If You Give a Wife a Paintbrush

If you give a wife a paintbrush, she’ll go to town and buy a gallon of paint.

Then she’ll ask you to take four doors off of the hinges and set up a painting station in the garage.

The garage will be too cold, so she’ll ask you to dig some heaters out of the basement.

Once the heaters get turned on, she’ll want to shut the door to trap the heat inside.

Now that the door is shut, she’ll need more light to be able to see to do her painting.

When you set up more lights and the garage is nice and toasty, the flies start waking up and dive bombing her work, so she’ll ask you to run interference with the air compressor.

As she paints more and more in the closed up garage, the fumes start to get really strong.

She’ll ask you to you help her finish…and you happily oblige.

The story of my Saturday…



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