She’s a Funny Girl

Sawyer has said some REALLY funny things lately.  Maybe you just had to be there, but she’d had us stifling grins and giggles…and sometimes flat out belly laughing!


While trying to pray before supper, Wryder didn’t want to hold hands with me, just Wrex.  Wrex was talking to him about how we hold hands when we pray and Sawyer said, “Well, unless you have one arm that was bit off my a shark, then you can’t hold hands on both sides.”

Pretty sure this stemmed from watching this past season of The Amazing Race, which featured Bethany Hamilton…pretty sure.


In the car…

Sawyer: “Mom, who’s your favorite singer?”

Me:  “I don’t know…that’s a tough one.”

Sawyer: “What about daddy?”

Me: “I don’t know who daddy’s favorite is.  Probably George Strait?”

Sawyer: “No, I meant is daddy your favorite singer?”

Me (stifling a giggle): “Oh!  Yeah!  I do like to hear daddy sing!”

Sawyer: “Yeah, he can sing but he sure can’t dance.”


Wrexy thinks Tom Selleck is one handsome dude.  I concur.  He turned 70 the other day and someone had a side-by-side pic of him in his 40’s vs 70.  (Just so you know, he hasn’t changed much).  I was showing it to him and Sawyer looked at it and said, “That’s PaPa!”  They do look quite alike…

Handsome rascal, then and now
Handsome rascal, then and now
PaPa...or Tom Selleck's doppleganger
PaPa…or Tom Selleck’s doppleganger


Oh, she’s a funny girl!

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