Random Rambles

Up until I had kids, I much preferred “fall backward” over “spring forward.”  I mean, who wants to lose an hour of sleep?!  Well, with kids, spring forward works waaaaaaay better around here.  Since that happened a few weeks ago, Sawyer has been sleeping until 8 and Wryder until 9.  Wrex and I have been trying to at least be IN bed by 9 every night so I’ve been getting AT LEAST 10 hours of sleep at night.  It’s.  Been.  Glorious.

This Tuesday, Sawyer and daddy had teeth cleanings in North Platte that we had originally scheduled for 10 am.  His sale got cancelled so the dentist graciously allowed us to move our appointments until the afternoon…for the sleep factor, ya know?

We slept in, ate breakfast, got around and got to town in time for Wrexy to eat at his favorite Chinese food buffet.  🙂  Sawyer saw this sign in the bathroom and was just incredulous at its meaning…or what SHE thought it meant.

What the heck?!
What the heck?!

She said, “Pssh.  Mom?  What does that sign even mean?  Who would go to bed in the bathroom?”  Hysterical.  Love that girl…


She and daddy were both cavity free and got new toothbrushes and lots of compliments.  The dentist just thinks Wrex has the most wonderful teeth.  Sigh.  I’m sure I’m just a wee bit jealous.  Prior to his first visit six months ago, he hadn’t even been to a dentist in 12 years.  YEARS, people.  He still only had one cavity.  One.  And I know how much pop he drinks and how often he brushes.  He’s a dental marvel…  He told me last night that he’s pretty sure he had the same toothbrush all four years in college.  I almost threw up…for lots of reasons.

Sawyer getting her cleaning
Sawyer getting her cleaning


We’re head to Nebraska for Easter weekend so we’re going to do our little family Easter celebration this weekend.  Yesterday morning, we took some time to color and decorate some eggs.  This was Wryder’s first time and it went pretty much like I expected it to.  😉

Gosh, she's gorgeous...
Gosh, she’s gorgeous…
Gettin' a little help from daddy
Gettin’ a little help from daddy
Sister's an egg dying pro!
Sister’s an egg dying pro!
Wryder just needs a little more finesse ;)
Wryder just needs a little more finesse 😉
Double dipping
Double dipping

After we got them dyed, we decorated them with stickers and hair and pipe cleaners…

Daddy getting in on the action
Daddy getting in on the action
He really liked our morning project!
He really liked our morning project!

A lot of his turned out like this:


but that’s ok!

Our little egg creatures...
Our little egg creatures…


Sawyer helped me sort some M&M’s yesterday morning.  We’re working on stuff for Wryder’s birthday and I needed yellow, green and brown only.  She was FAST!   I was quite impressed with her sorting skills…

IMG_2656Wryder did his part by eating anything that sister snuck him or we dropped on the floor.


I got some new Jams in the mail this week – some unexpected!  I decided it was time to take the time to do mine again.  (We did Sawyer’s Monday).  I love ALL of these – so cute!

Adorable, yes?!
Adorable, yes?!


A few years ago, one of Sawyer’s sale barn buddies gave her a two dollar bill and a 50 cent piece for Christmas.  I LOVED the sentimentality behind this gift because it was something my grandparents and uncles were always prone to do for us.  In fact, there was a number of years that I was positive a 50 cent piece had my Uncle Danny’s picture on it and I referred to them as Uncle Dannys and I would use ONLY Uncle Dannys to buy my school lunches.

Last night, Wrexy brought home a set for Wryder from this same gentleman.

Too cool....
Too cool….

It’s a sweet, sweet thing when people show love to your kids…


It’s Fun Friday and we’ve got some innocent mischief to get into!  I pray you enjoy your weekend – it’s supposed to be a pretty one!

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