consequences of not changing are greater yet.

I don’t know what this looks like for sure yet and I’m sure I’ll be stumbling through it for a while…or forever…but I’m determined to make attempts towards that goal.  Thankfully, I have that choice and thankfully I have a Father that I know will reward my efforts to be more like Him.

****** People trump tasks.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat. *******

They Have Arrived

I am an auntie again!!

Remember when I told you about this?  Well, last Friday my sister {in law} delivered those sweet baby boys!  May I just tell you, they. are. precious!

Brenhem Rusk and Berwick Ray were born March 28, 2014 weighing in at 1.1 and 1.4 pounds, respectively, at 25 weeks gestation.  They are currently spending time in the NICU and are doing really well given their size and age.

We are so blessed that they are here and we are praying the favor of the Lord on their little bodies.  Their parents are some of the toughest, go-getters we know and these little guys are proving to be cut of the same cloth.

Their family has a lot going on right now (healing, decisions, logistics, fatigue) and it would honor me if you would pray for them as the Spirit leads.

And pray for those two, darling miracle boys!  We know the plans He has for them…and they are good!  We know that He knit them in her womb and that they are fearfully and wonderfully made!  He has ordained all of their days and we declare each of them blessed.  We remain confident that they will see the goodness of the Lord!

We are so in love with our nephews (and their parents and sister, too) and can’t wait to gaze upon them in person.  Oh, how we wish Oklahoma wasn’t so far away…

Show their family some love and encouragement would you??