Road Trip Funnies

During a 2,000 mile road trip, funny stuff is bound to happen!  (Especially if you have two adorable kiddos who are observant of their surroundings and have stories and ideas they want to share).  Here are a few of my favorites…


EVERY time Wryder saw a deer crossing sign (and there were a few in that part of the country), he would excitedly scream, “John Deere!” and look around for the green machines.  Thankfully, he only woke the baby a couple of times…


On the tractor note…  We were talking about Sawyer’s show cow named Cindy.  When Sawyer turned four, we bought Cindy as a starter project and investment.  All of the income would be hers, as well as the debt and when she was old enough, the work.

Before we left town, we dropped Cindy off to be AI’d and then turned out with a bull since we’d be gone during her heat cycle.  Sawyer was asking if we were going to sell her calf and so Wrex and I were talking about needing to set up a livestock account just for Sawyer to keep that money separate.  I then reminded him that we’d need to be on the lookout for a heifer or cow for Wryder who then piped up and said, “When I four, I want tractor.  No cow.”  The boy is serious about his tractors…


When we arrived in Booker, the kids unbuckled and Wrex went around to their door to let them out.  What he didn’t know was that Wryder was leaning against the door and as soon as he opened it, poor WD toppled right onto the concrete parking lot.

He skinned his arm and head and had a bit of a black eye.  We finally got him calmed down and took him inside to meet some of Wrex’s co-workers.

When he met Roger, the CEO and Wrexy’s big boss, he was showing him his owies.  Roger asked what happened and Wryder said, “Mommy hurt me.”  WHAT?!?!?!?

We told him what happened and that if ANYBODY hurt him it was daddy and Wryder just kept saying, “Mommy hurt me.”  How kind.  Dad’s got him brainwashed, apparently…  😉


The night of the rehearsal dinner, we forgot to take the kids’ cups to the wedding site and drinking out of water bottles is still a little hard for Wryder.  He tends to put his entire mouth around the opening and always lets a little water back into the bottle.

By the end of supper, his water looked a little murky.  I think at least an 1/8 of his dinner was floating around the bottom of the bottle.  I was overly careful not to accidentally grab his by mistake and I even ended up putting a wedding favor koozie on it so I knew which one it was.

Fast forward two days later.  We’re driving along in the car and Wrex is on the phone.  He’d been eating trail mix and was a little parched and reached into the back seat to grab a bottle of water.  He found one that was about half full (not a big surprise after that many days of traveling) and took a big ole chug…and then proceeded to spit and gag.

Yep, he found Wryder’s bottle.


See that murky goodness??  Go ahead and enlarge the pic and really take note.  You’ll dry heave before ya know it…there was a whole Cherrio in there, folks.  Still gagging…


The kids were pretty hot in Texas.  Sawyer’s a little like me when it comes to heat; she much prefers 70 degrees and drier climates.  There was a bit of complaining a few times but we gently reminded them that we had talked about the heat before we came and that we all agreed to tough it out.

As soon as we got home on Tuesday, we let the kids out to run around and we started carrying stuff in.   As we were making our first trip into the mudroom, they both came out of the mudroom looking like this:

Cold much?
Cold much?

Apparently, 82 degrees in Colorado warranted sweatshirts after their quick acclimation to 95 degrees and 97% humidity in Texas.  Hysterical!


I’m sure I’m forgetting things that I’ll have to add later, but these were some of my faves.  Sure do love this (funny) family of mine…



I Got the Gift

Well, well…fancy meeting you here again.  😉  I’ve been a little m-i-a since the wee one was born.  Do ya blame me?!  I mean, look at that sweet face…

Sayble Jean
Sayble Jean

I rejoin the blogging world for a very special occasion…this handsome fella’s 33rd birthday!

Sexy Wrexy
Sexy Wrexy

I always feel like I’m the one getting the gift on his birthday.

As a little girl and young woman, when I was dreaming up my ideal husband, I couldn’t have put together someone more perfect than my Wrexy.  He’s all things good and kind and gentle and sweet and loving and right and joyful…and watching him (especially) the past 3 weeks has made me fall in love with him all over again.

He was a champ – a dream – in the delivery room.  Having a natural labor requires a LOT of teamwork and he was the best teammate I could’ve asked for (much like the other parts of my life).  He encouraged me and let me squeeze his hand until I thought it might fall off…he held me up when I couldn’t hardly hold myself up and kept me on track when I wanted to cave to pain killers…he supplied me with cold rags and words of affirmation…he counted and encouraged and encouraged some more and encouraged even more…he was a constant ray of sunshine and excitement…  I mean this to the fullest extent – there is NO WAY I could’ve birthed that baby without him.

When Dr. Kohl came in the next day, she checked me over and then she said something to the effect of, “I just have to tell you something.  Yesterday, during labor, I was so impressed with you and Wrex.  My favorite part was that during transition, he was calling you ‘Fox’.”

Ah, yes…transition.  That point in labor where the pain is almost unbearable and you start thinking you can’t do it (and don’t want to) and you say that this is your last baby and you are writhing in pain…  And in the middle of all of that…when I (most likely) wasn’t looking my best or acting my best or even coherent enough be fully aware of all that was going on around me, he was treating me like I was the foxiest thing he’d seen all day.    See what I mean when I say I feel like I’m the one getting the gift?!

Watching him with this sweet, new babe is equally swoon worthy.  He’s so gentle with her and talks about how cute she is and dotes on her constantly.  He’ll hold her and she’ll fall asleep and he’ll say, “You should come take our picture.”  Uh, ask me for anything and you can have it this very moment. 

He’s my best friend and lover and teammate extraordinaire and I am SO VERY GLAD that he was born!

Sexy Wrexy, I pray that 33 is your best year yet!  On this, the best day in June, I bless you in the name of Jesus!

I bless the work of your hands…that the Lord would honor your fortitude and entrepreneurial spirit and that you would continue to operate for His glory.

I bless you with loyalty…that the same amount of faith and fidelity that your pour out to those around you would be given right back to you.

I bless you with with the receipt of grace and mercy…that it would envelop you as freely as you give it away.

I bless you with strength and boldness as you continue to live a life of transparency that shines the light of Jesus, even in (and especially in) those dark places.

I bless you with an increase in wisdom…that you would press into the Lord and receive His heart on how best to parent and love and discipline our growing family.

I bless you with the time and means to pursue the things that satisfy your soul and refresh your spirit.

And, as any good cow buyer’s wife would, I bless you with cheap cows and easy roads…copious amounts of Mt. Dew and highly marbled steak.

I love you, handsome!  Happiest of birthdays to you!  Thank you for giving me the gift of YOU all year long…

A Grace Filled Mother’s Day

Where do I even begin? 

I’m a momma three times over now and I’m not sure I could be any more joyful.  Never, EVER did I think my heart could hold so much love…so much adoration…for such beautiful little creations…

My whole world...
My whole world…

Our days have been full of so much grace here lately; grace for things that might not seem like a big deal to anyone else but things that spoke so richly of His love for me…

A decent night’s sleep before induction (unlike the last two births)…

My babies waking up earlier than normal so that I got to love on them before I left for the hospital (which was a good thing since that whole labor thing took a little longer than we were expecting)…

Checking into the hospital with a nursing staff full of familiar faces that were excited and ready for us to meet sweet Sayble…

Rainy, cloudy, overcast weather that kept our recently planted grass nice and moist while daddy was away taking care of mom instead of the yard…

Decisions that I was nervous about making that ended up being made for us since we had some small progress…

A nurse that encouraged us to sleep until the next round of induction drugs could be administered because labor would come if it was going to come…

A doctor who is patient and understands the desire for natural labors…pretty sure had I been in a big city, they’d have just cut me open and snagged baby so they could attend their kids’ track meet since it was taking longer than expected…

Blood sugar and blood pressure that stayed right on their respective cues from start to finish…

A baby who’s heartbeat never once showed signs of distress during that lengthy process…

A nurse and a doctor who delivered their baby’s naturally who encouraged me just as much as my sweet hubby and doula-mom…

A friend who volunteered to cover a shift so I could squeeze her hand off while she championed with me to have this baby…

Being able to allow myself to sleep through some of those first few hours of contractions…

Pitocin finally doing the trick and other than transition, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be…and pretty sure transition would be bad regardless…

Pushing out that sweet baby girl in nine little pushes…

Post-partem drugs doing what they were supposed to do to help my uterus really clamp down back into place and size…

An easier recovery (mentally and physically) than Wryder’s birth…

A (so-far) seamless transition from two to three…or four to five…

I feel like grace was the word for this pregnancy from the get-go…and I’ve experienced it so richly the past week or so that I’ve found myself not being able to help but pour it right back out. 

As a type-A kinda girl, there have been plenty of opportunities (now that there are five of us in one house) that didn’t quite meet my rigid expectations and I’ve noticed that I’ve dealt with them swimmingly.  I haven’t felt rattled or frustrated or disappointed…I’ve just felt a sense of nonchalance…trust me, THAT is grace.

I know that grace is an area I struggle with; I don’t have much for myself, much less for anyone else…but when I see it in action, it literally brings me to my knees.  It is SUCH a breathtakingly beautiful thing.  How I looooooooonnnnngggg for more…and long to give it away more…

So this Mother’s Day that is what I wish all of you mommas and mommas-to-be and mommas who’s hearts are burdened for whatever reason or season…I wish you grace

That you would be able to see how readily it is available for you and that you would reach out and receive it…

That you would fully understand the weight of the job you do but know that it’s not all up to you…

That you would cut yourself (as well as the mom next door) some slack and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty as He works with you to fill in the gaps…

That you would give it away even when you think it is undeserved – because isn’t that really what grace is…

Happy Mother’s Day to the women of the world!  Grace to you in all you do!

Wryder Roo is Two!

Happy birthday, Wryder Roo!  You’re two!  TWO!  Even though when we ask you these days, you tell us you’re six…ahem.

The birthday boy!
The birthday boy!

You are all boy – from the tip of your head to the bottoms of your feet.  They stink.  Really, they do.  You have the stinkiest, sweatiest feet of anyone I know and I think it’s adorable.  I must be your mother, huh?  It just reminds me of just how all boy you really are.


Anything that makes noise or has wheels or involves mud or rocks or sticks or jumping off of something – you are all about it!  You are very dexterous like your daddy and almost always have something in your hand.  You love to put rocks in your “pot-tet” or carry around a stick or throw dirt…we’re still working on that one, aren’t we?

Farm boy
Farm boy

You love ANYTHING tractor (especially the green ones).  Thankfully, the guys across the road are going to be planting alfalfa soon and have had to do a lot ground work in preparation for that.  You’ve stood on the porch and watched them for hours already…you just wait til they start swathing and baling – I might never get you inside!

Watching intently as the neighbors work ground
Watching intently as the neighbors work ground

You LOVE to eat.  Even just the mention of the word snack or supper gets you to drop what you’re holding and run to your seat in the kitchen.  We haven’t found too many things you won’t eat…in fact, I’m not sure I can think of a single one.  You are definitely your “father’s son” (as Sawyer says) and you love meat and potatoes…and any sweet that gets put in front of you.

A birthday treat from our waitress yesterday...
A birthday treat from our waitress yesterday…

You seem to love the ladies, ahem, which we’re ok with.  Daddy does a great job (and will continue to, no doubt) show you how to treat a woman according to Christ.  Your extroversion serves you well in this department…as does your general charm and the ease at which you throw around your “I wuv yous.”  Just do us a favor and be kind to ALL the girls, not just the young, tall, dark haired ones, ok??

With Gillian, one of his faves
With Gillian, one of his faves

Despite all that masculinity you have coursing through your veins, you are so good at showing love…

You love your family fiercely, which I adore.  Your sissy is your best friend and daddy ranks a close second.  I suppose I’m not really ever gone enough to test your allegiance, but I’m ok with that.  😉

Lunchtime hugs
Lunchtime hugs

Every time I hear your little voice say, “Momma hug.  Momma kiss,”  I just melt.  I shall give you all the hugs and kisses you shall ever want…and probably quite a few you’d not.

Oh, I love him so...
Oh, I love him so…

Your laugh and zeal are SO contagious!  You are easily excited by the things in your world that are so important to you…tractors and baby calves and monkeys and Booey and sissy and Bandit the cat and going to town and cowboy hats and birthdays and semi trucks and cookies…and it makes us excited, too!

On the run!
On the run!

You’re an emotional little guy.  Change, especially abrupt change, is hard for you.  We have to take our time to tell things “bye” or prepare for whatever comes next.  I suppose you get that from your type A, anal retentive mother.  Ahem.

You’re very persistent when it comes to…just about everything.  We’ve discovered that the “just ignore him and he will stop asking/repeating/whining” thing doesn’t really work with you.  It works best to nip it in the bud and attempt to move on.  I have no doubts that this will serve you well in some (or many) arenas in your adult life one day.


Your whole existence has been a big change for me!  You and Sawyer aren’t just a ton alike and that’s taken some getting used to.  (See above paragraph regarding change.  Ahem.)  I feel like I’m finally getting in my boy groove…and it. is. good.  You have added an element to our family that I didn’t even know was missing and man-oh-man, it has been so rewarding and fun…for all of us.  We are better because of you, it’s true!

Ride a little pony...
Ride a little pony…

On your second birthday, we bless you in the name of Jesus!  We bless your hands – that they would do the work of the Lord.  We bless your feet – that they would carry you far from mischief.  We speak to your future and call it blessed and we pray that the deep persistence that abides in you will be used to stand firm for the Lord as you further His kingdom.  We pray that as you hunger and thirst in life, that your greatest ones will be for more of Him and His word and His presence.  We bless you with a life that nurtures your boyish heart; one of adventure and excitement as you follow the Lord!

We love you so much, handsome!  The Lord redeemed “tax day” when you were born!


I feel like I’m to the point that I am READY.

I’m ready to meet sweet Sayble.

I’m ready to labor and push and bring her outside of my body.

I’m ready to snuggle her and swaddle her and get to know her outside of the womb.

I was scared to death of the whole labor process with both Sawyer and Wryder and I don’t feel that way this time…and I pray I don’t pass that point of readiness.

I feel like I’m perched on the diving board and I’m READY to take that leap into the deep end…the house is cleaned and organized and bags are packed and the ‘big brother/big sister’ shirts are made and we have diapers and wipes and formula and bottles and the carseat is in the truck…but labor hasn’t commenced so I can’t take that leap just yet.

I don’t want the longer I wait to increase anxiety, because that happens sometimes doesn’t it?  When you feel SOOOO ready and you just wanna jump in feet first but you have to wait and then the enemy starts whispering fears into your ears…general anxiety sets in…and you’re a blubbering mess.  Don’t ask me how I know.

I would LOVE to go into labor on my own this time.  I haven’t had that luxury with either kid prior…apparently my womb is quite comfy.  😉  I keep telling the Lord that He knows the desires of my heart, but I trust that He’s knows best as well.  He has been so faithful this pregnancy, friends.

I had so many fears going into this one.  My heart so longs to be obedient to Him and I wasn’t certain that He was ok with us having a third one.  I was reminded that He views children as blessings…He wants us to fill our quivers!  We have the means and the ability to create more warriors for the Kingdom and He would bless this addition.  He is the giver of life so even despite our efforts, if Sayble wasn’t meant to be, she wouldn’t have been.  But she IS.

Her story has looked different than the other two, but no less full of His goodness and grace.  After watching momma’s go through tough pregnancies and walk beside some as they lost babies and after having a bout of pre-eclampsia the day I was induced with Wryder, I have been so scared that I wouldn’t make it with this one.  I didn’t want her to be born early and spend time in the NICU in a different city…I didn’t want to be scared to death and have my life threatened with pre-e…I didn’t know how I would carry her to term when I already felt so huge…

But?  We’ve made it…and none of that has come to pass.  He has showed me that He is trustworthy…again and again and again…  Lest we forget…

We go in for another checkup tomorrow…and until He’s ready for her to make her debut, we will wait expectantly for her arrival.  I will savor these kicks and stretches and countless bathroom breaks and never-ending house cleanings and day dreams about her sweet face and the last happenings as a family of four.

Pray for our family in this time…that we would wait well and that we would savor these days together…that labor would come in His time and that all would be safe and well and healthy…that we would honor Him with our story of Sayble’s life…all of our lives…He is most worthy.

WD’s JD Party

Our sweet little Wryder loves tractors.  They are, hands down, his favorite thing right now.  He loves to watch them work ground all around us or look at pictures of them on the internet or play with his or ask Mr. Rick for rides…  With his second birthday coming up, we knew a tractor party he should have!

He prefers green tractors 😉
Wrex cut these tractors out of foam for me and I painted them up
I love the little John Deere boy...reminds me of WD
I love the little John Deere boy…reminds me of WD
It was yellow and green everywhere!
It was yellow and green everywhere!
He got such a bang out of the plates and napkins – so glad I bought them!
The party scape...
The party scape…

We had some of his favorite things to eat, including:

  • harrowed hamburgers
  • sickle mower sweet potato fries
  • garden tractor veggie tray
  • four stroke fruit
  • compact corn on the cob
  • duel fuel lemonade
The dessert table - always the best part!
The dessert table – always the best part!
That cake...
That cake…
My fave, hands down
My fave, hands down
Sawyer, Breckyn and Wryder
Sawyer, Breckyn and Wryder
He's a little blurry with excitement!
He’s a little blurry with excitement!
He LOVED the cake, too!
He LOVED the cake, too!
Especially eating it :)
Especially eating it 🙂

He got some great gifts including a barn that folds up with the animals inside that he can take to the sale barn…

What's in here?
What’s in here?
This got lots of play time this weekend...
This got lots of play time this weekend…

Some baby ducks, now named Jack and Danny…


and his favorite gift, a “boy cow” hat!

He loved it!
He loved it!
Look at that smile!
Look at that smile!
SOOOOO handsome!
SOOOOO handsome!

I can’t believe this little guy is almost two!  It feels like his first two years went faster than they did with Sawyer.  Hard to believe she’s gonna be five.  Yes, five.

We’re all still trying to regain some rest after such a fun weekend with the fam and the kids are definitely going through grandparent detox.  Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean…  😉

Random Rambles

Up until I had kids, I much preferred “fall backward” over “spring forward.”  I mean, who wants to lose an hour of sleep?!  Well, with kids, spring forward works waaaaaaay better around here.  Since that happened a few weeks ago, Sawyer has been sleeping until 8 and Wryder until 9.  Wrex and I have been trying to at least be IN bed by 9 every night so I’ve been getting AT LEAST 10 hours of sleep at night.  It’s.  Been.  Glorious.

This Tuesday, Sawyer and daddy had teeth cleanings in North Platte that we had originally scheduled for 10 am.  His sale got cancelled so the dentist graciously allowed us to move our appointments until the afternoon…for the sleep factor, ya know?

We slept in, ate breakfast, got around and got to town in time for Wrexy to eat at his favorite Chinese food buffet.  🙂  Sawyer saw this sign in the bathroom and was just incredulous at its meaning…or what SHE thought it meant.

What the heck?!
What the heck?!

She said, “Pssh.  Mom?  What does that sign even mean?  Who would go to bed in the bathroom?”  Hysterical.  Love that girl…


She and daddy were both cavity free and got new toothbrushes and lots of compliments.  The dentist just thinks Wrex has the most wonderful teeth.  Sigh.  I’m sure I’m just a wee bit jealous.  Prior to his first visit six months ago, he hadn’t even been to a dentist in 12 years.  YEARS, people.  He still only had one cavity.  One.  And I know how much pop he drinks and how often he brushes.  He’s a dental marvel…  He told me last night that he’s pretty sure he had the same toothbrush all four years in college.  I almost threw up…for lots of reasons.

Sawyer getting her cleaning
Sawyer getting her cleaning


We’re head to Nebraska for Easter weekend so we’re going to do our little family Easter celebration this weekend.  Yesterday morning, we took some time to color and decorate some eggs.  This was Wryder’s first time and it went pretty much like I expected it to.  😉

Gosh, she's gorgeous...
Gosh, she’s gorgeous…
Gettin' a little help from daddy
Gettin’ a little help from daddy
Sister's an egg dying pro!
Sister’s an egg dying pro!
Wryder just needs a little more finesse ;)
Wryder just needs a little more finesse 😉
Double dipping
Double dipping

After we got them dyed, we decorated them with stickers and hair and pipe cleaners…

Daddy getting in on the action
Daddy getting in on the action
He really liked our morning project!
He really liked our morning project!

A lot of his turned out like this:


but that’s ok!

Our little egg creatures...
Our little egg creatures…


Sawyer helped me sort some M&M’s yesterday morning.  We’re working on stuff for Wryder’s birthday and I needed yellow, green and brown only.  She was FAST!   I was quite impressed with her sorting skills…

IMG_2656Wryder did his part by eating anything that sister snuck him or we dropped on the floor.


I got some new Jams in the mail this week – some unexpected!  I decided it was time to take the time to do mine again.  (We did Sawyer’s Monday).  I love ALL of these – so cute!

Adorable, yes?!
Adorable, yes?!


A few years ago, one of Sawyer’s sale barn buddies gave her a two dollar bill and a 50 cent piece for Christmas.  I LOVED the sentimentality behind this gift because it was something my grandparents and uncles were always prone to do for us.  In fact, there was a number of years that I was positive a 50 cent piece had my Uncle Danny’s picture on it and I referred to them as Uncle Dannys and I would use ONLY Uncle Dannys to buy my school lunches.

Last night, Wrexy brought home a set for Wryder from this same gentleman.

Too cool....
Too cool….

It’s a sweet, sweet thing when people show love to your kids…


It’s Fun Friday and we’ve got some innocent mischief to get into!  I pray you enjoy your weekend – it’s supposed to be a pretty one!

Random Rambles

So, last Friday, I wrote this lovely post about how excited I was about the weekend.  Wrex and I were scheduled to go on a weekend babymoon and the kids were going to stay with some good friends of ours in Denver.  We were all OVER THE MOON excited!  Just as I hit post, my good friend from Denver called and one of her kiddos had gotten quite sick at school that day.  I felt so bad for them and didn’t want her to feel bad about not being able to keep the kids that I deleted my post.

After a lot of discussion and prayer, we decided that based upon our schedule the next 6 weeks and just the need for some items from the big city, that we’d turn it into a family-moon instead!

We ate well, swam at the hotel, shopped til I almost dropped and just had a fun time together.  It wasn’t quite the weekend I originally had in mind, but it was a good one regardless.  We were just blessed that we were able to go…

Swim time!
Swim time!
These kids are fish!
These kids are fish!
Eating lunch with Uncle Warner
Eating lunch with Uncle Warner
He gave Sawyer a dollar and she was fired up!!
He gave Sawyer a dollar and she was fired up!!
Wryder's side of the table at BWWs.  That boy is HANDSY!
Wryder’s side of the table at BWWs. That boy is HANDSY!
A portion of Wrexy's paycheck sitting in the mudroom...
A portion of Wrexy’s paycheck sitting in the mudroom…


Before we left, Sawyer had a bit of a cough and wasn’t 100% but she didn’t have fever and still had her spunk.  She seemed a little off on Sunday but we thought she might just be exhausted from all of the festivities like the rest of us.

Yesterday, she told me her mouth (throat) hurt.  She woke up crying in the night and my incredibly awesome hubby left me in bed and went to check on her.  Her throat was hurting pretty bad and she was a miserable mess.

He gave her some Tylenol and got her some juice and ate popsicles with her at 10:30 last night.  Honestly, you guys, he’s the dad we all wished we had.

She woke up this morning in BAD shape.  I had a baby checkup so I took her in with me; poor girl has a nasty case of strep.  We picked up some antibiotics, a lot of different fluids and “How to Train Your Dragon” on DVD.  Here’s to hoping she’s 100% soon…and that it steers clear of the rest of us!

Sweet girl still insisted on a green mustache and bows in her hair before we left.

Love her
Love her


Yesterday, we talked about St. Patrick and the REAL meaning/reason behind St. Patrick’s day.  I was telling the kids that he was a christian missionary in Ireland and I asked Sawyer if she knew what “christian” meant.  She said a christian was someone who had Jesus in their heart and she told me that she and I and daddy had Jesus in our hearts.

Little brother piped up saying, “Jesus me heart!  Jesus me heart!”  Mine about melted…


Speaking of Wryder, he has been absolutely ravenous lately!  The boy ate all weekend until I didn’t think he could stomach another bite.  Yesterday at supper, he ate half of a ribeye, a cup of applesauce, corn on the cob, sweet potato fries, two pickles and then BEGGED for a piece of cake!  The funny part?  There was no cake anywhere around…apparently he just had a craving?!

Today, he charmed his way around the doctor’s office and hospital and scored a fruit by the foot and two suckers.  Yes, that was while he was with daddy while mom was with Sawyer.  *ahem*

He got a mustache like sister!
He got a mustache like sister!
How could you NOT shower him with goodies?!
How could you NOT shower him with goodies?!


Tonight, we’re planning on taking it easy and doing a little rearranging in the baby room while the kids watch their movie.  All of that stuff in the mudroom photo above needs to fit in the nursery or nursery closet…wish us luck!  😉

Worth 1,000 Words: Our Weekend

This girl is getting GOOD at puzzles!

With her Paw Patrol trio
With her Paw Patrol trio

She takes her time and works, works, works to get them completely finished – proud of her!  Some friends of ours in Denver had given us a whole tote of kids puzzles with 25-100 pieces and she’s been plowing through them!

Both kids are still in love with their chicks!

Look, momma!
Look, momma!
Can you see him?
Can you see him?
A little gentler...
A little gentler…
Going for a ride!
Going for a ride!
The chic crew...
The chic crew…

They still love their grown up chickens, too!  We had ice cream for fun Friday snack and they shared with their favorite chicken, Naked.

That looks yummy...
That looks yummy…
Mind if I have a bite?
Mind if I have a bite?
Eating right off the spoon
Eating right off the spoon
She's a cute one!
She’s a cute one!

There was a lot of goat playing.  Wryder helped sister feed them on Friday.

Seriously, so cute...
Seriously, so cute…
Hold on tight!
Hold on tight!
Sawyer feeding Sven
Sawyer feeding Sven

She has done SO well and been so faithful to her chores!  After we mix the milk, she feeds them all by herself twice a day; we’re proud of her work ethic!

This weekend, she worked on breaking them to lead.  They think she’s their mom so they followed pretty willingly.

A girl and her goats
A girl and her goats
Olaf wasn't cooperating too well with Bubba...
Olaf wasn’t cooperating too well with Bubba…

Sawyer got to go to a friend’s Minnie Mouse birthday party!  She looked cute as a button!

She loves punch!
She loves punch!

The weather is supposed to be so nice all week!  This morning she said she had three things she’d like to do today…shoot her gun, burn tumbleweeds and roast marshmallows!  I love my little country girl!  I’m betting we’ll get those done!  I mean, c’mon, that sounds fun for EVERYONE!


My Monday

Yesterday was just one of those really, really good days.

I woke up to find that Sawyer had snuck downstairs with daddy and cleaned up the kitchen, living room and mudroom so that I could have an “easy morning.”  Seriously, this girl’s heart is so precious.  It was TRULY a blessing!  We worked so hard this weekend (and I might have overdone it a bit) and an easy morning was just what the doctor ordered.  I was so blessed!

Then, the kids got to stay with Miss Gillian, our sweet friend and neighbor, while I had an ultrasound and baby checkup.  Both went incredibly well!

Sayble has turned into a wild woman!  For a while, she was soooooo mellow in the womb.  *ahem*  That’s changed.  She moves almost all the time.  The other night, we were laying in bed and I had my tummy to Wrex’s back and he was almost bothered by how much she was moving – ha!   Trust me, honey, I feel it too.  😉

Sucker punching me on the right, showing her knees on the left...
Sucker punching me on the right, showing her knees on the left…

Our kids LOVE Miss Gillian (as do we)!  She brought games and puzzles AND crocheted them each a pair of slippers!  Seriously, who does that? 


She helped Sawyer feed the goats and let her have juice and marshmallows after lunch – ha!  No wonder they love her!  😉  She even stuck around an extra hour and a half so I could make a quick trip to Denver.

The bestie had her baby yesterday and I got to meet him when he was less than 12 hours old!

Sweet Oliver
Sweet Oliver

Isn’t he presh?!  He was so mellow and snuggly and pink and warm…made me even more ready to hold sweet Sayble!

Auntie and Oliver
Auntie and Oliver

See what I mean?  Really good day…